Psyc221 - Week 11 Flashcards
____ level is the greatest predictor of relationship persistance. _____ illusions are the second-best predictor.
- Commitment
- Positive
The Investment Model of Commitment states that ____ is the most important to relationship commitment, with _____ of alternatives and ____ size tied second.
- Satisfaction
- Quality
- Investment
______ refers to the amount and importance of resources that would be lost if relationship dissolved. ______ refers to the most appealing option outside of the relationship. ______ refers to the positive experience and affect, self-verification & fulfillment of sexual / relationship needs.
- Investment Size
- Quality of alternatives
- Satisfaction
The 3 component model of organisational commitment consists of
- Work experiences
- Investment/alternatives
- Socialisation
3 component model of customer loyalty consists of …
- Difference from alternatives
- Satisfaction
- Loyalty
Interpersonal Failure is when…
you tell someone you want to see them again but they don’t reciprocate / have mutual feelings.
What 4 overt displays of attachment anxiety lead to lower partner-rated attractiveness?
- Unclear Speech
- Mixed / Unsteady pacing of speech
- Self-disclosure of emotions (oversharing)
- Awkward silences
Those high in attachment anxiety have ____ in the relationship but higher _____ in the relationship.
- Satisfaction
- Investment/Commitment
Those high in avoidant attachment style have are lower in _____ and _____ but higher in ____.
- Satisfaction
- Investment
- Quality of alternatives
an example of ________ support behaviour would be advice, suggestions or tangible offers of help.
Action Facilitating
In action facilitating support behaviours the relationship outcome depends on the ________. Resources of the recipient outweigh their demands and they view the self as less capable.
Support provider
In ______ support behaviours, the relationship outcomes are relationship satisfaction and trust. The recipient outcomes are positive mood/ self esteem, diet + nutrition + sleep quality & improved immune, endocrine and cardio functioning.
In ______ support types the relationship outcomes are negative relationship satisfaction and negative relationship longevity. The recipient outcomes are negative self-esteem, mood and sleep quality.
People with ___ levels of attachment anxiety suffer the most without support and benefit the most from perceived social support. Whereas people with ____ attachment anxiety report lower health regardless of perceived support.
- low
- high
An example of ____ aggression would be a gunpoint robbery. In this type of aggression, harm is not the main objective but rather a means to an end.
In ______ aggression, aggression is just a means to itself
Emotional or Hostile
Book et al (2013) found there is a correlation between level of _____ and ability to spot weakness in people walking by.
Thanatos’ Freudian Theory of aggression states that aggression is an in-built ____ redirected towards others. Violence towards those that are smaller is referred to as _______.
- death-wish
- Scapegoating