Psych 231 Test 2 Flashcards
What are the four metaphors that are used for attention?
1) attention as a filter
2) attention as a spotlight
3) attention as a pool of resources
4) Attention as a glue.
What is covert attention?
Attending to something, without moving the eyes?
e.g you are in a room staring straight ahead, while listening intently on a conversation to the side of you.
What is overt attention?
Attending to something by moving the eyes.
If one is not goal directed, what directs overt attention?
What type of process is non-goal directed overt attention?
Bottom up/Data driven.
If one is given a goal, what sort of process is overt processing?
Top-down/conceptually driven.
What is change blindness?
Change blindness is the finding that observers often fail to notice large changes to objects or scenes when the change coincides with a brief visual disruption, such as a blink, movement of the eyes etc.
What is change blindness impacted by?
The gist of a visual scene, if a sentence description stays the same, then one may be oblivious, blind to any changes. e.g. Car in a city street, but if the backdrop change is significant, such as changes to a farm from the street, then the difference will be noticable.
What is the cocktail party effect?
The ability to focus on one stimulus, while tuning out another.
What is a dichotic listening test?
A test where the subject wears headphones and different stimuli is presented to the left and right ear.
In a Dichotic test, what is shadowing?
Repeating what you hear.
Donald’s Broadbent’s, filter model of processing, has 4 stages what are they?
1) sensory processing
2) filter
3) The detector
4) The output
In the Filter model of processing, what does the sensory memory do?
It holds all incoming information for a fraction of a second. Then it transfers the information to the filter.
In the Filter model of processing, what does the filter do?
Identifies information given attention, based upon it’s physical properties. The info paid attention to is moved to the detector, the other information is eliminated.
In the Filter model of processing, what are the physical properties that the filter stage identifies information that is paid attention to?
Tone, Rapidity, accent, pitch. (T.R.A.P)