Psychodynamic Approach & Freud Flashcards
Who was Sigmund Freud?
Founder of Psychodynamic approach (which means any theory that emphasises individual change/development)
He argued behaviour is due to psychological.
What are the basic assumptions?
-The unconscious mind is thought to drive behaviour.
-Instincts are thought to motivate behaviour - innate drive.
-Early childhood experiences are reflected in our adult behaviour.
What is the role of the unconscious mind?
Explained as in iceberg.
-Conscious mind is tip of the iceberg.
-Preconscious mind, memories we could remember if we tried.
-Unconscious mind, memories we are unaware of.
(we know)
Facts about the unconscious mind (Freud)?
He says most of our mind is made up of the unconscious.
Everyday action is thought to be controlled by unconscious mind:
-Freudian slips (teacher=mum)
-Neurotic symptoms (anxiety,jealousy)
Contains threatening and disturbing memories that have been repressed - forgotten.
What is the structure of personality?
-3 parts (tripartite system)
-early experiences are thought to be vital in shaping personality and how we behave
-all 3 parts demand gratification and they are frequently contact.
What is the Id?
-primitive parts of personality
-present at birth, develops over 18 months
-operates on pleasure principle, Id gets what it wants
-entirely selfish and demands instant gratification
What is the ego?
-develops between 18months and 3years
-operates on the reality principle and is the mediator of Id-superego
-role is to reduce conflict between the demands of Id-superego
-does this thru defence mechanisms, they offer ego protection to ensure neither ‘force’ is dominant
What is the superego?
-internalised sense of right/wrong
-develops between 3-6 years and is formed at end of phallic stage
-operates on morality principle:
represents moral standards of child’s same-sex parent and punished ego for wrong doing
-strives for the ego ideal which determined by strict parenting
What are defence mechanisms?
-distort reality and reduce anxiety
-anxiety weakens ego and it can’t mediate
-aka superego defence mechanisms
What is repression?
Defence mechanism
-blocking unpleasant memories
What is denial?
Defence mechanism
refusal to accept reality
What is displacement?
Defence mechanism
redirecting of emotions into other objects or people
What is the Psychosexual stages?
-instincts drive our unconscious mind so dictates the stages we experience
-underlying drive is sexual and pleasure comes from release of tension due to build of sexual energy
-pleasure manifests itself depending on stage child is at
-each stage marked by different conflict that child must resolve in order to progress successfully into the next stage
-strict parents vs overindulgence in each stage can cause fixation, because the psychosexual conflict is unresolved which leads to child becoming stuck. They then carry certain behaviours and conflicts from that stage into adult life
(stages) What is oral?
-0-1 years
-focus of pleasure is the mouth, mothers breast is object of desire
-consequence is oral fixation such as smoking, biting nails, sarcastic, critical
What is Anal?
-1-3 years
-focus of pleasure is anus, child gains pleasure from withholding and expelling faeces
-consequences is anal retentive, meaning perfectionist and obsessive
-and anal exclusive meaning thoughtless and messy