Psych of injury exam 1 Flashcards
pain is factored by
stress, fatigue, social culture factors, genetics, abnormal neurologic function, fear enhances pain perception, anxiety enhances pain perception, pain increases fear and anxiety
social culture factors
pain may be perceived as a challenge, a test of faith, or punishment
acute may decrease pain perception, but chronic stress reduces pain control
heightens pain perception
genes involved in both pain perception and chronic predisposition
genes involved in both pain perception and chronic predisposition
this can mean it is unwise to mask pain with medication because the athlete would be ignoring data
who proposed the 3 class variables of psychologic stress
Andersona and william
what are the three class of psychologic stress
personality variables, history of stressors, coping resouces
personality variables
competitive trait anxiety-competition is perceived as threating, hardiness, locus of control
history of stressors
life events stress, daily hassles, past training injury history
coping resources
coping behaviors, stress management, social support
introduce psych consult
introduce empathy, ask if patient the situation is stressful and that stress never makes anyone feel better, ask if they need to talk to someone
fear of injury
among other fears such as failure or embarrassment) can keep people from even beginning exercise
stress-injury model
when athletes experience stressful situations, they react with a stress response with possible Narrowed attention, Greater distractibility, Higher levels of muscle tension
psychosocial factors of injuries
personality, history of stressors, coping resources
general adaptation syndrome (syle)
the general resins to stress is called
In dance (as in sport), psychosocial factors interact with injury
stress, social support, anxiety
what is prospective research design
monitored athletes for psychosocial factors/stress in an ongoing fashion while tracking the occurrence of injuries over several months
what does ACSI-28 stand for
athletic coping skills inventory-28
ACSI 7 sub scales
coping with adversity, peaking under pressure, goal setting, concentration, freedom from worry, confidence, coachability
fours psychocoail variable if the acsi scale
peaking under pressure, goal setting, freedom from worry, confidence and achievement motivation
what is the most common stressor for athletes
performance demands