Psychiatry Flashcards
Define psychosis
Interruption from reality
- may affect thought process, thought content, behaviours and/or perceptions
- manifested by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts and behaviours, or failed reality testing
- > sx not dx
Define delusion
Fixed false beliefs that fall outside cultural norms
What is schizophrenia characterized by?
- positive sx - delusions, hallucinations
- negative sx - affective blunting, anhedonia, abolition, alogia
- cognitive impairment - attention, concentration, processing speed, learning, memory, executive function
Age of onset of psychosis in schizophrenia?
late teens to mid-30s
- earlier for men
Genetic risk of schizophrenia?
50% when both parents affected
60-84% monozygotic twins
Environmental factors re: schizophrenia?
- perinatal events
- obstetric complications
- social stressors
Neurotransmitters re: schizophrenia
- hyperdopaminergic state in D2 striata system = + sx
- hypodopaminergic state in prefrontal D1 system = cognitive deficits
- monoamine receptors (serotonin, histamine, muscarinic, alpha-adrenergic) = - sx
- Ach related to high use of tobacco
- glutamate and GABA related to some behavioural and cognitive sx
Most common anatomical finding in schizophrenia?
- enlargement of the ventricles
+/- reduced frontal lobe activation - functional circuit disruption (vs. localized dysfunction)
Ddx psychosis -> psychotic disorders
- schizophrenia
- shizophreniform
- brief psychotic disorder
- delusional disorder
- schizoaffective disorder
Ddx psychosis
- psychotic
- mood + psychotic features (MDD, bipolar I)
- mental retardation
- autism spectrum
- personality (Schizotypal, schizoid, borderline, paranoid)
- malingering, factitious
- substance abuse
- rx medications (e.g. steroids)
- toxins
General medical conditions
- CNS - lesions, infections, seizures, strokes
- Systemic illness - autoimmune, metabolic, endocrine, vitamin deficiency, sepsis
Baseline investigations for schizophrenia
- CBC, lytes, Cr, BUN, LFTs, TSH
- fasting plasma glucose
- lipid panel
- toxicology screen
- syphilis, HIV
+/- head CT, MRI (re: structural brain abnormalities)
clinical screening for chromosome 22q11
Timeline re: brief psychotic vs. schizophreniform vs. schizophrenia
<1mo = brief psychotic disoder 1-6mo = schizophreniform disorder >6mo = schizophrenia
Diagnosis for pt with only delusions but not much functional impairment?
Delusional disorder
Diagnosis for pt with psychosis plus mood sx with periods lasting at least 2wk of only psychosis and no mood BUT mood sx at least half the time of illness?
Schizoaffective disorder
Diagnosis for pt with psychosis plus mood sx but NO periods of at least 2wk of only psychosis and no mood?
Depression with psychosis
Bipolar I with psychosis
Criteria A for schizophrenia
At least 2 of the following:
- delusions
- hallucinations
- disorganized speech
- disorganized behaviour
- -> at least 1 mo and with impairment lasting at least 6mo
Atypical antipsychotic advantages vs. disadvantages
- less chance of extrapyramidal sx and tardive dyskinesias
- increased metabolic s/e
When can clozapine be tried?
- after 2 failed trials of different antipsychotics (6-8wk optimized therapeutic dose)
What is the most efficacious medication to treat schizophrenia? What are the s/e?
- regular and consistent monitoring re: agranulocytosis, seizures, myocarditis
Typical antipsychotics
- indications
- CI
- adverse
High potency - haloperidol
- indications: positive sx, pregnancy
- CI: preexisting movement disorder/ TD
- adverse: higher risk EPS/TD; hyperprolactinemia
Low potency - chlorpromazine, thioridazine
- indications: positive sx
- CI: preexisting movement disorder/ TD
- adverse: lower risk EPS/TD; postural hypotension, sedation, anticholinergic (blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, dry as a bone, red as a beet, hot as a hare)
Atypical antipsychotics
- indications
- CI
- adverse
- E.g. olanzapine, resperidone, clozapine, quetiapine, aripiprazole
- indications: positive or negative or cognitive sx; preexisting movement disorders sensitivity (quetiapine or clozapine); treatment refractory (clozapine); suicidality (clozapine)
CI: diabetes (relative) - adverse: low risk EPS/TD; weight gain/ hyperglycemia/ hyperlipidemia/ diabetes/ sedation; agranulocytosis (clozapine - need weekly CBC x6mo then >biweekly CBC); prolonged QT interval (esp. quetiapine - need ECG monitoring)
Psychosocial treatment for management of psychotic/ thought disorders?
Supportive therapy
Define mania
Period of severe and sustained elevated mood that leads to disturbed behaviour and function
+/- psychotic sx
hypomania if elevation in mood less severe or more brief
Prevalence bipolar disorder and median age of onset
Bipolar I = 0.6%
Bipolar II = 0.4%
Subthreshold disorders = 1.4%
Median age of onset 25yr
Ddx mania/hypomania
- Bipolar disorders (bipolar I or II; cyclothymic)
- Anxiety
- Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, schizoaffective, delusional disorder)
- Borderline PD
- substances (stimulants, EtOH, hallucinogens)
- medications (antidepressants, dopamine agonists, steroids)
General medical conditions
- infectious (HIV, tertiary syphilis)
- neurological (stroke, traumatic brain injury, tumor, seizures, multiple sclerosis)
- systemic (hyperthyroid, thryotoxicosis, Cushing, SLE)
Investigations mania
- CBC, lytes, BUN, Cr, LFTs, TSH
- fasting blood glucose
- B12/folate
- urinalysis, urine drug screen
+/- neurologic consultation
Dx mania
- abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood and increased goal-directed activity or energy for at least 1wk (or any duration if hospitalized)
at least 3 sx (4 if mood only irritable) - GSTPPAID
- grandiosity
- sleep decreased
- talkativeness
- pleasure activities with painful consequences
- pressured speech
- activity level increased
- ideas (flight of)
- distractible
mood causes marked impairment
sx not due to substance or medical condition
- evidence for bipolar I if sx after treatment or drugs but sx continued after tx d/c
Dx hypomania
- criterion 1 of manic episode met but duration at least 4d
- criteria 2 and 4 manic episode met
- episodes associated with uncharacteristic decline in functioning observable by others
Bipolar I vs II Disorder
Bipolar I
- one manic episode, commonly accompanied by MDE but not MDE not required
- not due to schizophrenia, schizophreniform, schizoaffective, delusional or other psychotic disorder
Bipolar II
- at least one MDE and at least one hypomanic episode without past manic episode
- condition not schizophrenia, schizophreniform, schizoaffective, delusional or other psychotic disorder
Dx cyclothymia
- numerous periods of hypomanic and depressive sx but not meeting criteria for MDE for at least 2yr (one year in kids, adolescents), never without sx more than 2mo
- no MDE, no manic or mixed episodes and no evidence of psychosis
- not due to general medical condition or substances
- sx cause clinically significant distress or impairment
Pharm tx mania
- risperidone
- olanzapine
- aripiprazole
- asenapine
- ziprazidone
- resperidone IM
- divalproex
Pharm tx mania and depression
Pharm tx depression in bipolar
- Lamotrigine
- (Lithium or Divaproex) + (SSRI or bupropion)
- Olanzapine + SSRI
- Lithium + Divalproex
Is depression the leading cause of disability worldwide?
Define mental disorder
- syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion, regulation, or behaviour that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biologic, or developmental processes underlying mental functioning
Main neurotransmitters involved in depression?
- serotonin
- norepinephrine
- dopamine
Main neuropeptides in depression? Roles?
- somatostatin
- neuropeptide Y
Act as cotransmitters
Ddx depression
- depressive disorders (MDD, persistent depressive disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder)
- bipolar disorders (bipolar I and II, cyclothymic)
- psychotic disorders
- adjustment disorder with depressed mood
- dementia
Substance of medication induced
- medications
- substances (EtOH, CNS depressants; stimulant withdrawal)
General medical conditions
- chronic illness, endocrine (adrenal, thyroid), malignancy, metabolic (electrolyte, vitamins), neurologic (MS, stroke, tumor)
Suicide risk factors
SAD PERSONS - sex male - age - depression - previous attempt - ethanol or drugs - rational thinking loss - separated, divorced, widowed - organized plan - no social support - stated future intent (e.g. suicide note) \+acute risk factors
Depression investigations
- CBC, lytes, BUN, Cr, LFTs, fasting blood glucose, TSH
- toxicology/ drug screen (alcohol, cannabis, opioid, amphetamines/ stimulant, cocaine withdrawal or intoxication)
- urinalysis, urine drug screen
+/- neurologic consult
At least 5 sx (MSIGECAPS) with at least one of depressed mood or anhedonia presented within same 2wk period with change from previous functioning:
- mood depressed
- sleep increased or decreased
- interest decreased (anhedonia)
- guilt
- energy decreased
- concentration decreased
- appetite decreased or increased
- psychomotor agitation or retardation
- suicidal ideation
Sx cause clinically significant distress or impairment
Sx not due to physiologic effects of substance of GMC
Sx not better accounted for by other psychiatric disorders
Specifiers MDD
- with anxious distress (two or more: feeling tense, restless, concentration problems, worry something awful might happen, worry lose self-control)
- with mixed features (three or more manic or hypomanic sx)
- with melancholic features (loss of pleasure in all activities, inability to react to pleasurable stimuli + specific sx)
- with atypical features (reactive mood + increased sleep, eating)
- with mood-congruent psychotic features (delusions and/or hallucinations has depressive theme)
- with mood-incongruent psychotic features (delusions and/or hallucinations present not depressive themes)
- with cataonia (motoric immobility, excess motor activity, negativism, mutism, peculiar movements, echolalia, echopraxia)
- with peripartum onset (during pregnancy or within 4wk delivery)
- with seasonal pattern (particular time of year, full remission at particular time of year, in last 2yr)
Predominant affect MDD vs. grief
MDD - depressed mood, inability to anticipate happiness or pleasure
Grief - emptiness and loss
Dx persistent depressive disorder
Depressed mood for most of day, depressed more days than not, at least 2yr
At least two while depressed
- poor appetite or overeating
- insomnia or hypersomnia
- low energy or fatigue
- low self-esteem
- poor concentration or difficulty in making decisions
- feelings of hopelessness
During 2yr period never been without sx for more than 2mo at a time
Never been manic episode, mixed episode, or hypomanic episode; never met criteria for cyclothymic disorder
Disturbance not because persistent psychotic disorder
Sx not due to substance of GMC
Sx cause clinical distress or impairment
Pharm management depressed mood
- Escitalopram (allosteriod serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
- Sertraline (SSRI)
- Venlafaxine (SNRI)
- Duloxetine (SNRI)
- Milncipran (SNRI)
- Mirtazapine (alpha2-adrenergic agonist, 5HT antagonist)
Psychological management depressed mood
- other therapies have less evidence for efficacy
Define remission and recovery
Remission - 2wk - 2mo with no or very few sx
Recovery is absence of sx (no more than one to two) for 2mo or more
Define suicide
Act of intentionally terminating one’s own life
Progression of suicidal behaviour
Ideation -> plan -> intent
Ddx suicidal ideation
- mood disorder (depression, bipolar)
- psychotic disorder (schizophrenia)
- substance use disorder
- personality disorder (borderline and antisocial)
- anxiety disorder (more common with panic disorder)
- delirium (altered level of consciousness, can lead to increase in suicidal behaviour)
Psychosocial stressors
- adverse childhood experience
- change in marital status
- change in employment
- lacking social support
- chronic medical conditions (CF, cancer, cirrhosis, etc)
Age demographics with highest risk of suicide?
Age >65yr = highest risk
Age 16-19 yr = second highest risk
Male vs. female completed and attempted suicide?
M > F (3:1) in completed suicide
F > M (4:1) in attempted suicide
Suicide workup investigations
- CBC, lytes, BUN, Cr, fasting blood glucose, LFTs, TSH, toxicology/ drug screen (alcohol, cannabis, opioid, amphetamine/ stimulant or cocaine withdrawal or intoxication)
- urinalysis, urine drug screen
+/- neurologic consult, CXR, ECG, CT, EEG
Treatment suicidal patient
Underlying disorder
depression most common
- antidepressants
- antipsychotics
psychotherapy, rehab programs, detox programs
Do you need consent from the patient to treat acute agitation?
Carter vs. Canada ruling (Feb 5 2015)?
- Canadian adults who are competent and suffering intolerably and permanently have the right to doctor’s help in dying (then suspended ruling x12mo)
What is anxiety?
Human adaptive reaction to external threats by activating sympathetic NS fight-or-flight
- alerting signal warning of impending danger
- unpleasant, vague feeling of apprehension and often autonomic arousal sx
What is fear? vs. anxiety?
Alerting signal to something known, external or definite
vs. anxiety is often unknown, internal and vague
When is anxiety pathological?
- fear out of proportion to severity of threat
- social and/or occupational functioning impaired
What brain structures responsible for coordinating fear and storing memory for future exposure to same stimuli? Neurotransmitters involved?
Amygdala and hippocampus
- Dopamine, serotonin, glutamine, GABA
Ddx anxiety
- anxiety disorders (specific phobia, panic disorder, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety)
- depression
- somatization disorder
- depersonalization disorder
- OCD/related disorders
- trauma and stress related disorders (acute stress disorders, PTSD)
- hyperthyroid, hypothyroid
- cardiac (MVP, schema, arrhythmia)
- DM
- vestibular nerve disease
- pheochromocytoma
Diagnosis: pt with specific object cue that brings on anxiety >6mo and impairs function?
Specific phobia