Psychobiology Flashcards
Adrenal cortex
Outer portion of adrenal gland.
Secretes stress-related hormones.
Aldosterone, cortisol.
Neurotransmitter: Allows neurons to communicate with each other.
Controls: attention, arousal in CNS; activates muscles in PNS.
Deficiency: Memory loss.
Inhibitory hormone.
Location: Digestive tract, CNS, pineal gland, blood platelets.
Controls: Mood, sleep, sexual desire, learning and memory.
Deficiency: Depression, aggression.
Part of the neuron.
Tube-like structure.
Transmits information from cell body to terminal buttons using electrical signals.
Somatosensory cortex
Location: Parietal lobe.
Signals come from spinal cord, brain stem and thalamus.
Processes touch signals, including pain and temperature.
Episodic memory
Part of declarative, implicit memory.
Enables recollection of specific autobiographical events.
Memories are time and space related.
Temporal summation
Single presynaptic neuron fires many times in succession.
Causes postsynaptic neuron to reach threshold and fire.
Results in larger than normal response.
Orientation column
Location: Primary visual cortex.
Vertical piece of striate cortex.
Reactive to stimulants of same orientation.
Anterograde amnesia
Loss of ability to create new memories.
Allows recollection of long-term memories from before amnesia.
Opposite of retrograde amnesia.
Location: Medial temporal lobe.
Almond-shaped mass of nuclei.
Part of limbic system.
Controls: Emotion, fear, pleasure, memory.
Damage: Anxiety, autism, PTSD, phobias.
Electrically-insulating, fatty layer around axons.
Allows information to travel faster from cell body to terminal buttons.
Prevents signals from traveling to unintended neurons.
Corpus callosum
Thick bundle of neural fibres.
Runs through middle of brain, separating hemispheres.
Facilitates inter-hemispheric communication of motor, sensory and cognitive information.
Broca’s aphasia
Damage to Broca’s area, left frontal side of brain.
Spoken and written language is severely impaired.
May be able to read and understand speech.
Synaptic vesicle
Location: Inside axon, near presynaptic membrane.
Secretory vesicle containing neurotransmitters.
Releases contents into synaptic cleft after receiving nerve impulse from synaptic button.
Location: Below thalamus, above brainstem.
Part of limbic system.
Links nervous system to endocrine system via pituitary gland.
Controls: Metabolism, ANS, hormone secretion, homeostasis, temperature, hunger and thirst, sleep.
Henry Molaison. Suffered global amnesia at 27 after removal of hippocampi, but left intelligence intact.
Retrograde amnesia for a few years before operation.
Played important role in development of theories linking brain function and memory, and cognitive neuropsychology.
Taught us: Short term memories do not require hippocampus. Hippocampus is required to convert short term memories into long term storage, but not for retrieval.
Dopamine antagonist.
Anti-psychotic; used to treat schizophrenia and manic bi-polar.
Revolutionised treatment of severe mental illnesses.
Pure word blindness / Alexia without agraphia
Alexia: Cuts off information flow between visual cortex and left angular gyrus.
Usually results from brain lesion or congenital defect.
Loss of ability to read or understand written word; can not claim words from memory.
Maintains ability to write, spell and speak.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Measures brain activity by detecting associated changes in blood flow.
Non-invasive; does not involve radiation; excellent spatial resolution; good temporal resolution.
Drugs that target beta receptors found on SNS (Propranolol).
Blocks release of stress hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline).
Used to treat anxiety-related illnesses.
Negative symptoms
Thoughts, feelings or behaviours normally present that are absent or diminished.
Often linked with schizophrenia.
Social withdrawal; apathy; poverty of speech; inability to experience pleasure; limited emotional expression; defective attention control.
Neurotransmitter controlling brain reward and pleasure centres.
Regulates movement and emotional responses.
Essential to normal functioning of CNS.
Deficiency: Parkinson’s disease.