Psychodynamic Theories Flashcards
What are psycho-dynamic theories
see behavior as a product of psychological forced within the individual, often outside the conscious awareness
what are five propositions to psycho-dynamic theories
most mental life is unconscious
mental process conflict each other (emotions, motivations, and thoughts)
childhood experiences
mental representation guide our sociability
learning to regulate sexual and aggressive urges
What is the unconscious
ideas, thoughts, and feelings of which we are not normally aware of
What is Id
collection of unconscious urges and desires that constantly seek oppression
What is pleasure principle
seeking immediate pleasure and to avoid pain
Where does the Id operate
operate in the unconscious mind
What does an Ego mediates
between reality, conscience (super ego), and instinctual needs (Id)
—reality principle
What levels does the Ego operate
conscious, preconscious, and unconscious 1
What is the Super Ego
the social and parental standards that have been internalized
What is the conscious
our sense of morality
What is our Ego
ideal the standard of what one would be like to be
How does a super ego develop
we are not born with it, but it develops over time
What levels do the super ego operate
conscious, preconscious, and unconscious 2
What is a defense mechanism
the anxiety produced when the ego can’t satisfy the demands of the id in a way to acceptable to the super ego
What behaviors of a defense mechanism may lead to
the anxiety can lead to uneasiness and worry
What are the types of defense mechanism
denial repression projection identification regression intellectualization reaction formation displacement sublimation
What is denial
refusal to acknowledge a painful reality
What is repression
unpleasant thoughts are excluded from unconscious
What is projection
attributes to one’s own feelings, motives, wishes to others
What is identification
taking on the characteristics of other to avoid feeling imcompetent
What is regression
reverting to childlike behavior
What is intelluctualization
thinking about stressful problems in an abstract way to detach oneself from them
What is reaction formation
expression of exaggerated idea and emotions that are opposite of true feelings
What is displacement shifts
repressed motives from an original object to a substitute object
What is sublimation
redirecting repressed motives and feelings into socially acceptable activities
What is the idea behind the culture-bound ideas and the
Evaluation on psychodynamic theories
freud made no connection between women’s subordinate status in society and their sense of inferiority
they are largely untestable scientifically