Psychodynamic Approach (Definitions) Flashcards
Important Definitions for Psychodynamic Approach In Psychology - AS Level Edexcel Psychology.
What does it mean? Or what is it?
Recall of a traumatic event, or the feelings linked to it, are unconsciously blocked, hiding the painful memory.
What does it mean? Or what is it?
The redirection of an emotion from the cause to another object.
What does it mean? Or what is it?
An outright refusal to admit or recognise that something has occurred or is currently occurring.
What does it mean? Or what is it?
Denied feelings are replaced by adoption of an attitude that is the opposite of our genuine feelings.
What does it mean? Or what is it?
The “explaining away” of uncomfortable thoughts in a logical manner in order to master them.
What does it mean? Or what is it?
Taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people.
What does it mean? Or what is it?
Abandoning coping strategies and reverting to patterns of behaviour used earlier during childhood development.
What does it mean? Or what is it?
Redirecting negative energy to something positive.