Psychatric/Mental Health Nursing Flashcards
What is voluntary admission?
Patient requests a mission and make sign out at any time. However, admission maybe change to involuntary if patient meets criteria established by state law. For example, pink slip.
What is involuntary commitment admission?
Admission without consent if the patient poses a risk to self or others, or is gravely disabled. Requires at least two physicians to confirm justification for commitment.
What is an emergency commitment admission?
Patient is immediate threat to self or others. Requires court hearing usually within 24 to 72 hours to determine if the patient may be discharged or involuntary commitment is required.
What is patient confidentiality?
Hyppa law protects patients right to privacy. Patient information may not be disclosed to anyone that it’s not directly involved in care of patient without patient consent.
What is the exception to patient confidentiality protected by Hyppa?
If the nurse determines the patient poses a serious threat to another person, the nurse has to protect the third-party.
What is the right to refuse treatment?
Patients have the right to refuse medications or other therapies even if they were involuntary admitted, except a in a emergency.
What is the right to least restrictive environment?
Restraints or seclusion should only be used as a last resort in for the shortest duration of time possible.
What is the providers role in obtaining informed consent?
Explain the nature of the procedure, risks and benefits of the procedure, alternatives to the procedure, risks and benefits of the alternatives. Assess the patient’s understanding of the information.
What is the nurses role in obtaining informed consent?
Sign consent form as a witness, confirmed patient received understands above information, ensure patient is competent and gave consent voluntarily.
How do we document informed consent?
All elements of informed consent must be documented on a form or in the patient’s medical record.
What are some examples of patients not being in the right mind where they could not consent because they are not competent?
Patients are under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Patient has dementia, delirium, schizophrenia.
When are minors allowed to give consent without their parents.?
If they are emancipated, married, in the military, or require substance abuse her mental health treatment.
If a patient has questions about the procedure before after provided consent what must you do?
Contact the provider to answer them. We should not answer their questions.
Even after consent has been obtained Kim the patient change their mind?
What are the legal indications for using restraint and seclusion?
Patient poses in immediate danger to themselves or others.
What is a physical restraint?
Any device that limits their movement. For example, handmaids, lemon restraints, belts, vests.
What is the chemical restraint?
Using drugs to shut the patient up.
What should be the first thing you do when it comes to restraints?
Try to Descalate the situation first before turning to restraints.
Our nurses allowed to apply restraints in emergency situations?
In an emergency, nurses can apply restraints. Orders need to be obtained from the provider ASAP after application.
When it comes to choosing a method between restraint and seclusion what should be done first?
Use the least restrictive method to correct the issue.
When a patient is in restraints what must be done?
You must assess the patient every 15 minutes. Take vital signs, provide range of motion exercises, and offer fluids and toileting every two hours.
What are some common de-escalation techniques?
Decrease stimuli, provide diversion, offer PRN medications, use simple nonthreatening language.
What are the four phases of the nurse client relationship?
What happens during the pre-orientation of the nurse client relationship?
Prepare for meeting with patient. Reviewed chart and examine your own feelings about working with the person.
What is going on during the orientation phase of the nurse client relationship?
Perform introductions, establish rapport, set mutually agreeable goals and plan of action. Confirm date, time, place and duration of meetings. Discuss confidentiality. And establish boundaries.
What goes on during the working phase of the nurse client relationship?
Gather data, identifying practice problem-solving and coping skills, provide education, evaluate progress towards goals.
What is going on during the termination phase of the nurse client relationship?
Summarize goals achieved during the relationship. Discuss incorporation of new coping skills and discharge plans. Allow patient to share feelings regarding termination of the relationship. Remember, this may Alyssa sense of grief from the patient.
What is transference?
Patient redirects or transfers feelings about a person from their past onto the nurse. For example, nurses appearance remains a patient of their abusive mother, resulting in antagonistic behavior. Remember, this may interfere with the nurse client relationship.
What is counter transference?
Nurses feelings in response toward the patient based on the nurses past relationships and experiences. For example, patient remains the nurse of her daughter, so she unconsciously treats her in a way that encourages dependence.
What is the therapeutic communication technique of brought opening remarks?
What would you like to talk about today?
What is an example of an opened it it question?
Tell me more about the voices you here.
What is an example of the therapeutic communication technique of sharing observations?
You seem a little sad to me today.
What is an example of the therapeutic communication technique of clarification or validation?
Do I understand you correctly when you say?
What does reflection mean?
Refer the questions back to the patient. For example, what are your thoughts about it?
What is the therapeutic communication technique of offering self?
Making yourself available to the patient. For example, I will keep you company while you eat your breakfast.
What is the therapeutic communication technique of restating?
Repeat what the patient said to confirm understanding. For example, patient says I am so anxious that I can’t get to sleep the nurse would say you’re excited is keeping you up at night.
What is the therapeutic communication technique of presenting reality?
Correct patient misinterpretation. For example, I understand that you were hearing voices, but I do not hear any voices. Don’t play into it.
What is the mental status exam?
Standardized method of evaluating the mental status of a patient.