PSYC1040 Week 2 Flashcards
Theories in research and design experiments
Theories in research
- one study doesn’t tell us much - results could be a statistical fluke, caused by another factor, limited to details of that study’s methods or could even be fraudulent
- usually we need many studies to rule out these alternative explanations - lots of evidence and varied evidence
- if things go well from multiple studies we can get
What qualities make for a better theory
- falsifiability, testability
- scope, breadth
- simplicity
predictive power, accuracy - fruitfulness
What qualities make for a better theory? Falsifiability
- if we can always be wrong so we need to know when we are
- if our beliefs are untestable in principle, they may be irrelevant
- if they’re untestable in practise, we can get trapped with false beliefs
- many researchers view falsifiability as the defining feature of science
What qualities make for a better theory? Predictive powers, accuracy
- how closely the theory predicts or fits observations
- ideally predictions are both precise and very similar observations
What qualities make for a better theory? Scope, breadth
- the range of things the theory applies to
What qualities make for a better theory? Simplicity
- relying on few assumptions or ideas; makes a theory easier to use
- of two otherwise equal theories, the simpler one is more likely to be time
What qualities make for a better theory? Fruitfulness
- how many new testable ideas the theory leads to
Desirable properties of studies: Reliability
- the likely similarity of results if the study were repeated
- the extent to which chance can be ruled out as an explanation for the results
- a study with no reliability is nearly useless
Desirable properties of studies: Realism or relevance
- how well the study represents the topics and contexts of interest
- includes the validity of measures of realism of tasks and participants
Desirable properties of studies: casual interpretability
- how well the study supports conclusions about cause and effect
- depends on ruling out alternative causes of the outcome variable
Explorations for associations between variables
- A causes B - smoking causes long problems
- B causes A - long problem causes smoking
- C cause both A & B - genetic profile causes both
- coincidence (chance) - the studies were unreliable
Basic designs - experiments
- a study in which researchers intervene to change the state if the variable in order to see its effects on another variable and can make reverse-cause and ‘third variables’ implausible explanations for results
- often intervention involves giving different treatments to different groups of participants
Assigning participants to groups (between groups experiments)
- ideally, we would roughly match the groups on all characteristics
- the only way to do that is to randomly assign the participants to groups. Problem: groups will still differ by change
- solution: statistical analysis to assess how often chance alone would produce a result a result at least as strong as ours (also, repeating the study).
Controlling a variable without comparing groups
- instead of giving different treatments to different groups, we can give each person all the treatments (for example, at different times)
The basic logic of a simple idealised experiment
- step up two situations that are identical
- change the state of the supposed causal variable in one of the situations
- measure the outcome in both situations
- if the outcome differs between situations, the supposed causal variable must be a cause; if the outcome isn’t different, it must not be
Other problems with experiments
- realism - setting up an intervention often reduces study realism
- feasibility - intervention maybe too costly or time consuming to run
- ethics - interventions may violate consent, cause sufferent and unfairness
Observational (correlational) studies
- a study where researchers measure variable of interest, without intervening to change their states and look for associations between them
- problem: in principle, cannot rule out reverse-cause or ‘third variable’
- however, the right kinds of observational evidence can together give strong support to cause and effect conclusions. Experiments are perfect for determining cause and effect
Interpreting observational studies
- like always, consider the plausibility of various alternative explanations for the results and consider all the study’s properties
- be especially aware of reverse-cause and third variable explanations
- check the most relevant experimental evidence, even if its not closely related
- also, consider may studies with different methods where possible