Psychoanalytical Flashcards
What does this theory say about people?
Outlook on determinism, maintains that personality is fixed by age six.
People don’t have free will and they are determined by unconscious desires and behaviours to do with sex, agression, love or death.
What is the conscious?
rational reality awareness
beliefs, rational identity, decisions
What is preconscious?
habits, denial, habitual repetitive patterns, these are readily accessable.
What is unconcious?
contains the most information
effects how we are as people, but no aware of how we are like that
Dreams of symbolic representations of unconscious needs, inner conflicts, unfulfilled wishes, ID - superego conflicts, slip of the tongue, free association material, symbol context of psychotic syptoms and repression.
What is the freudian psychoanalytical model of personality?
The child
‘i want’
The Adult
“I will”
The Parent
“I should”
What is the function of the ID?
ruled by the pleasure principle, avoid pain and gain pleasure.
What is the function of the EGO?
Ruled by reality principle
Controls impulses in the world from ID, the mediator of the personalities
Exhibits rational intelligence
Distinguishes between inner and outer reality of experience
What is the function of the SUPEREGO?
Ruled by the “moral principle”
Morality, may not be rational
What are all of the stages of Freudian psychosocial development?
Oral: safety, love, fear can create mistrust and rejection
Anal: power, control, autonomy, learning, independence
Phallic: sexual attitudes, gender identification, emerging sexuality
latent: development of social skills, friends, social identity
Genital: core characteristics of mature adulthood.
What does the theory state about development?
People need to resolve past stages in order to develop well into the next stages.
Where do problems stem from and what are the three forms of anxiety inherent in the theory?
From within people, early childhood as well as conflict in internal personalities.
Reality anxiety: reactions to real threats from the external environment.
Moral anxiety: arising from the potential violation of the individual conscious (ego, id, superego)
Neurotic anxiety: Generated when instinctual urges (ID) threaten to surface levels of consciousness and pose a danger to ego integrity.
What is the purpose of ego defence mechanisms?
normalise behaviour to help cope with anxiety
helps person moderate anxiety
Parent ego from being overwhelmed
Protect the ego.
attributing unacceptable behaviour to others
Reaction formulation
expressing the opposite.
Diverting unacceptable sexual energy into positive outlets.
Internalising values from parents or teachers.
mashing perceived weakness making up from limitations
exclusion from awareness
denial or distortion of reality, fear of ego overwhelm
revert to an earlier stage of life
finding reason for explaining a bruised ego
Loss of personal identity
shift to safer target
How does this theory support change?
Release past emotion leading to catharsis
Bringing the subconscious to the conscious
Challenge ego defence mechanisms
Free-association so people free suppressed ideas.
Free association
facilitation of uncensored revelation of clients thoughts and feelings
dream analysis
latent content of clients dream
working through clients personal reactions to the therapist
therapists processing of his/her reaction to clients
evidence of clients avoidance to develop
therapists offering a deeper meaning and explanation to client revelations.