Psych Flashcards
1st and 2nd line Mx in OCD
1) SSRI - fluoxetine 2) if 12 months of SSRI does not work, try alternative SSRI or clomipramine (TCA)
NMS Vs serotonin syndrome
NMS - lead pipe rigidity
Serotonin syndrome - hyperreflexia, myoclonus
questionnaire for GAD
core symptoms of ptsd
hyperarousal / startle response
1st rank sx of schizophrenia
auditory hallucinations
delusional perceptions
thought disorder - broadcasting, withdrawal, insertion
when is interpersonal therapy used
baseline Ix for lithium
measure BMI, FBC, U&Es, TFTs, ECG before starting
ix when starting antipsychotics
FBC, U&Es, LFTs, prolactin, fasting blood glucose,
BP, lipids, weight
+ ECG !
monitoring when on antipsychotics
FBC, U&Es, LFTs, prolactin, fasting blood glucose,
BP, lipids, weight
+ cardiovascular risk assessment !
special tests for IVDUsers
physical exam for track marks
screen for hep B/hep C/HIV
blood cultures
section 17
allows leave for a specified amount of time from a current section
post partum psychosis mx
admission to mother and baby unit (allows breastfeeding, healthy development of attachment between mother + baby, maintains mother’s confidence in being a mother)
MDT approach - perinatal psychologist, psychiatrist, GP, nurses, health visitor, social services
antipsychotics - olanzapine/risperidone/quetiapine
talking therapies
long term complications of turner’s
mx of turner’s
further ix - echo for cardiac abnormalities, renal USS + DMSA for renal abnormalities, opthamology for visual disturbances, annual checks for BP, HbA1c, etc
MDT !!!!!! = paeds endocrinologist, psychologist, gynae, nephro, cardio, specialist nurses
can consider GH therapy for growth + oestrogen for induction of puberty
psychological support
support groups
opiate withdrawal
episodes when you feel that you are not real, seen in acute stress reaction
temporal lobe
no absolute C/I
relative C/I include: recent MI/stroke, increased ICP, severe HTN
OCD criteria
> 2 weeks of recurring unpleasant/intrusive thoughts or mental images or repetitive acts/mental operations
lewy body dementia onset
frontotemporal dementia onset
insidious, rapid progression
tardive dyskinesia tx
akasthesia tx
propanolol / lorazepam
dystonia tx
parkinsonism tx
when would you give NaSSA over SSRI
when there are particular issues with sleep / appetite, eg mirtazapine
benzodiazpeine wtihdrawal sx + mx
sx - insomnia, tremor, anxiety, sweating, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, perceptual disturbances
mx - switch from short acting benzos to long acting (diazepam), then dose gradually reduced
extracampine hallucinations
things outside normal sensory field eg hearing alien voices
paraideolic illusion
seeing meaningful images in vague stimulus (eg seeing face in a fire)
OCD tx
exposure response prevention therapy
SSRIs (fluoxetine preferred, paroxetine, sertraline) for 12 months, if no improvement can switch to alternative SSRI / clomipramine (TCA)