Psychiatry Flashcards
What are the components of a psychiatric history?
- PC
- Past Psychiatric Hx
- PMHx
- DHx - Substance misuse is key
- FHx
- Personal Life
- Premorbid personality
- SHx
- Forensic Hx
- Collateral Hx
What questions should you ask for suspected postpartum mental disorders?
What questions should you ask for suspected mania/if you are suspecting BPAD?
- You seem so happy, is this usual for you?
- You seem to have a lot of energy, is this usual for you?
- How much sleep are you actually getting?
- Do you feel special/better than others?
- Can you do things that other people can’t? Do you have special powers?
- How are you getting on with people these days?
- Sounds like you’ve been incredibly busy recently, do you have time to eat or sleep?
In a psych history, what do you need to find out about the history of PC?
- Begin with patient’s own narrative and explore
- Clarify terms - e.g. patient says she is “depressed”
- Timing - onset, triggers, progression
- Severity, frequency, duration
- Screen for other possible associated symptoms
- Has treatments been initiated
- Changes and effects
- Impact of illness
In a psych history, what must be assessed surrounding PPH?
- Nature
- Duration of illness
- Previous treatments – Did it work?
- Admissions/MHA – dates/lengths of admissions
- Suicide attempts or self harm/other risks
In a psych history, what must be assessed surrounding PMH?
- Breif full medical history including medications
- Endocrine
- Neurological
- Head injury
- Infections
In a psych history, what must be assessed surrounding FH?
- Ages
- Occupations
- Physical health
- Psychiatric history
- Relationship with patient
- Divorces/separations/conflicts
- Genogram
In a psych history, what must be assessed surrounding the patients personal history?
- Pregnancy and birth details
- Early childhood development
- Childhood health
- Early emotional stresses (separation/abuse)
- Education
- Occupational history
- Key relationships and psychosexual history
- Realtionship
In a psych history, what must be assessed surrounding the patients premorbid personality?
- Relationships – how relate to others
- Predominant mood
- Moral/religious beliefs
- Activities and interests
- Reaction to stressors
In a psych history, what must be assessed surrounding SH?
- Current occupation
- Finances
- Residence - Who are you currently living with
- Social contacts
- Interests and hobbies
In a psych history, what must be assessed surrounding Forensic history?
- Arrests
- Cautions/charges
- Convictions/sentences
- Crimes of violence
- Associated factors
- Have incidences been linkec with episodes of psychiatric illness
What are the components of a Mental state exam?
- Appearance and behaviour
- Speech
- Emotion/mood
- Perception
- Thoughts
- Insight
- Cognitive function
In a Mental state exam, what should be assessed under Appearance and behaviour?
- Describe a ‘picture of patient’
- Assess self-care/clothing
- Eye contact
- Posture and movements
- Psychomotor agitation/retardation/EPSE:akathisia/TD
- Level of activity
- Appropriateness of behaviour
- Responsiveness - distractibility
- Rapport/Guarded
In a Mental state exam, what should be assessed under Speech?
- Rate (fast/slow)
- Tone (emotional quality – sarcastic/angry)
- Flow (spontaneous/prompted/hesitant/long pauses/uninterruptible)
- Volume (loud/soft)
- Link to thoughts:
- Pressure of speech – pressure of thought
- Poverty of speech – poverty of thought
- Sudden stop – thought block
- Organic: Dysarthria, Dysphasia, Perseveration
- Unusual Content: neologisms, clang associations(rhyming), punning
In a Mental state exam, what should be assessed under Emotion?
- Subjective assessment
- Rating scale
- How much are you able to enjoy things that you used to like?
- Do you feel happier than usual?
- Record verbatim
- Rating scale
- Objective/Affect assessment
- Restricted, blunted, flattened
- Depression
- Elation
- Anxiety
- Guilt/worthlessness
- Suicidal ideation/Risk to others