Psychiatry Flashcards
Cluster A personality disorders (Weird)
PPD, schizoid, schizotypal
What differentiates PPD from paranoid schizophrenia?
They do not have any fixed delusions. They are not frankly psychotic, though they may have transient psychosis under stressful situations.
Axis I
Clinical diagnoses – mental illnesses including substance-abuse and developmental disorders.
Axis II
Personality disorders and developmental/retardation disorders
Axis III
Describes physical disorders or general medical conditions
Axis IV
Describes the severity of psychosocial factors, including environmental problems.
Axis V
The GAF or global assessment of functioning.
Hospitalized patient
Borderline IQ
70 to 79
Thematic apperception test. Tested individual create stories based on pictures of people in various situations. Evaluation of motives behind behaviors.
Rorschach test
Inkblots to identify thought disorders and defense mechanisms.
Weschler adult intelligence scale (WAIS)
Adult assessment of overall intellectual functioning. Consist of verbal and visual spatial components.
Stanford Binet test
Assesses intellectual ability of patients aged 2 to 18
Tarasoff rule
The obligation of the doctor to notify any potential victims and proper authorities of a patient’s intent to harm.
Patient is talking in accelerated form and is uninterruptible
Pressured speech
Involuntary movements in an altered state of consciousness us. Can be either purposeful or disorganized.
Mood versus affect
Mood is what the patient says it is. Affect is what you observe.
Loose associations
No logical connection from one thought to another.
Flight of ideas
Thoughts change abruptly from one idea to another usually with rapid/pressured speech.
Made up words
Word salad
Incoherent collection of words
Clang associations
Word connections that are due to phonetics rather than actual meaning. An example “my car is red. I’ve been in bed. It hurts my head.”
Thought blocking
Abrupt cessation of communication before an idea is finished.
Never reaching the point of the conversation due to a lack of goal directed associations between ideas. Response is usually in the ballpark.
Reach the point, but with over inclusion of trivial or irrelevant details.
Fixed false believes that are not shared by a person’s culture and cannot be changed by reason. Can be either bizarre or non-bizarre
Repetitive intrusive thoughts
Repetitive behaviors usually driven by obsessive thoughts
Delusions of reference
The belief that some event is uniquely related to the patient.