Psych Intro + Research Methods Flashcards
What is Development?
Any change in Structure/Function over a period of time
What is function?
The action of a structure (E.g. the firing of a neuron)
What is structure?
Some piece of the organism- e.g. nervous system, mental knowledge
Stage of development:
Age 2-6
Early Childhood
Stage of development:
Age 11-18
Stage of development:
Age 6-11
Middle childhood
Stage of development:
Age Birth to 2
What did Plato believe about children’s development?
Plato: Human senses are fallible, so people have to be born with innate knowledge that is unlocked over their lives
What did Aristotle believe about childrenn’s development?
Children will only learn stuff from experience
Who said this: Children are born with an inherent sense of right and wrong. Kids are now seen to be little adults. Kids have an innate sense of justice and morality.
J. J. Rousseau
As a modern society, who are we most similar to in our view of childhood?
(Ancient times, Medieval times, Puritan New England, Industrial age, etc.)
Medieval period
A process of gradually adding more of the same types of skills that had already developed
Continuous development
A process where new ways of understanding emerge all at once
Discontinuous development
What is Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System theory?
Views children as the center of a bunch of concentric circles. The child is not raised in isolation. He is influenced by his family, church, culture, etc.
People who believe in solely nature as the source of a child’s development are called:
Nativists focus more on ____ (Plasticity or Stability) in child’s brain development
What did Arnold Gesell say about Children’s development?
-Development is the unfolding of the individual’s natural genetic blueprint
-Everything from speech to motor development reflects a prearranged theory
What are the 4 stages of Development from Piaget?
Sensimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational, Formal operational
Vgotsky and Bronfenbrenner were..
Socioculture theorists
Who’s theory was similar to the Indigenous Medicine wheel
Bronfenbrenner: What was the microsystem?
Family, friends, other close relationships to the kid
Bronfenbrenner: What is the Mesosystem ?
The way different Microsysstems impact a kid (e.g. A daycare and friends are different systems that significantly impact a kid)
What is an Exosystem?
Larger scale societal influences upon a person, even if it’s second hand (If a parent has a bad day at work, it’ll make her grumpy, making her mean to her kid, meaning that the kid is influenced by the mom.)
What is the Chronosystem?
The idea that all systems (Microsystem, Exosystem, etc.) are variable and change over time
What is Habituation?
When the subjects of an obersational study get used to the presence of the observer
What is observer infleunce?
When subjects act differently depending on if the observer is there or not
What is sampling Behavior?
When the researcher creates tasks fot the kid to do to measure the abilities being measured in that study
Give the possible R-Value:
As X inreases, Y decreases
R= -0.9
Give the possible R-Value:
As X decreases, Y decreases
R= +0.9
Give the possible R-value:
No correlation between the two variables
R= 0
What is a field experiment?
Doing a study in a natural setting for the participants (like a park or classroom)
What are some cons of Longitudinal studies?
Expensive! And some people drop out, (Whichis importnat because there might be somthing special about the people who drop out
Which study is prone to problems due to Cohort Effects?
What is a cross-sectional study?
Developmental changes are identified by testing kids of different ages at one particular point in their development
E.g. Holding a contest of agility with 3, 8, and 12 year old participants.
What is the middle ground between Longitudinal and cross-sectional studies?
Longitudinal-Sequential Studies
What is a Meta-analysis?
Allows reserchersto combine the results of a bunch of different studies to estimate relationships between variables