Psychiatry Flashcards
Affective/Mood Disorders
Disorders of mental status and function where altered mood is a core feature
- Depression
- Mania
- Bipolar disorder
Primary problem or secondary to other disorder (e.g. cancer, dementia, drug misuse, medical Tx - steroids)
Affective disorder features
- Persistence of symptoms (>2 weeks)
- Pervasiveness of symptoms
- Degree of impairment
- Presence of specific symptoms
Mental state characterised by:
- Low mood
- Loss of interest/enjoyment
- Neurovegetative disturbance
- Reduced energy causing social/occupational dysfunction
Depression Aetiology
Genetic-environment interaction
- F > M
- Stressors: unemployment, financial, relationships
Medical causes
- Traumatic brain injury
- Post-natal
- TH abnormalities
- Chronic conditions: cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, MS
- Delirium
IC-10 Depression
- Criteria
- Severity
> 2 weeks
No mania
No psychoactive substance or organic mental disorder
General criteria:
- Depressed mood (abnormal)
- Loss of interest/pleasure
- Decreased energy or increased fatigue
Additional criteria
- Loss of confidence
- Guilt
- Thoughts of suicide
- Decreased concentration
- Agitation/retardation
- Sleep disturbance
- Change in appetite
Mild: total 4
Moderate: total 6
Severe (automatic severe if psychosis): total 8
Somatic syndrome
Cluster of depressive syndromes
- Anhedonia
- Lack of emotion
- Waking 2 hours early
- Worse in morning
- Psychomotor changes
- Marked loss of appetite/weight
- Marked loss of libido
Depression measurement tools
- PHQ-9
Depression management
Antidepressants (continue for further 6 months after successful)
- TCAs
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Psychological treatments:
- Interpersonal therapy
- Psychotherapy
- Family therapy
Physical treatments:
- Electrocompulsive therapy (ECT)
- Psychosurgery
Pathological mental state that causes unreasonable euphoria, very intense moods, hyperactivity and delusions
Mania features
- Grandiose ideas
- Disinhibition
- Loss of judgement
- Elated
IC-10 Hypomania
- No psychosis
- Mild elevation of mood for several days
- Increased energy
- Marked feeling of wellbeing
- Increased sociability, talkativeness and overfamiliarity
- Increased libido
- Decreased sleep
- Irritability
- Reduced concentration
- Creativity
- Mild overspending
IC-10 Mania
Elevated hypomania symptoms
- With or without psychosis
- Severe enough to disrupt ordinary work and social activities
Mania measurement tools
Admission - safety
SCID, SCAN, YMRS (young mania rating scale)
Mania management
- Olanzapine
- Risperidone
- Quetiapine
Mood stabilisers
- Sodium valproate
- Lamotrigine
- Carbamazepine
Bipolar disorder
Repeated (2+) episodes of depression AND mania
- Genetic link (young)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Focuses on how our thoughts relate to our feelings and behaviours
- Identify, assess and change
- Challenge unrealistic/unhelpful thoughts
Behavioural Activation
Focuses on avoided activities (depression)
- Activity scheduling
Interpersonal Therapy
Focuses on interpersonal events
- Link depressive symptoms with IP event
- Goal -> reduce symptoms and improve IP function
Motivational Interviewing
Promotes behaviour change in wide range of health care settings
- More effective than advice giving/commanding
- Indication: unmotivated patient
- Prochaska and DiClemente stages of change: pre-contemplation, contemplation, planning/determination, action, maintenance
Phobic anxiety disorders
Stress response in a particular circumstance
- +/- anticipatory anxiety
- Agoraphobia (leaving home)
- Social phobia
- Specific/isolated phobia (spiders, germs)
Anxiety disorders symptoms
Psychological arousal:
- Nervousness
- Fearful anticipation
- Irritability
Autonomic arousal:
- Palpitations
- Sweating
- Blushing (social)
Muscle tension:
- Tremor
- Headache
Hyperventilation, SOB
Sleep disturbance
Panic attack
Phobic anxiety disorder management
- Education and advice
- Antidepressants: SSRIs
Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)
Stress response which occurs persistently (several months)
- Not confined to situation/object
- Aetiology: stressor acting on predisposed personality (genetic and environmental factors)
Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) Management
- Counselling
- Relaxation training
- Antidepressants
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Recurrent obsessions
- Thoughts: unpleasant, distressing, not willed
- Acts: not helpful, seen to prevent harm to self/others
- Anxiety worsens with incompletion of tasks
Genetic: SHT receptor genes
OCD Management
- Education and explanation
- Antidepressants: SSRIs, TCAs
- Psychosurgery
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Delayed reaction to a stressor of exceptional severity
- E.g. combat, assault, disaster, or witness to above
Vulnerability factors:
- Mood disorder
- Previous trauma
- Lack of social support
- Female
Susceptibility partly genetic
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Features
- Hyperarousal
- Persistent anxiety
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Poor concentration - Re-experiencing phenomena
- Intense, intrusive images - Avoidance of reminders
- Emotional blunting
- Anhedonia
- Cue avoidance
- Recall difficulties
- Diminishes interests
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Management
Screened (1/12 after)
Trauma-focused CBT
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Medication: antidepressants (SSRIs, TCAs)