psych final exam Flashcards
science of nursing
finding the evidacne for the practive
art of nursing
finding the skills for the practice
EBP model
its a medical model focuses on the sciences
recovery model
consumer and family driven based on the rehabilitation and recovery of the pt -goal is empowerment and finding meaning to ones life
5 A’s of EBP
ask questionacquire literatureappraise litereatureapply evidanceasses performance
resources for best EBP
internet mental health resources- provide info for treatment, provisions, and results of rescent clinical studies (there are also self test for pt)clinical prctive guidelines- identify, summarise and appraise the best EBP, diagnosis, prognosis and therpay. Are based on literature reviewclinical algortihms- step by step guidelines prepared in flow chart such as in helping with what med clinical pathways- most often used for hospitalised pts and target a specific audience such as suecidal, bipolar, manic. serve as a map for treatements to occur in a specific time frame
three areas in nursing care
attending-presence, human connection, touching, sensescaringpts advocacy-speasks up for pt
healthy mental healthis is to be resilient
to bounce back after a stressful situationcharacterised by optimism, sense of mastery, competence
diasthesis stress model
explains mental ilness occurs from:environmental stress or traumadiasthesis-biological gentetic predisposition
guidebook for diagnosing mental health problems in the US-discuses cultural variations in each disorder-describes culture bound syndromes-outline assists docs. to evaluate and report the impact of an individuals cultural context
characteristics that imfluence a group
content- whats said in a groupproccess-whats acctually going on, underlying dynamics
therapeudic factors in groups
instilation of hopeuniversalityaltruism-helpful of others which in turn makes u happycatharsis- release of emotion
group types
content oriented group- task group- discusses goals and tasks and is short termprocess oriented- discusses interpersonal relation, can go longer mid-range- combines contet and process groups, self help groups and psychoeducational
heterogeneous group
variety of backgrounds
homogenous group
same traits (alchohol, drugs)
closed group
membership restricted
open group
new members can come and go
smaller groups developed out of bigger groups
overt norms
rules are explictly states (schedule, leaving)
covert norms
implied or unspoken rules
phases of group development
orientation phaseworking phasetermination phase
autocratic leader
has lots of control
democratic middle
middle control
laisez faire leader
no rules or boundaries
basic level RN groups
symptom managment groupstress managment grouptherapeudic community groupssupport groups
advaned practive Rn groups
group psychotherapypsychodrama groups-pts use role playing or drama playingbehavioral treatment groups
task orienterd
a group memeber frequenty reminds others of groups main purpose
freuds psychoanalytic theory
levels of awareness-concious-what were aware of-preconcious-info stored0unconcious-supresses memories,
freuds personality structure
id- pleasure principles-hungry thirsty tiredego-problem solver, reality tester(keeps things in check)superego-strives for perfection-maintain ego intergory
feud said that defense mechanisms
operate on an unconcious level
ferud said that expericnes
during childhood determine us as a person
when something a health care provider does reminds a patient about something in their life
if a pt. reminds a healthcare provider of something
eriksons ego theory
8 stages of development and personaility continues to develop throughout old age-you can work on more than one level at a time
sullivans interpersonal theory
purpose of behaviour is to1.get needs met2.lower anxiety
Peplaus theory
was based on sulivans theory1.Rn is observer in care of pt. to provide care, empathy, comfort, advocay and bring scientific knowlegeLEVELS OF ANXIETY OF PEPLAU- mild moderate severe panicPeplau helped create interventions to lower anxietyINFLUENCES PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING
behaviour theory
pavlovs conditioning theory-one action can give a specific reactionwatsons behaviour theory- all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. skinners operant conditionsing- rawards and punishment
5 types of behaviour therapy
biofedback- pt can have voluntary controlaversion theroapy- meds for chronic drinker, if they drink they get negative reaction (causes unplesant sensation)systemic desensitization- overcome phobiasoperant conditioning- rewards and punishments for behavior.modeling
cognitive therapy
interplay between individuals and environment-thoughts come before feelings and actions
rational emotive behaviour therapy (ellis)cognitive therapy
aims to eredicate irrational beliefsfocuses on feelings, painful thoughts and dysfunctional behaviours
cognitive bahavioural therapy (beck)
change way of thinking to change way of acting *schemas-automatic thoughts and unique assumptions(change this thinking)
maslows hiarchy of needs
when lower needs are met higher needs can emerge-to strive for selft actualization you need to fulfil basic needs firt then go on ti higher ones
reaction to a specific danger
feeling of uneasing, dread, uncertain
learning and behavioural theory related to ANXIETY
anxiety is learned response from modeling from parents or peers
cognitive theory on ANXIETY
anxiety is caused by distortions of thikning
obessesions- theoughts impulses or images that cant come off ur mindcompulsions- ritualistic behaviours
panic disorder
allow pt to crydont touch the pt stay with pt dont leave aloneif hyperventilating use brown bag
give pt time to perform rituals, never take away a ritual
for anxiety, not a cns depressant s/e- dizziness, nausea, headeache, nervousnesss-not for PRN pts. bcuz can take weeks to start working
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitos- first line therapy for anxiety and OCD
antianxiety drugs
benzospotetial for dependance s/e- sedation ataxia, decreased mental functioning
acute and time limitred, do short term interventions
types of crises
maturational-developmental(menopause, child growing up, puberty, college, having babay)situational-arise from events, divorce, loss of life/job, ilnessadventitions-unplanned accidentail, crime, violence, natural disaster
phases of crisis
phase1- pt confronted by confliced which causes increased anxietyphase2- if threat persists anxiety ecalerates(trial-error)phase3- if trial error faild anxiety can go to panicphase4- if problem not solved can lead to illness
in time of crises
make pt feel safe-evaluate ANXIETY SUICIDAL HOMICIDAL Thoughts
levels of crises intervetnion
primary-preventsecondary- during actual event, treat symptomstertiary-after event takes placegoal- to gt pt ack to pre crisis stage, crises are usually self limiting and solve within 4-6 weeks
good stress
bad stress
occurs after a traumatic event, not acute, develops over time. causes depression, helplesness, poweless, flashbacks, numbing, avoidance to stimuli psychotherpay treatment of choice if pt is experencing flashback- stay with them and ensure them they are safe
traumatic brain injury (sports)
for acute violence
antiepilepitc beta blockers
litheum - for long standing agression`
phases of nurse pt relationship
pre orientation phase- gather data, asses situationorientation phase- establish report, terms, confidentialityworking phase- gather further data, use of language, work termination phase- summarise, discuss, review
understand feelings of others
we feel the feelings of others
positive regard
display respect
set boundaries
blurring boundaries- when nurse pt relationship turns into social relationship, may be result of trasnference or countertransference
Paplaus communiaction
clarity- continuety-connection of ideas
relationshop factors
symmetrical relationship-friends, same levelunsymetrical- unequal in status of power
double message
pt may be happy but crying
double bind message
intent to create confusion
false notes
inconsistent with what pt is saying and doing
right or wrong
ethichal dilemmas in healthcare
respectiong rights of others
loyalty and commitment
informal admision
sought by pt
voluntary admision
sought by pt or guardian
temporary admision
pt confused or demered so ill that he or shee needs emergency admission
involuntary admision
without pts consentfor acute 1-5 days
long term admision
needs to be reviewd by court60-180 dayspt has right to attorney
to be admitted
danger to self or othersso ill cant take care of self
ECT elecrocunvulsion therapy
needs informed consent state laws regarding refusal
conditional release
pt gets dischared but told to dollow up
never keep pt on one restraint always on 4 3 2
soft restraint
hard restraint (behavioural restaarints)
vinyl restraints that lock, make sure you keep key with u at all times, asses pt every 15 min
no access outside of the room
only force med
if pt becomes violent to self or otherst
tarasoff law
duty to warn and protect third parties even if its breaking confidentiality
m’naghten rule (insanity defense)
pts state of mind when they commited the crime