psych Flashcards
What model explains how classical and operant conditioning produce and maintain phobias?
The two-process model
Introduced by Mowrer in 1947.
What type of conditioning is involved in the development of phobias according to the two-process model?
Classical conditioning
This involves pairing a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus.
How are phobias maintained according to the two-process model?
Operant conditioning
Avoidance behavior is negatively reinforced by the reduction of anxiety.
Who discovered classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov in 1890
He published his results in 1897.
What is the unconditioned stimulus in Max’s phobia scenario?
The tide carrying Max away
This led to the unconditioned response of fear.
What was the neutral stimulus that became a conditioned stimulus in Max’s case?
The sea
Initially neutral, it became feared after the traumatic event.
What experiment did Watson and Rayner conduct related to phobias?
The conditioning of ‘Little Albert’ to fear white rats
They paired the rat with a loud bang.
Who discovered operant conditioning?
B.F. Skinner in 1937
Demonstrated using a hungry rat in a Skinner box.
What is the consequence of actions in operant conditioning that leads to their repetition?
Positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement
Positive reinforcement involves rewards, while negative reinforcement involves the removal of something unpleasant.
What negative reinforcement does Max experience regarding his phobia?
Avoiding the beach prevents anxiety
This reinforces his avoidance behavior.
What does generalization of a phobia mean in Max’s case?
Max refuses to go on beach holidays
His phobia extends beyond the site of the traumatic incident.
What hypothesis did Rachman propose to criticize the two-process model?
Safety signals hypothesis
Suggests positive feelings are associated with safe places.
What did DiNardo et al. (1988) find regarding traumatic experiences and phobias?
Not everyone exposed to conditioning develops phobias
Some people with negative experiences do not develop phobias.
What is systematic desensitization?
A behavioral treatment for phobias based on classical conditioning
It uses counter-conditioning to associate the phobic stimulus with relaxation.
What conclusion can be drawn about Mowrer’s two-process model?
It effectively explains the creation and maintenance of phobias
However, other underlying factors must also be considered.