Psychodynamic Approah Of Dream Flashcards
What is the overview of psychoanalytic theory ?
2 unconscious drives , 3 components of personality , 5 stages of psychosexual development & 4 treatments
What are two drives ( unconscious)?
-Thanatos (aggression & death instinct) -Eros (sex drive & lust)
What are the 3 components of personality ?
-Id ( unconscious- pleasure principle) - ego (conscious - reality principle) - superego ( unconscious- Morality principle)
What is the ego defence mechanisms ?
Conflict between I’d & superego -conscious ego protected by defence mechanisms (repression, displacement, regression )
What are the 5 stages of psychosexual development?
Oral , anal , phallic , latent & genital (pleasure centres change, conflict at each stage , resolve conflict or become fixated & adult behaviours fixate or conflict)
What are treatments (of conflicts)?
Hypnosis , free association, parapraxis & dream analysis
What was the interpretation of dreams (1900) ?
Represented contents of the day are pushed in to unconscious , dreams help in the resolution of unconscious conflict & dreams act as a safe release of emotional steam
What are the dreams 2 functions ?
1) allow the release of potentially dangerous energy which would otherwise lead to insanity 2) they protect the sleeper from irrational urges comming from id
What does latent contest mean ?
Underlying meaning of dream, often sexual arousal during dreams indicates hidden urges being manifest
What does day residue mean ?
Content of the day emerges in dream content
Why does manifest content mean ?
Remembered story line of dream
Describe latent content ?
All symbolism has to be translated by an analyst , many images can fit into the existing context of day , there are no universal symbols but are individual , dreamer cannot offer any associations by themselves as guided by their unconscious
What does the wish fulfilment mean ( Freud & jung)
Dreams are mainly wish fulfilment what we would like to happen
Dream work ( how do we protect our self ) ? (5)
Displacement, projection , symbolisation , condensation , rationalisation
What does displacement mean ?
When the Deere for one thing or person is symbolised by something else ( this disguises the emotional meaning of the latent content )
What is projection ?
This happens when the dreamer propels their own desires and wants on to another person
What is dream work ?
Is broad term used to describe the exploration & incorption or dreams in psychotherapy
What are common dreams mean ?
Often relate to current concerns , can invole things that could go wrong & can be straightforward wish fulfilment
What is the interpretation of dreams (1900) Freud
By Freud , wish fulfilment theory & unconscious allowed to express drives freely in dreams
What are anxious dreams
Are an expression of a conflict between the ego & id , they are products of infantile sexual memories
What is psychoanalysis?
The job of the analyst is to reverse this process and reveal the latent (real) meaning of dream
What is symbolisation ?
Symbols censor the repressed ideas contained in the dream by including objects that are meant to symbolise the latent content of dream ( dreamers repressed urges or suppressed desires are acted out metaphorically)
What is rationalisation ?
Is regarded as the final stage of dreamwork, the dreaming man organise an incoherent dream into one that is more comprehensible and logical ( also known as secondary revision)
What are strengths of Freud dream theory ?
, dreams do tell us great deal bout the way the dreamer I feeling & pet scan show the rational bran is switched off during dreaming while the forebrain ( so no ego but I’d)