psych midterm #2 chapter 7 Flashcards
learning is the process of acquiring new information and abilities through experience
associative learning
Learning to connect events or behaviors with their outcomes.
an event or situation that evokes a response
respondent behaviour
behaviour that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus
operant behaviour
is when you do something and get something. its like learning to do a task to get a reward, or avoiding a task to avoid punishment
ex: you study hard (operant bahaviour) to get a good grade (reward)
cognitive learning
cognitive learning is learning through thinking and understanding
classical conditioning
Learning through association. You learn to connect two things together, like a sound (a bell) with food. Eventually, you’ll react to the sound (bell) as if it were the food itself.
Learning by doing and getting rewards or punishments.
conditioned response (CR)
In classical conditioning, a learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS).
neutral stimulis (NS)
In classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning.
unconditioned response (UR)
In classical conditioning, an unlearned, naturally occurring response (such as salivation) to an unconditioned stimulus (US) (such as food in the mouth).
unconditioned stimulus (US)
In classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally—naturally and automatically—triggers an unconditioned response (UR).
conditioned response (CR)
In classical conditioning, a learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS).
unconditioned stimulus (US)
In classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally—naturally and automatically—triggers an unconditioned response (UR).
Conditioned response (CR)
In classical conditioning, a learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS).