psych path Flashcards


27 yr old man is brought to the ED by his roommate, who found the pt barricading himself in a closet at home and saying “They’re coming to get me. No one can be trusted”. The pt was laid off from his job and broke up with his girlfriend last month. He has heard voices threatening to kills him a few times daily for the past 2 weeks. He has no medical or psychiatric history and does not use alcohol or illicit drugs. Physical exam and lab exam results are unremarkable. On mental status exam, The pt is fearful and tense. He describes being followed by men in black cars who are spying on him. What is the most likely dx?


brief Psychotic disorder

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39 yr old man is brought to the office by his wife who is concerned about his behaviour over the past year. She says, “He used to be outgoing and upbeat, but now he seems uncharacteristically depressed and distant from the family. He has lost interest in his work and has difficulty making decisions.” Over the past month, he has become increasingly paranoid and believes that his business partner is trying to kill him. The pt has no psychiatric hx. Both his father and grandfather were hospitalised in ling-term care facilities and died in their 50’s. Physical examination shows random, abrupt, uncoordinated movements of the left leg. On mental status examination, the pt is restless and irritable. He is convinced that not only his business partner but also the governemtn is out to harm him. What is the most likely dx?


Huntington disease.

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16 yr old boy with suicidal thoughts is brought to the office by his parents. He has been in constant conflict with his parents since refusing to stoop drinking alcohol, which he does on a daily basis. The pt is the oldest of 6 children, his mother suffers from lower back pain and relies on him for child care, which he finds overwHelming. His father works 2 jobs and is often not around when she is alone with the children at night. The pt dropped out of high school last year after getting dumped by his gf. He recently contracted Lyme disease with resultant symptoms of fatigue and myalgia. What intervention is the best next step to decrease this pt’s risk of completed suicide?


take away the fire arm

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48 yr old woman with MDD is brought to the ED by her husband. The pt is severely depressed, she says she wants to die and has a plan to hang herself. She has no energy or appetite and has lost 6kg over the past month. The pt has difficulty falling asleep and awakens at 4AM each morning. Over the past week, she has head a voice saying she is evil and doesn’t deserve to live. In the hospital, she seldom speaks and refuses to eat and drink. What would provide the most RAPID IMPROVEMENT of this pt’s symptoms?


Electric therapy

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79 yr old man is brought to the office by his wife for eval of memory impairment. The pt is a recently retired professor who began having memory problems a month ago. He has been forgetting to take his medication, has had difficulty remembering the names of his grandchildren, and has neglected to turn off the stove on more than one occasion. The pt used to enjoy reading and playing with his grandchildren but has recently stopped going both of these activities. He also has difficulty staying asleep, low appetite, and decreased energy. The pt has hypertension and type 2 diabetes for which he takes medications. He has a family history of Alzheimer disease. The pt says “ i just feel so worthless since retiring. Montreal Cognitive Assessment score is 23. What is the most likely dx?


depression related cognitive impairment.

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2 yr old boy is brought to the clinic by his mother who is concerned about his language development. She says “i know children speak at different ages and he is still young, but i am concerned that his speech isn’t progressing and that he needs to interact with other children more. His day care teacher says that he is shy and sits in a corner playing with his favourite truck. We have also been busy with a recent move and have not given him as much attention, which doesn’t help”. The pt’s birth history, medical history and audiology screening are unremarkable. His mother is 6 months pregnant with her second child, and the family moved to a new home 3 months ago. In the examination room, the pt sits in a corner, avoiding eye contact with the doctor and repeatedly spinning the wheels of a toy truck. He does not respond to his name. He makes occasional grunting sounds but says no fully formed words. When his mother tries to take his truck away, he begins screaming and pulls it back. What is the most likely dx?


autism spectrum disorder

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69 yr old woman comes to the office due to memory concerns. The pt first began having difficulties with her memory a year ago and her symptoms have steadily worsened. She often forgets the content of conversations she has with her son and frequently walks to another room, only to forget what she went there to do. The pt lives alone and has no difficulty cooking, cleaning or otherwise caring for herself. She manages her own finances. Medical hx is significant for hypertension, hyperlipidemia and type 2 DM. The pt is alert and oriented. Neuro exam reveals no focal deficits. She scores 22/30 on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. What is the most likely dx?


mild cognitive impairment

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25 yr old graduate student with a hx of recurrent ear infections as a child feels anxious and sweats when she is in the examination room with her pcp. She recently got a roommate, a nursing student, who leaves her steth . This pt’s response to her roommate’s steth is an example of what phenomena?


classical conditioning

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27 yr old woman comes to the office due to concerns about her weight. She is frustrated about gaining a few pounds, although she maintains a well-balanced diet and exercise for an hour 3 times a weeks. The pt has been worried for years that her thighs are “huge” and”covered in cellulite”. She always wears loose-fitting pants and spends hours a day researching leg exercises and measuring the circumference of her thighs. The pt generally stays at home and avoids social activities as she feels people tends to stare at her. She weighs 58 kg and is 170cm tall. Physical exam is normal. What is the most likely dx?


Body dysmorphic disorder

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72 yr old man is hospitalised due to a leg injury following a high-speed motor vehicle collision. Medical hx is significant for hypertension, hypercholestrolemia, and hearing loss. The pt drinks a glass of wine every day. Exam shows localised swelling and severe tenderness under the right knee; the presence of a tibial fracture is confirmed by imaging. The pt undergoes open reduction and internal fixation without any perioperative complications. On the first postoperative night, he describes visual hallucinations of his deceased brother in the hospital room with him and preservatives about people invading his home. Vital signs are normal. The pt is disoriented and unable to cooperate with the mental status exam. He appears to respond to internal stimuli. What intervention is most likely indicated to prevent further worsening of his condition?


facilitating uninterrupted nocturnal sleep

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10 yr old boy is brought to the office due to poor grades and behavioural problems. Although the pt is very intelligent, his parents report that he struggles at school and has received failing grades because he is easily distracted, makes careless mistakes, and often loses his homework. His teacher has called several times to report that he repeatedly disrupts the class by getting out of his seat and by blurting out answers when he is not called on. At home, the pt does not listen to his parents, does not clean up after himself, and fails to complete chores despite repeated redirection. he has no other medical conditions. Fam hx is significant for a substance use disorder in the pt’s 16 yr old brother and depression in his mother. Treatment options are discussed with the parents. They would like to try medication but prefer a nonstimulant option. What is the most appropriate pharmacotherapy for this pt?



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28 yr old man comes to the office due to persistent fatigue. For the past several weeks, he has been having trouble sleeping and is frequently late for work as he has difficulty getting out of bedd. At work, his mind wanders and his supervisor has commented that the quality of his work has deteriorated. The pt says, “i’ve been feeling down and don’t feel like doing anything. My appetite is poor. I no longer go out with my friends and haven’t gone to the gym in weeks”. The pt has no significant medical or psychiatric hx. He has 1 0r 2 alcoholic drinks several days a week but does not use illicit drugs. Physical exam is unremarkable. Mental stats exam shows a cooperative man with sad affect. No delusions are elicited. The pt says he sometimes wishes he could go to sleep and no wake up but has no suicidal intent or plan. First line pharmacotherapy for this p most likely involves a drug with which mechanism of action?


serotonin reuptake inhibition

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46 yr old is admitted to the hospital for atypical chest pain. His medical hx is significant for hypertension controlled with amlodipine and hypercholestrolemia treated with atorvastatin; he has a family hx of depression and heart disease. During review of his substance use hx, the pt says that he has been a regular drinker for the last 5 years. He drinks a 6 pack of beer every night and has 2 more beers in the morning to help him get through the day. He also admits to smoking marijuana occasionally but does not use tobacco or other illicit drugs. What symptom or signs is most likely to appear earliest during this pt’s hospitalisation?



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62 yr old woman comes to the office for f/u of worsening hypertension. The pt admits to not taking her antihypertensive medications as prescribed. She says she feels fine and adds “i always listen to my bodily rhythms when deciding whether to take medication on a particular day”. The pt explains that her crystal jewellery has healing powers and she maintains an online forum about the health benefits of crystals. The pt does not trust most people and believes that she can predict the weather based on the number of birds in her yard. She lives alone, has few friends and is unemployed. On exam, the pt makes limited eye contact and appears mildly anxious. She has no auditory hallucinations and no specific delusions are elicited. What is the most likely explanation for this clinical presentation?


schizotypical personality disorder

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32 yr old man with schizophrenia comes to the office for f/u. The pt has been stable on his antipsychotic medication for many years. He has infrequent auditory halucinations and says that the medication “has helped a lot to turn down the volume of the voices” The pt works stocking grocery shelves patt-tie and lives with his parents, who are supportive. His symptoms first developed gradually at age 14 when he exhibited nonspecific anxiety and became increasingly paranoid that other were talking about hime behind his back; he also became preoccupied with finding special meanings in certain numbers. A year later he was hospitalised for a psychotic episode characterised by paranoid delusions and auditory hallucinations that respond rapidly to antipsychotic medication. The pt was able to finish high school. He was hospitalised again briefly at age 22 but has remained out of hospital since them. What factor is most predictive of a favourable prognosis for this pt?


positive psychotic symptoms

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40 yr old woman comes to the ED fearing she is having a heart attach. While clutching and breathing heavily, she says “ i feel like im dying” Temp is 37, BP is 125/86, pulse is 10/min. Pulse OX show 98% on room air. Lab eval and ECG show no abnormalities. The pain resolves within 10 minutes without tx and the pt reports “ i was taking the bus home from work when my chest started feeling realy tight. Im lucky my friend was there and able to help me get to the hospital. What if she’s not there next time?” she describes experiencing similar episodes at random places and times that are characterised by a pounding heart, trembling, dizziness and sweating. She drinks alcohol socially and does not use any medications. The pt is most likely to develop what disorder as a result of her current condition?



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2 day old infant is evaluated in the newborn nursery due to poor feeding. The infant is irritable, is not sleeping well, and has had several episodes of vomiting and loose stools today. A review of the maternal hx reveals that the mother had poor prenatal care and that the pregnancy was complicated by foetal growth restriction. On exam, the infant is diaphoretic and has a high-pitched cry. The infant is also noted to have occasional sneezing and is mildly tachypneic. No dysmoprhic features are noted, and the remainder of the examination is unremarkable. This infant’s symptoms are most likely caused by prenatal exposure to what?



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32 yr old woman comes to the office due to overwhelming anxiety and stress. The pt is an accountant and has been under increasing job-related pressure for the past 6 weeks due to an upcoming tax deadline. She says, “the worst part is that i get really nervous all of a sudden and then feel shaky, dizzy and nauseated and start to sweat. It happened while i spoke to my boss a few weeks ago and i had to excuse myself”. the pt is especially worried about havig an episode during work meeting, although she notes her symptoms have also occurred while she was relaxing at home. She says “Ive stopped going out with my friends because i never know when im going to feel this way”. The pt has no significant medical hx and does not use alcohol or illicit drugs. BP is 120/70. Physical exam and lab eval show no abnormalities. What is the most likely dx?


Panic disorder

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28 yr old man is hospitalised due to the acute onset of severe depression and suicidal ideation for several days. He was recently thrown out of his mother’s home after stealing her money ti support his drug habit. The pt reports fatigue and vivid disturbing dreams. The nursing staff note that he is irritable withdrawn, hyper-somnolent and hyperphagic. The pt has an extensove hx of substance abuse and has been hospitalised previously for alcohol detox. BP is 110/80 and pulse is 64. Physical exam shows old injuries from a motorcycle accident but no other abnormaliies. On mental status exam, He appears lethargic and dysphoric. The pt’s current symptoms are most likely result of what condition?


cocaine withdrawal.

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60 yr old woman comes to the office due to uncontrollable movements that has worsened. Med hx is significant for hypertensions, hyperlipidemia, OA, and schizo and she has been on a stable medication regimen for years. Throughout the interview, she exhibits facial grimacing, lip smacking and twisting movements of her hands and feet. The pt has lived in a group home for years and worries that her housemates are avoiding her because her symptoms make her look “strange”. On mental status exam, the pt makes poor eye contact and is generally distrustful but has no specific delusions or hallucinations. What is the dx?


tardive dyskinesia

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40 yr old woman comes to the office due to worsening anxiety and insomnia over the past 3 months. She says “ Im really worried that something is wrong with me. I was never a particularly anxious person, but now i feel anxious all the time. sometimes i feel panicky for no reason; my heart races and i break out in a sweat. the only benefit is that i have lost 3kg without even trying.” The pt drinks 2-3 glasses of wine per week and does not smoke or use illicit drugs. BP is 130/90 and pulse is 112/min. On physical exam, the pt is restless and has warm moist skin and mild hand tremor B/L. Mental state exam is notable for a frightened stare and anxious mood, and rapid speech. What is the dx?


anxiety caused by medical condition


32 yr old woman comes to the office due to long standing anxiety. She reports being excessively worried about everyday events and constantly feeling tense and unable to relax. The pt is dx with GAD and treated with SSRI. She returns to the office for a 2-month f/u and reports that her overall anxiety has improved, but she continues to have periods of increased anxiety before bedtime that keep her awake at night. The pt works as a 911 emergency dispatch operator and would be willing to add a medication at bedtime but needs to be clearheaded for work. Which medication is most appropriate for this pt’s condition?




26 yr old man is hospitalised after he was found in the park shouting and laughing at himself. He insists on wearing a cap lined with several layers of aluminium foil and explains that the hat prevents laser beams from reprogramming his mind. For the past 3 years, the pt has been hearing the voices of his deceased mother, the devil and a world famous singer. He has had one previous psychiatric hospitalisation during which he responded well to haloperidol. However the pt stopped the medication shortly after discharge because he did not like the way it made him feel. A decision is made to administer a second generation anti psychotic medication. Compared with first-generation antipsychotics, this class of medication is associated with lower risk of what?


lower risk of dystonia


29 yr old woman comes to the office due to depression. Since breaking up with her bf last month, she has been extremely sad and has difficulty getting out of bed. She describes sleeping 16 hours a day, increased appetite, a 5kg weight gain, low energy, decreased concentration and loss of interest in socialising with her friends and family. The pt had 2 similar episodes at age 23 and 27. She also describes brief periods in the past, lasting several days, when she was uncharacteristically confident and optimistic, successfully juggled 3 part time jobs and felt well rested and energetic despite sleeping only 3-4 hours at night. The pt drinks a glass of wine several times a week but does not use tobacco or illicit drugs. What is the most likely dx?


Bipolar 2 disorder


6 yr old boy is brought to the office by his mother due to frequent nighttime awakenings. Over the past several months, the pt has had weekly episodes of waking up screaming at night. His mother says “he seems fine when were reading his bedtime story but 1-2 hours after falling asleep, he wakes up shrieking. He looks scared, hyperventilates and cries. When i try to hug hime, he pushes me away and eventually falls back to sleep” The mother is concerned that the pt is watching horror movies with his older brother; however she mentions that the next morning he does not remember his dreams or having awakened. What is dx?


sleep terror


24 yr old man comes to the office for treatment of opioid use of disorder. The pt has a 6 yr hx of heroin use, which he says has cos him and inconsistent work performance, and he is now in danger of losing his job. The pt asks for help, saying “ i have tried so hard to do this on my own. My parents have spent a lot of money on counseling. It helps for a while, but then i go back to using. They are fed up and refuse to see me anymore. I dont want to use, but the craving is so strong”. The physician refers the pt to an opioid treatment program where he is started on maintenance therapy with methadone. During the next f/u appointment, he reports a mared reduction in his cravings. What property of the administered drug is the most likely responsible for the improvement in this pt’s condition?


long half life


an 8 yr old boy is brought to the peds for school refusal. He has not gone to school for a few days, saying that he has a stomach ache. However, when it comes time for soccer practice, he has o physical symptoms. When the peds asks how things are going at school, the pt says “Kids laughed at me when the teacher said she could’nt read my homework”. His mother brings a recent report from the boy’s teacher, which says that he is able to read and do math, but that when writing he fidgets a lot and stares out the window. His writing is unclear, disorganised and below the level of his peers. His mother received a call from his teacher last week after the boy threw his writing book on the floor and began to cry. Vital signs and phsyical exam including abdominal exam are normal. At this time, ehat is the most likley dx of this pt?


learning disorder


30 yr old man comes to the office due to depression. he describes a 4 week history of severely depressed mood, loss of motivation, loss of interest and sleeping 12 hours a day. The pt has difficulty concentrating and worries that it is interfering with his work. He is pessimistic about the future but has no suicidal thoughts. The pt had a previous depressive episode in his 20’s that responded rapidly to sertraline. He felt “really good and energetic” after a few days of treatment but discontinued the antidepressant a week later as he did not feel that he needed it. He drinks 1 or 2 beers on social occasions. Physical exam is normal. What would be most importat to assess prior to initiating pharmacological treatment for this pt?


history of mania


22 yr old college student comes to the office due to tension headaches and neck pain. He has had these symptoms for many years but they have increased in frequency over the past 7 months since he started working at a coffee shop. The pt attends college and says that although his grades are passing, he feels overwhelmed and fatigued “ I cant concentrate on my school work and worry that i will flunk out of school and never get a good job”. He sleeps very fitfully and frequently worries about his grades, health, and social life. He obsesses about minor comments his friends have made about how “serious” he is, and gets depressed thinking that he is not attractive enough to get a gf. What is the dx?


32 yr old man comes to the office due to anxiety that has intensified since he was promoted to a managerial position. Whereas he previously worked alone his new position requires him to interact with a team of five employees and handle customer service complaints. The pt says he is anxious throughout the day and fears that he will say something embarrassing or that his coworkers and customers will notice his anxiety and think he is incompetent. He says he was very quiet and shy growing up and would always get anxious when meeting new people. He has a few friends with whom he socialises but he typically has three or four alcoholic drinks before going out with them to feel more relaxed. The pt does not feel depressed and his sleep and appetite are normal. A medication with what mechanism if action would be most appropriate for this pt?




27 yr old man is brought to a family therapist by his wife following a violent outburst in which he nearly injured her. They were having what seemed like a minor argument over a miscommunication about her being late when he suddenly flew into a rage started shouting and threw several plates against the wall. His wife is now threatening to leave him because similar episodes keep happening despite his promise to control his anger. The pt is remorseful and says “ i have been getting into trouble because of my temper since high school. Once i get angry, i feel out of control and its impossible to stop” The pt has no medical hx. He drinks beer and uses cannabis to relax approximately 2-3 times a month. What is the dx?


intermittent explosive disorder


17 yr old girl is brought to the office by her parents due to recurrent episodes where “she seems to be lost in her own world” The parents say that the episodes began about 2 years ago, but seem to be occurring more frequently since a difficult breakup with her bf several months ago. The pt acknowledges that she seems to “space out” easily. She says, “ i often feel numb, like i’m in a fog or a dream. Sometimes i feel as if im not myself, as if things are happening to someone else”. The pt uses NSAID drugs for menstrual cramps. She has no other medical conditions. She smokes cigs but does not use alcohol or illicit drugs. Physical and neurological exams are normal. On mental status exam, the patient is cooperative with a mildly anxious mood and flat affect. What is the dx?


depersonalisation/derealisation disorder


13 yr old boy is brought to the offce by his parents after being involved in a fight with another student at school. His parents say, “he has never gotten into fights before, and we are getting worried because his grades have been declining as well. He seems irritable and moody, stays in his room for hours at a time and no longer invites friends home”. When interviewed alone about the incident, the pt says. “ the wall people warned me that he was trying to poison my lunch”. The pt has no significant medical hx; there s a family hx of bipolar disorder in a paternal aunt. Physical exam shows a postural tremor on extension of the arms and a broad-based gait. Mental status exam is significant for slurred speech, sad mood and distractibility. Lab studies reveal elevated serum transaminases. What is dx?


wilson disease


28 yr old man comes to the office at his wife’s insistence. He reports severe insomnia but otherwise feels physically healthy. His wife is concerned that the pt is having a difficult time since returning from military duty. She says “ He used to be so upbeat and easy going. Now his moods fluctuate between really tense and on edge to detached and numb”. The pt cannot fall asleep at night because as soon as he closes his eyes, he sees the horrific scene of his friend being blown up after stepping on a landmine. During the day, he is hypersensitive to loud sounds such as firecrackers or a car backfiring. he pt says, “sometimes i feel as if im back in combat and have to duck and take cover” Vital signs are within normal limits, and phsyical exam shows no abnormalities. On mental status exam, the pt has an anxious mood and lunted affect. What is the most appropriate pharmacotherapy?




48 yr old woman with MDD is brought to the ED by her husband. The pt is severely depressed, she says she wants to die and has a plan to hang herself. She has no energy or appetite and has lost 6kg over the past month. The pt has difficulty falling asleep and awakens at 4am each morning. Over the past week, she has heard a voice saying that she is evil and doesn’t deserve to live. In the hospital, she seldom speaks and refuses to eat and drink. What would provide the most rapid improvement of this pt’s symptoms?


48 yr old man is hospitalised due to severe depression. The pt became increasingly depressed over the past month and stopped going to work last week becasue he was unmotivated to get out of bed. He sleeps upto 16 hours a day, has no energy and has gained 5kg. over the past month. The pt has had daily thoughts of suicide for the past week but says he will not act on them because of his children. He also describes several; weeklong periods when he had extra energy and took on many projects at once. During these times, the patient rarely slept and believed he had superhuman powers to control other peoples minds with his eyes. Physical and laboratory evaluations are unremarkable. What medication would be most appropriate for long term management of this pt?


a 45 yr old man is hospitalised due to suicidal ideation. Over the past month, the pt has become increasingly depressed, withdrawn and physically restless. He has had increasingly difficulty concentrating at his job as a computer programmer. The pt’s appetite has been poor, and he has had difficulty falling and staying asleep. He stopped going to work last week and refused to leave the house until his hospitalisation. The pt has no medical or psychiatric history. Physical examination is unremarkable apart from 5kg weight loss. On mental status exam the pt appears depressed and anxious. He reports that he is responsible for “all the evil in the world” and has heard a voice for the past week telling him that he does not deserve to live. what is the dx?


major depressive disorder with psychosis.


a 38 yr old man comes to the office for eval of discomfort in his wrists. He thinks his symptoms may be related to “typing all day” The pt is a software engineer and prefers to work remotely from home to “avoid wasting times talking and interacting with coworkers” He rarely leaves his apartment and spends his spare time on his computer , reading online forums about space exploration and the possibility of alien life. When asked about relationships he says ,”ive always liked my own company” He spent a large portion of his childhood disassembling and rebuilding electronic devices and had few friends. His affect appears constricted and his responses to questions are limited. What is the personality disorder?


a 11 month old boy is brought to the office by his mother for a well-child visit. The mother reports that he has been crying and screaming when other people approach him. She is concerned that it has been occurring for the past few months and that it seems to be worsening. She says “he used to love being held by everyone but now wants to be with only me. He wont even let his grandma hold him anymore”. The pt is crawling and can stand only with assistance. he babbles but does but does not say any clear words and uses hand gestures to communicate. Growth curves are tracking adequately. On physical examination, the pt clings to his mother and begins crying, turning his head away from the physician when he attempts to interact with him. What is the most likely explanation for this pt’s behaviour?


Normal development


a 10 yr is brought to the office due to poor grades and behavioural problems. Although the pt is very intelligent his parents report that he struggles at school and has received failing grades because he is easily distracted makes careless mistakes and often loses his homework. His teacher has called several times to report that he repeatedly disrupts the class by getting out of his seat and by blurting out answers when he is not called on. At home the pt does not listen to his parents, does not clean up after himself, and fails to complete chores despite repeated redirection. He has no other medical conditions. Family history is significant for a substance abuse disorder in the pt’s 16 yr old brother and depression in his mother. Tx options are discussed with the parents. They would like to try medication but prefer a nonstimulant. what is the most appropriate medication for this pt?


atomoxetine, guanfacine clonidine


an 18 yr old boy is brought to the ED by his mother due to strange behaviour. The mother stays that he laughs inappropriately and seems sluggish. The boy has recently been hanging out with a new group of friends that he describes as “really cool”. He has also stopped attending family events and appears apathetic about his school work. When asked in private, the boy admits smoking marijuana. What is the physiological effects most likely to be observed in this pt?


Conjunctival Injection, tachycardia


82 yr old man is brought to the office by his daughter due to behavioural changes. She reports that over the past year her father has become increasingly paranoid and frequently talks out loud as if in conversation when no one else is present. The daughter says :during a recent argument, he accused me of being an imposter and stealing his personal items. Also he used to be vey clean but his personal hygiene has gotten really bad. He also stopped watching baseball, which used to be his favourite hobby. The pt’s medical hx is significant for hypertension, hypercholestroloemia, and type 2 DM. Meds include lisinopril, simvastatin, and metformin. The pt has been unable to live independently for the past 2 years due to increasing forgetfulness and an inability to perform self-care. Vital signs are stable, and physical exam and lab evals are unremarkable. What is the most likely dx?


alzheimers disease


13 month old girl is brought to the office by her mother. She is worried that there is something wrong and explains “ My daughter used to sit on her own and loved babbling and clapping her hands. She still plays with her sisters and likes snuggles but for the past 3 months she hasn’t babbled as much and can no longer sit without my help. She twists her hands together and i cannot get her to stop. I am worried that the skin on her hand is getting red, dry and painful” Weight and height are in the 60th percentile. The pts head growth however has decreased from the 50th to the 40th percentile in 3 months. on exam, the child is globally hypotonic and unable to sit upright without being held. She makes no sound apart from an occasional grunt. She shows interest in toys the doctor provides her but does not reach out for them, wringing her hands repeatedly. What is the dx?


Rett Syndrome


12 yr old boy is brought to the office due to behavioural problems, His parents are upset about his poor grades and recent suspension for setting fires in the locker room and stealing another student’s cell phone. They say that the boy has always been impulsive, had a lot of energy and became angry and argumentative easily, but over the past year his aggressive behaviour, but over the past year his aggressive behaviour has gotten out of control. The pt says that the fires were an accident although he admits to being angry at the coach for kicking him off the basketball team. Regarding theft, he jokingly says,”people deserve to have their phones stolen when they are stupid enough to leave them in plain sight”. The pt has a history of getting into trouble for talking back to teachers, skipping class and getting into fights since fourth grade. He has no medical history. There is a family history of bipolar disorder and alcohol dependance. The pt smokes cigs occasionally but denies illicit drug or alcohol use. What if the most likely dx?


Conduct disorder


28 yr old man comes to the office due to occasional anxiety attacks over the past 6 months. The pt describes episodes that come out of nowhere in which he feels light-headed, sweaty, shaky and nauseated. He says “ At first i didn’t really care because the attacks dont last long, but now ii’m worried ill have one while im at work or when im driving” The pt has no history of cardiac disease and takes no medications. He has 4 or 5 alcoholic drinks 3 times a week and adds “Having some beers and watching football really help takes my mind off of things”. The pt appears calm, and vital signs are within normal limits. Physical examination, ECG, CMP and thyroid function tests show no abnormalities. What is the most appropriate pharmacotherapy for this pt?


54 yr old man comes to the office due to concerns about having pancreatic cancer after a coworker died of the disease 6 months ago. The pt has no epigastric pain, jaundice or weight loss. However, he worries constantly because in researching the illness he read that it may not have obvious symptoms in early stages and can be rapidly fatal. The pt saw another physician 2 months ago, who performed a physical examination, lab eval, and abdominal CT. The results were normal, and the physician reassured the pt that he did not have cancer. However the pt reports that he has noticed occasional stomach noises after eating and would like to have additional testing done. What is the dx?


Illness anxiety disorder (hypochondriasis)


34 yr old woman comes to the office accompanied by her husband for an employment physical exam. The pt says “Id rather not be here, but my job requires lasb every 2 yers”. While getting blood drawn, she starts to feel anxious, nauseated and SOB and says “ I feel like the room is spinning”. The pt’s husband explains that she has had similar episodes since childhood, which began following a bike accident during which she cut her knee and bled profusely. Medical hx is significant for asthma and type 2 DM. pHYSICAL EXAM IS SIGNIFICNAT FOR anxious demeanor but is otherwise unremarkable. What is the dx?




a 33 yr old man is hopsitalised after neighbours called the police to report that he has been singing loudly and playing piano “nonstop” all day and night for the last month. The pt says his mood is “terrific” claims he is related to the president, and hears voices telling him he is going to be a famous entertainer. While in the hospital he makes inappropriate sexual advances toward some of the female nurses. He has a history of 9 psych hospitalisation starting at age 22 for mood and psychotic symptoms. In between hospitalisations the pt has heard voices commenting on his appearance and has believed that secret cameras have been monitoring him, but he has had no mood symptoms. What is the most likely dx of this pt?


schizoaffective disorder


35 yr old woman comes to the office due to worsening fatigue and tension headaches over the past year. She describes always feeling “on edge” and lies awake at night worrying about various issues such as whether she is good at her job