Psych treatments: Anxiety, Eating, and Sleep disorders Flashcards
Which medical conditions should be ruled out when considering an anxiety disorder, characterized by symptoms less than 30 minutes that may have agorophobia
Hypothyroidism, cardiac abnormalities, hypoglycemia
What is the medical treatment for all anxiety disorders
SSRI’s + benzodiazapene
Do this because benzo starts acting immediately while SSRI takes some time, but once SSRI kicks in start tapering the benzo to avoid dependance.
What is the treatment for a panic disorder vs. a panic attack
Panic disorder: SSRI
Panic attack: Benzodiazepene
What is the treatment for specific phobias and social phobias (fear of any situation)
Behavioural modification: Systemic desensitization
Relaxation techniques
What is the treatment for obessive compulsive disorder
All SSRI’s
Behaviour therapy: Exposure and response prevention
What is the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder (more than 1 month) and acute stress disorder (2 days to 1 month)
SSRI: Specifically paroxetine and sertraline
What is the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder
All SSRI’s
Venlafaxine and Buspirone
What are some anti-anxiety medications and their special indications (the benzos)
Lorazepam - Given emergently through IM
Clonazepam - longer half life, give if abuse potential
Alprazolam: Given for panic disorders
What is the risk of flumenazil
Can cause seizures in benzo dependant people, looks like delerium tremens
Match the description with the intoxication: Talkative, disinhibited
Alcohol - treat with mechanical ventilation if severe
Match the description with the intoxication: Euphoric, hypervigiliant, pupillary dilatation, autonomic hyperactivity, perceptual disturbances, weight loss
Cocaine and amphetamines. Treat intoxication with antipsychotics/benzos/antihypertensives
Match the description with the intoxication: Impaired motor coordination, slowed sense of time, social withdrawal, increased appetite, conjunctival injection
Match the description with the intoxication: Ideas of reference, perceptual disturbances, impaired judgement, tremors, incoordination, dissociation
Hallucinogens: Treat intoxication with antipsychotics/benzos/talking down
Match the description with the intoxication: Apathy, dysphoria, pupillary constriction, drowsy, slurred speech, coma, death
Opiates - treat with nalaxone
Match the description with the intoxication: Belligerence, psychomotor agitation, violence, nystagmus
PCP: Antipsychotics/benzos/talking down