psychobiology of substance use disorders Flashcards
Liking theories
initial use of drugs is motivated by …
acute hedonic effects (the rush)
addicts become dependent on them and have memories of this past pleasure
relapse is determined by the memory for hedonic effects
Dopamine is a ______
released by ______
produced in the______
monoamine neurotransmitter
rewarding experiences
made in the substantia nigra and VTA
severity of addiction IS or ISNT clearly linked to degree of pleasure?
chronic drug use leads to brain adaptations/changes which underlie _______ symptoms
withdrawal relief theory
absence of drug leads to unpleasant symptoms in chronic users
use of drug or relapse is to ESCAPE from unpleasant withdrawal symptoms = negative reinforcement
withdrawal relief is a type of ______ conditioning?
operant conditioning
modification of behavior due to CONSEQUENCES
- Positive reinforcement = action is followed by a pleasurable stimuli = increases behavior
- negative reinforcement = removal of negative stimulus
- –> both have rewarding effect and increase behavior

_____ association between severity of withdrawal and relapse
opponent process theory
subjective experience is a summation of “a” process (+ valence) and opposing/homeostatic “b” process (- valence)
- Summation of the a- and b-processes creates the final subjectively experienced state felt by the person
- The resulting experience is called the A-state when the summed effect is pleasantly drug-like (a-process > b-process) and the B-state when it is unpleasantly drug-opposite (b-process > a-process)
- The b-process is manifest first as mild decay of the drug’s high after the initial peak (A-state decay). Later if the drug is taken again the b-process is strengthened and manifest as tolerance to drug euphoria (reduced A-state)
- b process increases over time (decreases pleasure experienced)
- Finally, unpleasant withdrawal is caused when drug effects wear off because the sluggish b-process is posited to last longer than the a-process (B-state)
motivational corruption theories
drugs hijack the motivational system
incentive-sensitization theory
different brain systems underlying wanting and liking
early on = liking; later in drug career, liking effects decrease and wanting become primary motivation
- Individual ends up Wanting drugs far irregardless of how much they like drugs
pleasure integrator + incentive salience attributor + associative learning system
wanting versus liking
subjective pleasure (liking) goes __
incentive value (wanting) goes ___
over time, subjective pleasure decreases and incentive value increases
Berridge is associated with what theory?
incentive-sensitization (liking/wanting)
cognitive biases
exaggerated processing of drug-related cues in addicts (but NOT non-users)
attentional bias
drug users cant help but notice drug cues in their environment
high attentional bias responds to mostly drug cues
low attentional bias responds to mostly neutral cues
habit learning theories
initial use is motivated by acute hedonic effects (mesolimbic)
over time with addiction, activity is increased in the DA pathway from substantia nigra to dorsal striatum (HABIT network)
the marshmallow test
test of self control (deferred gratification)
Place a child at a table with a desired food in front of him or her
Tell the child he/she may eat a one item right now OR wait until the experimenter returns and get two items
See how long the child waits
predicts SAT, BMI, behavioral issues, stress management, interpersonal relationships, drug use
deficits in inhibitory control are due to deficits in____
prefrontal cortex (mesocortical pathway = VTA to PFC)
iRISA model
Impaired (i) Response Inhibition (RI) & Salience Attribution (SA)
–Deficits in prefontal cortex (PFC) in addicts vs control
↓ PFC grey matter (medial orbitofrontal cortex)
↓ Activation of anterior cingulate cortex
↓ D2 receptor availability in PFC leads to hypoactive PFC (brake is broken)
Unclear: do PFC deficits precede addiction or are a consequence ?