Psychoanalytical theories of personality Flashcards
What is psychic determinism?
Everything in the mind of an individual has a cause and this cause can be identified.
What are the three levels of consciousness?
- Conscious.
- Preconscious.
- Unconscious.
Describe the conscious level of consciousness.
This is the part of the mind that holds all the thoughts and feelings that you’re currently aware of.
Describe the preconscious level of consciousness.
Your memory and stored knowledge – any piece of information that can readily be brought into the conscious.
Describe the unconscious level of consciousness.
Part of the mind that is not directly accessible to awareness. Freud believed this to be the largest part of the human mind.
Describe the Id. (3)
- We are born with it and it contains our drives and urges.
- Operates on the pleasure principle.
- Dominates in infancy.
Describe the superego. (3)
- Develops around the age of 5.
- Reflects the values, morals and ideals of society.
- Part of personality that makes us feel guilty or ashamed when we do something ‘wrong’ and proud when we do something ‘right’.
Describe the ego. (3)
- The ego is the conscious and logical part of personality.
- Strives to satisfy the id’s desires.
- Develops of strategies for solving problems and obtaining satisfaction.
What was Freud’s theory of development called?
Theory of psychosexual development.
What were Freud’s five psychosexual stages?
- Oral.
- Anal.
- Phallic.
- Latency.
- Genital.
Describe the oral stage. (2)
- Pleasure mainly through the mouth.
- Too little gratification = a personality this is overly dependent on others. Too much gratification = an excessively hostile personality.
Describe the anal stage. (2)
- Toilet training conflicts.
- Anal expulsive = child who rebels against going to the toilet. Translates as an adult who sees messiness as a statement of personal control.
Anal retentive = child who is terrified of making a mess and rebels passively. As adults stubborn and excessively neat.
Describe the phallic stage. (6)
- Genitals are now the source of pleasure.
- Freud believed that the penis was the focus for both boys and girls.
- Penis envy = girls become aware that they do not have penises, leading to feelings of deficiency.
- Castration anxiety = boys respond to girls lacking a penis by becoming anxious about losing theirs.
- Oedipal conflict = boys develop a sexual attachment to their mothers.
- Electra complex = parallel process happening in girls.
Describe the latency stage.
- A resting period.
- The child’s energies are focussed on socialisation and learning.
- Defence mechanisms develop to cope with the anxiety caused by conflicts between the id, ego and superego.
Describe the genital stage. (1)
Puberty reawakens the child’s sexual energy.
Describe the relationship between libido and fixation.
If an excessive amount of libido is tied to a particular stage, fixation occurs.
Describe one technique to reveal the unconscious?
Free association - person is asked to relax and say whatever comes to mind.
Therapist looks for slips of the tongue or inappropriate reactions.
Freud believed the topics were determined by unconscious conflict.
What did Freud believe the purpose of dreams was?
To satisfy urges and fulfil unconscious desires.
What is the difference between manifest and latent content of dreams?
Manifest - what the dream actually contains.
Latent - what the dream represents.
Name three limitations of the psychoanalytical approach.
- Relied primarily on the case study method as Freud did not believe in experimentation.
- Freud’s view of women has been criticised as he believed they are weaker than men due to development of weaker superegos.
- Draws conclusions about the structure of normal personality based on observations of mainly neurotic patients.
How did Erik Ericson develop Freud’s theory? (2)
- Focus shifted from the id to the ego.
- Aim is to establish a secure identity.