Psychodynamic Approach Flashcards
Describe the tripartite personality
The tripartite personality describes that you are driven to actions through 3 things in your psyche
Id is the pleasure principle. It is the part of the psyche that demands immediate satisfaction of needs. Existing within the unconscious it is innate (inborn;natural) and we are unaware of it.
Superego is the morality principle that deals with making us feel guilt. It exists in both all three parts of the mind
Ego is the reality principle that commands the constant battle between Id and Superego it is in our conscious.
What is the anal stage; what happens
The Anal Stage: 1-3 years Ego development Libido focused on the anus potty training Healthy development leads to the ability to give or take gifts at will. Fixation:Anally expulsive (over gratification) messy, reckless, rebellious have been allowed too much freedom during potty training and are inconsiderate of others points of views, used to getting what they want Anally retentive (under gratification) neat, stingy and precise as they were punished too much during potty training so have fixated to be perfectionists
What is the latent stage;what happens?
Latency: six to puberty
Fixation does not occur libido interests are suppressed; sexual energy is still present however is directed towards developing the self socially and communication is developed.
What is the genital stage; what happens?
The genital stage is the final stage puberty +
The libido is focused on the genitals where sexual pleasure is observed
Fixation does not occur at this stage
Development in previous stages will fluctuate result here people are well adjusted
What are the 5 stages of psychosexual development?
Oral Anal Phallic Latent Genital
What is the Phallic Stage; what happens?
Phallic Stage: three to six years superego develops
Libido focused on the genitals ego and Id fully formed
Superego develops at the resolution of The Oedipus complex (castration anxiety) as the boy becomes more like his father he therefore substitutes his desire for his mother with the desirefor other women or The Electra complex (penis envy) which develops as she identifies with her mother in order to take her father and penis desire is replaced with the want for a baby
Gender identity
Unhealthy development ( phallic fixation) leads to someone reckless and self assured orwith a punititive superego. Gender difficulties
What is the oral stage; what happens?
The Oral Stage: Birth to 1 year only Id present (innate)
Libido focused on the mouth breast feeding/ suckling
Healthy development builds trust and a good relationship with food
Orally aggressive (under gratification)leads to suspicious envious pessimistic characters as they become manipulative as they continually seek the oral gratification they were denied
Orally Receptive (over gratification) leads to optimists who are overly dependant in others and resist maturity to independence
What are the ego defence mechanisms
RatherRudeSillySodsDon'tReallyRememberDefence MechanismsPerfectly Regression Reaction Formation Supression Sublimation Denial Rationalism Repression Displacement Projection
What is sublimation?
Channelling negative emotions and converting them into something positive such as excersise
What is reaction formation?
Reacting in contrast to your unconscious impulses e.g. Being very nice to someone you hate
What is suppression?
It is the conscious attempt to not think about or forget something has happened e.g. Moving on from a broken relationship
What is repression
The unconscious pushing of painful memories deep into the unconscious so as to be forgotten e.g. Not remembering childhood abuse
What is repression
The unconscious pushing of painful memories deep into the unconscious so as to be forgotten e.g. Not remembering childhood abuse
What is regression
Reverting back to childish behaviours such as thumb sucking
What is displacement
Transferring negative emotions onto a previously neutral target;taking it out on somebody else