Psych- UWORLD Flashcards
124- Q2. person believes that she has “six sense” and “always listen to her body”: is this delusion?
delusion is something that is persistent belief DESPITE the facts. (like talking to alien) Although this sounds like delusion, it is more like MAGICAL THINKING seen in SCHIZOTYPAL personality disorder
124- Q2. Apart from magical thinking or eccentric appearance, what other phenotype will be seen in schizotypal personality disorder
interpersonal awkwardness
- this is not same with negative symptoms (affective flattening or asociality)
124- Q 7. Naloxone, opioid antagonist, has greatest affinity to what opioid receptor?
u (mu) receptor
- it binds to all kinds of opioid receptors (mu, delta, kappa)
124- Q 13. What is the most effective treatment for specific phobia?
exposed based behavioral therapy
: desensitization to trigger of fear by exposing to it
124- Q22. How many words should baby of age 2 be able to speak to be considered as normal development? how many words sentence?
200 words
2 words sentences
124- Q 33. Is hallucination considered as abnormal grief?
No. WITH ABSENCE OF OTHER psych symptoms,
- think like this: hallucination is sort of way to deal with sad situation (ex: grandmother appearing after death of her). so it is part of normal grief
124- Q 37. Rat poison (rodenticides): what toxicity? how to treat it?
warfarin like toxicity
treated as if warfarin toxicity: FFP, followed by vitamin K
125- Q 2. What medication can be used to reduce craving of alcohol?
=> inhibit reward effect of alcohol by blocking u opioid receptor
- I picked disulfiram. Disulfiram does NOT change craving. Rather, it helps maintain abstinence via aversive mechanism of action
125- Q3. what is trichotillomania?
hair pulling disorder
: patient pulls off hair to stop behavior
125- Q7. After pt takes some psych medication, she developed weight gain, loss of hair, constipation, and dry skin. What med is this?
- remember, hypothyroidism can result in dry skin and hair loss (coarse, brittle hair)
125- Q8. What medication can be used to treat refractory schizophrenia?
- clozapine: remember two things
1. agranulocytosis
2. refractory schizophrenia
125- Q9. Why antidepressants are contraindicated in biploar disorder?
all antidepressants can induce mania
- this kinda makes sense: serotonin is happy molecule. with high serotonin, you get so happy and thus manic (kinda..)
125- Q 11. What is key difference between schizophrenia vs. major depression with psychotic features
- schizophrenia: CO-OCCURRANCE of psychotic features (positive symptoms- hallucination, delusion, disorganized thoughts) and depressive symptoms (negative symptoms- asociality, avolition[ loss of motivation], anhedonia)
- major depression with psychotic features: psychotic features and depressive symptoms occur EXCLUSIVELY
- BOTTOM LINE: co-occurring? or exclusively occurring?
125- Q18. Nitroprusside (direct NO releaser) may cause cyanide toxicity as a side effect. thiosulfate is used as an antidote (after nitrite). what is MOA of thiosulfate?
thiosulfate: SULFUR group donor
cyanide -> thiocyanide (detoxified)
125- Q 25. SSRI: serotonin syndrome vs. sexual dysfunction. what side effect should I worried about more?
sexual dysfunction
- serotonin syndrome is uncommon with mono-drug therapy
127- Q2. what drug can be used during initiation of SSRI if there is significant increase in insomnia?
short or intermediate acting BDZ
- lorazepam is intermediate acting BDZ
126- Q 1. Other than cataplexy and sudden daytime sleep, what another phenotype may be seen in nacrolepsy?
hypnagogic (before going to sleep) or hynopompic (after awakening from sleep) hallucination
126- Q 7. what medication is used for acute panic disorder? what is first line for panic disorder in general?
- acute setting: BDZ
- first line: SSRI
126- Q 8. methylphenidate
- what drug class?
- side effects
- CNS stimulant (like amphetamine)
- weight loss and deceased appetite
- remember cocaine withdrawal is eat a lot sleep alot?
126- Q 14. Treatment option for atypical depression?
MOAI (phenelzine)
126- Q 20. What drug is the most common cause of overdose death?
heroin (or opioid)
death due to excessive respiratory suppression
126- Q28. which drug can be used in treating both epilepsy and bipolar disorder?