Psychoanalytic Flashcards
Death instincts
Unconscious wish to die, or hurt themselves or others.
Sigmund Freud
Untamed drives or impulses that might be likened to the biological component (pleasure principle)
Attempts to organize and mediate between the Id and the reality of dangers posed by the Id’s impulses (reality principle)
Internalized social component, largely rooted in what the person imagines to be the expectations of parental figures (mediator)
Life instincts
Sexual instincts, the drive to live and basic instinctual impulses.
Stores experiences, memories and repressed material
Feeling of dread that results from repressed feelings, memories, desires, and experience that emerge to the surface of awareness.
Reality anxiety
Fear of danger from the external world, and the level of anxiety is proportionate to the degree of real threat
Neurotic anxiety
Fear that the instincts will get out of hand and cause one to do something for which one will be punished.
Moral anxiety
Fear of ones own conscience.
Ego-defense mechanism
Help individuals cope with anxiety and prevent the ego from being overwhelmed.
Psychosexual stages
Refer to Freudian chronological phases of development, beginning in infancy.
Transference relationship
Refers to the transfer of feelings originally experienced in an early relationship to other important people in a person’s present environment
Free association
Say whatever comes to mind without self-censorship.
Clients unconscious shifting to the analyst of feelings and fantasies that are reactions to significant others in the client’s past.
When therapist loses objectivity in relationship because their own conflicts are triggered.
Analytical Psychology
An elaborate explanation of human nature that combines idea from history, mythology, anthropology, and religion.
Animus (Anima)
The biological and psychological aspects of masculinity and femininity, which are thought to coexist in both sexes.