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PSYC 355 All Assignments NEW PSYC 355 Exam 1 NEW PSYC 355 Lab Project Phase 2 Raw Data Scoring NEW PSYC 355 Lab Project Phase 3 SPSS Output NEW PSYC 355 SPSS Cumulative Assessment NEW PSYC 355 Week 1 SPSS Homework 1 NEW PSYC 355 Week 2 SPSS Homework 2 NEW PSYC 355 Week 3 SPSS Homework 3 NEW PSYC 355 Week 4 SPSS Homework 4 NEW PSYC 355 Week 5 SPSS Cumulative Assessment NEW PSYC 355 Week 5 SPSS Homework 5 NEW PSYC 355 Week 6 SPSS Homework 6 NEW PSYC 355 Week 7 SPSS Homework 7 NEW PSYC 355 Week 8 SPSS Homework 8 NEW PSYC 355 Week 8 SPSS HomeWork NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 8 SPSS HomeWork NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 8 SPSS HomeWork NEW
SPSS Homework 8 Instructions
Nonparametric Tests
Part 1:
- Green & Salkind: Lesson 42, Exercises 1, 3–4
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):
- This research scenario will be familiar to you. Do letters a, b, and c, answering the questions beneath your SPSS output. (3 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–c)
- All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (4 pts)
- Create a boxplot as done in earlier modules/weeks. (3 pts)
- Spearman Rho Exercise: This exercise is not found in Green & Salkind. Open the data file “Mod8_SpearmanRho_Exercise File” in the Module/Week 8 SPSS Assignments folder in Blackboard and read the following information; answer the questions below.
Scenario: During the Vietnam War, a draft was put in place that selected young men born on certain dates and placed them in the armed services. The process proceeded via lottery: Dates like “Sept. 14” were placed in capsules, one for each of the 365 days of the year, and the capsules were then drawn randomly from a container. In the 1970 draft, Sept. 14 was the first date drawn, meaning that all young men born on Sept. 14 were eligible for the very first round of the draft, and so on. After the results of the 1970 draft were analyzed, many statisticians and politicians asserted that the process had not been random at all, and certain men had a higher chance of being drafted than others. This case is famous, making it to the pages of international newspapers and the U.S. Supreme Court.
In the SPSS data file in Blackboard, you will find the original 1970 draft data with two variables. Column 1 contains the consecutive day of the year (1 = Jan. 1; 2 = Jan. 2; and so on). Column 2 contains the draft rank (1 = first date drawn; 2 = second date drawn; and so on). So, in the first row of the data set, Day 1 (Jan. 1) had a draft rank of 305. The lower the draft rank, the sooner and more likely a man was to be drafted. So, a higher rank (like 305, for example) was preferable to those who did not want to be drafted right away.
If the process had been statistically random, there would be no correlation between the day of the year you were born and the rank that was assigned to you (r = 0). Any type of significant correlation would mean that there was something relating the variables beyond mere random error, or chance.
- Open the data file and perform a Spearman correlation analysis for the day of year and the draft rank. Paste your output in the homework document. (2 pts)
- Write a current APA-style results section describing the outcome. (2 pts)
- Answer the next two questions in “layman’s terms” as if for someone who does not know much about statistics: (a) Why did people accuse the process of not being random? (b) What do the data indicate for men born earlier in the year vs. men born later in the year? (2 pts)
It’s not required, but if you want to check out the original New York Times article and see an interesting graph,
Part 2:
- A university assessment department collects data to determine whether university rankings differ based on their regional location. Some rankings are missing because the universities ranked at that level were in different regions than those of interest to the department. Based on eight universities in each of two different regions, is there a difference between university rankings based on their regional locations? Perform a Mann-Whitney U test, being sure to follow the directions under the table. (3 pts)
West Coast East Coast 2 5 6 12 16 17 18 19 1 3 4 7 8 10 13 15
Note: Your file must be set up in the same manner as the example data file and the exercise file from Part 1, with a grouping variable and a dependent/test variable. Because these are rankings, they are ordinal data and must be identified as such in “Variable View” under the column “Measure.” Click in the cell under “Measure” in the row for your university rank variable, and choose “Ordinal.” This ensures that SPSS treats the data at the proper level of measurement.
- Create a boxplot depicting the results. (3 pts)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (3 pts)
Part 3: Cumulative Homework
- A political pollster is curious about the effects of a town hall meeting on people’s intentions to support a state proposition that would legalize gambling. He interviews people as they leave and asks them whether their opinion about the proposition has changed as a result of the meeting. He records these frequencies in the table below. Choose the appropriate test to analyze this data, and follow the directions below the table.
Less likely to support No change More likely to support
- Paste appropriate SPSS output. (3 pts)
- Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (3 pts)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (3 pts)
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PSYC 355 Week 8 SPSS HomeWork NEW
SPSS Homework 8 Instructions
Nonparametric Tests
Part 1:
- Green & Salkind: Lesson 42, Exercises 1, 3–4
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):
- This research scenario will be familiar to you. Do letters a, b, and c, answering the questions beneath your SPSS output. (3 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–c)
- All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (4 pts)
- Create a boxplot as done in earlier modules/weeks. (3 pts)
- Spearman Rho Exercise: This exercise is not found in Green & Salkind. Open the data file “Mod8_SpearmanRho_Exercise File” in the Module/Week 8 SPSS Assignments folder in Blackboard and read the following information; answer the questions below.
Scenario: During the Vietnam War, a draft was put in place that selected young men born on certain dates and placed them in the armed services. The process proceeded via lottery: Dates like “Sept. 14” were placed in capsules, one for each of the 365 days of the year, and the capsules were then drawn randomly from a container. In the 1970 draft, Sept. 14 was the first date drawn, meaning that all young men born on Sept. 14 were eligible for the very first round of the draft, and so on. After the results of the 1970 draft were analyzed, many statisticians and politicians asserted that the process had not been random at all, and certain men had a higher chance of being drafted than others. This case is famous, making it to the pages of international newspapers and the U.S. Supreme Court.
In the SPSS data file in Blackboard, you will find the original 1970 draft data with two variables. Column 1 contains the consecutive day of the year (1 = Jan. 1; 2 = Jan. 2; and so on). Column 2 contains the draft rank (1 = first date drawn; 2 = second date drawn; and so on). So, in the first row of the data set, Day 1 (Jan. 1) had a draft rank of 305. The lower the draft rank, the sooner and more likely a man was to be drafted. So, a higher rank (like 305, for example) was preferable to those who did not want to be drafted right away.
If the process had been statistically random, there would be no correlation between the day of the year you were born and the rank that was assigned to you (r = 0). Any type of significant correlation would mean that there was something relating the variables beyond mere random error, or chance.
- Open the data file and perform a Spearman correlation analysis for the day of year and the draft rank. Paste your output in the homework document. (2 pts)
- Write a current APA-style results section describing the outcome. (2 pts)
- Answer the next two questions in “layman’s terms” as if for someone who does not know much about statistics: (a) Why did people accuse the process of not being random? (b) What do the data indicate for men born earlier in the year vs. men born later in the year? (2 pts)
It’s not required, but if you want to check out the original New York Times article and see an interesting graph,
Part 2:
- A university assessment department collects data to determine whether university rankings differ based on their regional location. Some rankings are missing because the universities ranked at that level were in different regions than those of interest to the department. Based on eight universities in each of two different regions, is there a difference between university rankings based on their regional locations? Perform a Mann-Whitney U test, being sure to follow the directions under the table. (3 pts)
West Coast East Coast 2 5 6 12 16 17 18 19 1 3 4 7 8 10 13 15
Note: Your file must be set up in the same manner as the example data file and the exercise file from Part 1, with a grouping variable and a dependent/test variable. Because these are rankings, they are ordinal data and must be identified as such in “Variable View” under the column “Measure.” Click in the cell under “Measure” in the row for your university rank variable, and choose “Ordinal.” This ensures that SPSS treats the data at the proper level of measurement.
- Create a boxplot depicting the results. (3 pts)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (3 pts)
Part 3: Cumulative Homework
- A political pollster is curious about the effects of a town hall meeting on people’s intentions to support a state proposition that would legalize gambling. He interviews people as they leave and asks them whether their opinion about the proposition has changed as a result of the meeting. He records these frequencies in the table below. Choose the appropriate test to analyze this data, and follow the directions below the table.
Less likely to support No change More likely to support
- Paste appropriate SPSS output. (3 pts)
- Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (3 pts)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (3 pts)
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 8 SPSS Homework 8 NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 8 SPSS Homework 8 NEW
SPSS Homework 8 Instructions
Nonparametric Tests
Part 1:
1. Green & Salkind: Lesson 42, Exercises 1, 3–4
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):
1. This research scenario will be familiar to you. Do letters a, b, and c, answering the questions beneath your SPSS output. (3 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–c)
2. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (4 pts)
3. Create a boxplot as done in earlier modules/weeks. (3 pts)
- Spearman Rho Exercise: This exercise is not found in Green & Salkind. Open the data file “Mod8_SpearmanRho_Exercise File” in the Module/Week 8 SPSS Assignments folder in Blackboard and read the following information; answer the questions below.
Scenario: During the Vietnam War, a draft was put in place that selected young men born on certain dates and placed them in the armed services. The process proceeded via lottery: Dates like “Sept. 14” were placed in capsules, one for each of the 365 days of the year, and the capsules were then drawn randomly from a container. In the 1970 draft, Sept. 14 was the first date drawn, meaning that all young men born on Sept. 14 were eligible for the very first round of the draft, and so on. After the results of the 1970 draft were analyzed, many statisticians and politicians asserted that the process had not been random at all, and certain men had a higher chance of being drafted than others. This case is famous, making it to the pages of international newspapers and the U.S. Supreme Court.
In the SPSS data file in Blackboard, you will find the original 1970 draft data with two variables. Column 1 contains the consecutive day of the year (1 = Jan. 1; 2 = Jan. 2; and so on). Column 2 contains the draft rank (1 = first date drawn; 2 = second date drawn; and so on). So, in the first row of the data set, Day 1 (Jan. 1) had a draft rank of 305. The lower the draft rank, the sooner and more likely a man was to be drafted. So, a higher rank (like 305, for example) was preferable to those who did not want to be drafted right away.
If the process had been statistically random, there would be no correlation between the day of the year you were born and the rank that was assigned to you (r = 0). Any type of significant correlation would mean that there was something relating the variables beyond mere random error, or chance. - Open the data file and perform a Spearman correlation analysis for the day of year and the draft rank. Paste your output in the homework document. (2 pts)
- Write a current APA-style results section describing the outcome. (2 pts)
- Answer the next two questions in “layman’s terms” as if for someone who does not know much about statistics: (a) Why did people accuse the process of not being random? (b) What do the data indicate for men born earlier in the year vs. men born later in the year? (2 pts)
It’s not required, but if you want to check out the original New York Times article and see an interesting graph
Part 2: - A university assessment department collects data to determine whether class ranking differs between male and female students. Based on the top 12 males and top 12 females of the senior class, is there a difference between genders on where they are ranked in their class? Perform a Mann-Whitney U test, being sure to follow the directions on the following page. (3 pts)
Male Female 2 5 7 10 11 13 15 16 18 21 23 24
1 3 4 6 8 9 12 14 17 19 20 22
Note: Your file must be set up in the same manner as the example data file and the exercise file from Part 1 with a grouping variable and a dependent/test variable. Because these are class rankings, they are ordinal data and must be identified as such in “Variable View” under the column “Measure.” Click in the cell under “Measure” in the row for your class rank variable and choose “Ordinal.” This ensures that SPSS treats the data at the proper level of measurement.
- Create a boxplot depicting the results. (3 pts)
- Write a current APA-style results section describing the outcome. All homework “results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (3 pts)
Part 3: Cumulative Homework 1. An organizational psychologist wants to find out if job satisfaction ratings differ as a function of department (human resources, sales, and research and development) and/or time of shift (early, late). Choose the correct test to analyze this question, set up the SPSS file, and run the analysis. Follow the directions under the table below. Early shift Human Resources Sales Research and Development 10 16 12 16 9 19 21 16 18 17 21 18 14
Late shift 14 13 8 12 12 17 12 14 9 10 12 15 19 14
- Paste appropriate SPSS output. (3 pts)
- Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (3 pts)
- Write a current APA-style results section describing the outcome. All homework “results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (3 pts)
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 7 SPSS Homework 7 NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 7 SPSS Homework 7 NEW
SPSS Homework 7 Instructions
Chi Square
Part 1:
Green & Salkind: Lesson 40, Exercises 1–4
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):
- Use the method reviewed in the presentation to weight the cases for this data set. (no points—done in data file)
- Do a, b, and c. (2 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–c)
- ———- (2 pts)
- All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (2 pts)
Green & Salkind: Lesson 41, Exercises 1–3
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):
NOTE: This exercise does not use the weighted cases method. Use the data file “as is.”
1. Do a, b, c, d, and e. For letter “e,” this question is asking specifically about effect size. (2 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–e)
2. ———- (2 pts)
3. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (2 pts)
Part 2:
1. An industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologist is helping a company determine the type of work stations preferred by its employees. The business owner believes that people who work in different departments may prefer different work station layouts. In order to examine this claim, the I/O psychologist sets up 3 simulated work stations: private office (PO), semi-private office (SPO), and open floor plan (OFP). She recruits employees from 3 different departments: Information Technology, Human Resources, and Marketing. The participants spend 30 minutes in each simulated work station performing general pre-arranged tasks. At the end of the 1.5 hours, the participants turn in a form on which they mark which work station they prefer. The results are listed in the table on the following page. Perform a chi square test of independence (using an SPSS two-way contingency table analysis) to determine whether the proportions of work station preferences differ across departments. Use the weighted cases method.
The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part 1 of the assignment—the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the “Variable View,” then return to the “Data View” to enter the data. (2 pts)
Private Office Semi-Private Office Open Floor Plan TOTAL Information Technology 9 6 4 19 Human Resources 6 10 3 19 Marketing 7 3 9 19 TOTAL 22 19 16 57
- Create a clustered bar graph depicting your results. (2 pts)
- Write an APA-style Results section describing the outcome. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (2 pts)
Part 3: Cumulative Homework - A researcher wants to find out if the number of absences from a chemistry class are predictive of final exam scores at a local university. The data from the past term are in the table below. Are number of absences predictive of final exam scores? Choose the correct test to analyze this question, set up the SPSS file, and run the analysis. Follow the directions on the following page.
Number of Absences Final Exam Scores 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 98 95 89 89 80 85 80 75 76 69 70 62 60
- Paste appropriate SPSS output. (2 pts)
- Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (2 pts)
- Write an APA-style Results section describing the outcome. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (2 pts)
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.
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PSYC 355 Exam 1 NEW
Exam 1 Psych 355
3. A p level of 0.05 corresponds to a confidence level of __________%
4. In a within-groups design where one group is measured twice over time, the appropriate hypothesis test is an:
7. Why do we divide by N-1 rather than by N when estimating a population standard deviation from the sample standard deviation?
8. The paired-samples t test has three assumptions, including all but:
9. We have learned three t tests, including all of the following except
10. The single-sample t test compares a sample mean to a population mean when:
12. According to the null hypothesis, the mean difference for the comparison distribution in a paired-samples t test is:
13. For an independent-samples t test, there were 14 participants in Group 1 and 17 participants in Group 2. The total degrees of freedom were:
14. A researcher conducts a single-sample t test and finds statistical significance at the 0.01 level. The effect size is then calculated and found to be 0.04. What might you conclude about the findings?
16. In an ______, one sample is compared to a population for which we only know the mean during hypothesis testing.
22. The critical cutoffs for a two-tailed, paired-samples t test with seven participants at a p level of 0.01 are:
24. Researchers were interested in whether relaxation training decreases the number of headaches a person experiences. They randomly assigned 20 participants to a control group or a relaxation training group and noted the change in number of headaches each group reported from the week before training to the week after training. The dependent variable in this study is:
27. A clinical researcher was interested in determining whether his interventions were effective in minimizing depression symptoms among his participants. The assess the effectiveness of his treatment program, he administered a depression inventory prior to his treatment and after his treatment. He hypothesized that depression scores would lower at a time two compared to time one. He then compared the mean differences between the two groups and found that his treatment was effective. The dependent variable in this study is:
28. To determine our critical values or cutoffs for an independent-samples t test, we use:
29. The formula H0: U1 = Uz is used to represent the:
30. Following are the results of an independent-samples t test: t(18) = -2.11, p<0.05. In the current example, the degrees of freedom are:
34. A researcher investigates if the extent to which people care abuot keeping their house clean and neat changes if they are given new things in that home. He follows eight families that were selected to receive home makeovers, assessing their cleanliness before the makeover and after. Given the following confidence interval [-1.26, 095], make a decision about the hypothesis.
35. The formula for the null hypothesis for a paired-samples t test is:
36. Unnithan, Houser, and Fernhall (2006) were interested in whether playing the game DDR affected the heart rate of overweight and nonoverweight adolescents differently. A group of 22 adolescents, 10 classified as overweight and 12 as not overweight, played DDR for 12 minutes, during which time the researches measured each participants heart rate. Which statistical test should the researchers use to analyze their data?
37. The numerator (top portion) of the ratio for calculating all the t statistics contains:
38. When scientists call a hypothesis test conservative, they mean that it is:
39. the formula for the degrees of freedom for the dependent-samples t test is:
40. In a paired-samples test, the comparison distribution of:
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 6 SPSS Homework 6 NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 6 SPSS Homework 6 NEW
SPSS Homework 6 Instructions
Prediction: Bivariate Linear Regression
Part 1:
Note: The z-scoring method used in the practice data file is covered in Lesson 19 during PSYC 354.
Green & Salkind: Lesson 33, Exercises 1, 3–4
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):
- Though the example in the lesson includes creating a z score variable, this step is not necessary for the homework exercises. (3 pts for output and 3 pts each for a–e)
- Write the answer to the last part of this question beneath your graph, in sentence form. (3 pts)
- All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Note: The statistical statement for a bivariate linear regression must include at least the equation of the line and the confidence interval for the slope (the second row under Confidence Intervals in the output). (3 pts)
Part 2: - A community psychologist is interested in whether spending time in after-school programs is predictive of the number of arrests as a young adult in a high-risk neighborhood. After collecting records on 17 individuals over 8 years, the psychologist compiles the information listed in the table below. Conduct a linear regression to analyze the research question.
The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part 1 of the assignment—the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the “Variable View,” then return to the “Data View” to enter the data. (3 pts)
Table is shown on the following page.
Hours Spent in After-School Programs Number of Arrests After Age 17 3 2 41 1 68 1 29 0 7 5 12 4 121 0 54 1 19 3 134 0 106 1 67 1 25 3 73 1 38 4 110 0 31 3
- Construct a scatterplot of the relationship between the 2 variables. Plot the regression line on this graph. (3 pts)
- Is time spent in after-school programs predictive of the number of arrests as a young adult? Write a Results section in current APA style describing the outcome. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). The statistical statement for a bivariate linear regression must include at least the equation of the line and the confidence interval for the slope (the second row under Confidence Intervals in the output). (3 pts)
Part 3: Cumulative Homework - To investigate the relationship between hours spent studying and exam scores, researchers measured the following. Is there a significant relationship between hours spent studying and scores? Choose the correct test to analyze this question, set up the SPSS file, and run the analysis. Follow the directions under the table on the following page.
Hours Spent Studying Exam Scores 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 40 50 51 61 73 71 64 75 68 76 94 85 84
- Paste appropriate SPSS output. (3 pts)
- Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (3 pts)
- Write a Results section in current APA style describing the outcome. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (4 pts)
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 5 SPSS Homework 5 NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 5 SPSS Homework 5 NEW
Part 1:
Green & Salkind: Lesson 31, Exercises 1–4
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):
1. ———- (2 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–c)
2. Answer this question in sentence form. Include the correlation (r) and degrees of freedom, the p value, and whether these values indicate a significant correlation between the variables or not. (2 pts)
3. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (2 pts)
4. ———- (2 pts)
Part 2:
1. A clinical psychologist would like to determine whether there is a relationship between observer ratings of children’s externalizing behaviors and scores on an established diagnostic interview assessing externalizing disorders (like ADHD, CD, etc.). He administers the diagnostic interview to 28 children and records these scores. He then trains an observer to independently rate carefully-defined externalizing behaviors for each of the 28 children. These scores are totaled for an overall “externalizing behavior index.” On both the interview and the behavioral ratings, a higher score indicates higher levels of externalizing behavior. These scores are listed in the table below. Conduct a Pearson correlation coefficient analysis to determine whether there is a relationship between the interview scores and behavioral ratings for this group of children.
The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part One of the assignment—the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the “Variable View,” then return to the “Data View” to enter the data
a) SPSS output (2 pts)
b) Create a simple scatterplot of the relationship between these variables (define interview scores as the x-axis and behavioral ratings as the y-axis). (2)
c) Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. For a correlation analysis, also be sure to include the direction of the relationship between the variables (positive? negative? none?) in your section. (2)
2. A neuropsychologist is assessing the relationship between brain function and performance on a visuo-spatial task. He administers a test to 14 patients on which scores can range from 1 to 20: a high score indicates normal brain function, and a low score indicates some levels of brain dysfunction. He then asks each patient to complete a maze and records the number of mistakes the patient makes from start to finish. The scores are listed in the table below. Conduct a Pearson correlation coefficient analysis to determine what the relationship is, if any, between brain function and performance on the maze task.
The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part 1 of the assignment—the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the “Variable View,” then return to the “Data View” to enter the data.
a) SPSS output (2)
b) Create a simple scatterplot of the relationship between these variables. (2)
c) Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. For a correlation analysis, also be sure to include the direction of the relationship between the variables (positive? negative? none?) in your section. (2)
Part 3:
Cumulative Homework
1. A developmental psychologist is studying whether students in a certain preschool program perform better than preschoolers in the state in general on a measure of reading readiness. The mean score for preschoolers in the state on the measure is 83. The psychologist tests the preschoolers in the program and records the scores in the table below. Choose the correct test to analyze this question, set up the SPSS file, and run the analysis. Follow the directions under the table below
a) Paste appropriate SPSS output. (3)
b) Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (2)
c) Write an APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” should follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (3)
2. In a study of the relationship between girls’ playtime activities and self-esteem, 16 girls in a fourth-grade class are selected and randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group plays with a selection of Barbie™ dolls for one hour, and the other group plays with a selection of toy animal figures. At the end of the hour, the girls are given a verbal interview designed to measure self-esteem. Scores range from 1–12, and higher scores = higher feelings of self-esteem. Is there a significant difference between the groups on feelings of self-esteem? Choose the correct test to analyze this question, set up the SPSS file, and run the analysis. Follow the directions under the table below.
a) Paste appropriate SPSS output. (2)
b) Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (2)
c) Write an APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” should follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. 2) This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 5 SPSS Cumulative Assessment NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 5 SPSS Cumulative Assessment NEW
SPSS Cumulative Assessment Instructions
The following research questions can be answered using 1 of the 5 tests you have learned so far: single-sample t-test, paired-samples t-test, independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, or two-way ANOVA. Use the information in the tables to construct your SPSS data file, just as you have been doing in Part 2 of each homework assignment. There is only 1 correct choice of analysis for each question, and note that some tests are 1-tailed and some are 2-tailed. The assessment is open-book/open-notes.
For each problem involving a test of significance, your answer must include: A) SPSS output; B) an appropriate graph from SPSS; C) a Results section in current APA style including a statistical statement (i.e., t(19) = 1.79, p = .049); a sentence summarizing the results “in English” (i.e., “There was a significant difference between the two groups on the variable…” or “There was no significant difference…”); and a decision about the null hypothesis.
For ANOVA problems: Report statistical findings and make statements for all main effects and interaction effects. Use Tukey’s test for any analyses requiring post hoc tests.
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.
1. Children who experience chronic pain as a result of medical procedures are the focus of a psychiatrist’s study. Specifically, the psychiatrist wants to measure whether a new program helps decrease feelings of chronic pain in the short-term. He measures children’s self-reports of pain levels before treatment on a standardized scale with a range of 0–10, with 10 being the most severe. He then administers the new program, and measures children’s pain levels after treatment. Does the new treatment decrease self-reported levels of chronic pain? (16 pts)
2. A health psychologist in a northern climate wants to evaluate the claim that UV lamps help lower depressive symptoms in middle-aged women. She recruits volunteers who meet the criteria for clinical depression and assigns them to two groups: one group receives a standard treatment for depression and undergoes a half hour of UV lamp therapy each day; the other group receives the same standard treatment for depression but without UV lamp therapy. At the end of two months, she administers a depression inventory where lower scores indicate fewer depressive symptoms (lower levels of depression). Assume all other variables are controlled for in the study. Evaluate the claim that depression treatment plus the UV lamp results in lower depression scores than depression treatment alone. (16 pts)
3. As part of a new prevention program, a clinical psychologist wants to see whether feelings of alienation differ as a function of immigration status in a local high school. She divides volunteer students into three categories: first-generation immigrants, second-generation immigrants, and non-immigrants. She then administers an instrument assessing feelings of alienation, where higher scores indicate stronger feelings of alienation from peers, adults, and society in general. Is there a difference in alienation scores among these three groups? (16 pts)
4. In response to media reports of violence on college campuses, a psychologist who works at a local community college decides to study students’ perceptions of campus safety. He hopes to use these results to help develop an on-campus violence prevention program. The administration has asked him additionally to look at whether perceptions of safety differ depending on students’ year in school and gender. The psychologist administers a questionnaire with possible scores ranging from 1–70, with higher scores indicating higher perceptions of safety on campus, and lower scores indicating perceptions that the campus is less safe. Based on the data collected below, do year in school and/or gender have an effect on perceptions of campus safety? (16 pts)
5. A cross-cultural psychologist living in an overseas, non-Western rural area has a background studying culture bias in traditional psychological testing procedures. She contends that members of a rural community who normally score lower than average on traditional Western-style IQ tests will score better than the general population on a new test that emphasizes practical and social intelligence. Scores on the test can range from 1-100. She recruits 18 volunteers and administers the new test. Their scores are as follows:
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 4 SPSS Homework 4 NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 4 SPSS Homework 4 NEW
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 3 SPSS Homework 3 NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 3 SPSS Homework 3 NEW
Part 1:
Green & Salkind: Lesson 25, Exercises 1–3
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):
1. Use Tukey’s test as the post hoc test for ANOVAs in PSYC 355. Be sure to check this box when you run analyses. For letters a–d, instead of identifying these values on your output, as the text states, write them into your Word file as written answers for #1 a, b, c, and d. (2 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–d)
2. ———- (3 pts)
3. Remember to put your dependent variable in the “variable” box, and your independent, or grouping, variables in the “category axis” box. (3 pts)
Part 2:
1. Twenty-four adults who have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder are randomly assigned to one of 3 group therapy conditions in order to improve their social skills: manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy (MCBT), non-manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy (NMCBT), and talk therapy (T). Following two months of therapy, the participants are assessed on a standardized measure of social skills. On this instrument, scores range from 0–45, and higher scores indicate better or improved social skills, while lower scores indicate social skills that need improvement. These scores are shown in the table below. Conduct a one-way ANOVA to determine how effective these 3 therapy conditions are at improving social skills.
The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part 1 of the assignment—the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the “Variable View,” then return to the “Data View” to enter the data. (3)
MCBT 29, 32, 26, 33, 32, 37, 30, 38
NMCBT 31, 30, 28, 26, 31, 27, 29, 27
T 25, 20, 24, 26, 26, 30, 27, 25
- What is the F ratio for the therapy group main effect? (3)
- What is the effect size for the overall effect of therapy type on social skills scores? According to general conventions, is this effect small, medium, or large? (3)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (3)
Part 3: Cumulative Homework
1. A researcher wanted to investigate whether there was a difference in satisfaction ratings in an assisted living facility between residents who had a plant to take care of vs. those who did not have a plant. Due to relocations during the study, 3 participants were dropped from the “No Plant” group. The researcher then administered a scale asking them to rate their overall satisfaction with the facility. Did having a plant have an impact on the residents’ overall satisfaction levels? Choose the correct test to analyze this question, set up the SPSS file, and run the analysis. Follow the directions under the table below (on next page).
Plan 47 42 35 46 49 39 40 46 52 40
No Plant 30 25 24 42 28 25 40
- Paste appropriate SPSS output. (4)
- Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (4)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (4)
This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3.
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 3 SPSS Homework 3 NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 3 SPSS Homework 3 NEW
Part 1:
Green & Salkind: Lesson 25, Exercises 1–3
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer (a dash indicates that no tips are needed):
1. Use Tukey’s test as the post hoc test for ANOVAs in PSYC 355. Be sure to check this box when you run analyses. For letters a–d, instead of identifying these values on your output, as the text states, write them into your Word file as written answers for #1 a, b, c, and d. (2 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–d)
2. ———- (3 pts)
3. Remember to put your dependent variable in the “variable” box, and your independent, or grouping, variables in the “category axis” box. (3 pts)
Part 2:
1. Twenty-four adults who have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder are randomly assigned to one of 3 group therapy conditions in order to improve their social skills: manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy (MCBT), non-manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy (NMCBT), and talk therapy (T). Following two months of therapy, the participants are assessed on a standardized measure of social skills. On this instrument, scores range from 0–45, and higher scores indicate better or improved social skills, while lower scores indicate social skills that need improvement. These scores are shown in the table below. Conduct a one-way ANOVA to determine how effective these 3 therapy conditions are at improving social skills.
The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part 1 of the assignment—the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the “Variable View,” then return to the “Data View” to enter the data. (3)
MCBT 29, 32, 26, 33, 32, 37, 30, 38
NMCBT 31, 30, 28, 26, 31, 27, 29, 27
T 25, 20, 24, 26, 26, 30, 27, 25
- What is the F ratio for the therapy group main effect? (3)
- What is the effect size for the overall effect of therapy type on social skills scores? According to general conventions, is this effect small, medium, or large? (3)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (3)
Part 3: Cumulative Homework
1. A researcher wanted to investigate whether there was a difference in satisfaction ratings in an assisted living facility between residents who had a plant to take care of vs. those who did not have a plant. Due to relocations during the study, 3 participants were dropped from the “No Plant” group. The researcher then administered a scale asking them to rate their overall satisfaction with the facility. Did having a plant have an impact on the residents’ overall satisfaction levels? Choose the correct test to analyze this question, set up the SPSS file, and run the analysis. Follow the directions under the table below (on next page).
Plan 47 42 35 46 49 39 40 46 52 40
No Plant 30 25 24 42 28 25 40
- Paste appropriate SPSS output. (4)
- Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (4)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (4)
This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3.
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 2 SPSS Homework 2 NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 2 SPSS Homework 2 NEW
SS Homework 2 Instructions
Independent Samples t-Tests
Part 1:
Green & Salkind: Lesson 24, Exercises 1–5
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer:
1. Type these values out underneath your copied and pasted output. (3 pts)
2. Instead of identifying these values on your output, as the text states, write them in your Word file as written answers for #2 a, b, and c. (3 pts, 1 point for each letter)
3. The effect size statistic must be computed by hand (or calculator). Use the second “easier” formula for d, found in the section on Effect Size Statistics in this lesson. (3 pts)
4. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (3 pts)
5. Create a boxplot (not an error bar graph) using the following steps (covered also in Lesson 21). (3 pts)
Go to Graphs > Legacy Dialogs > Boxplot > Select “Simple” > Select “Summaries for Groups of Cases”
Click “Define” and Variable = “Time Spent” (this is your dependent variable) and Category Axis = “Weight” (this is your independent, or grouping, variable)
Click OK
Part 2:
1. A learning psychologist is interested in comparing the success of 2 different mnemonics (memorization methods) on performance in a memory task. He assigns students to two groups, one which learns and uses a language-based rhyming memory technique, and one which learns and uses a visual “method of loci” spatial memory technique. He then administers a memory task to each group of students. The students are scored based on the percentage of correct answers. Using the table below, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and use an independent-samples t test to analyze the claim that the two mnemonic styles are different.
The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part 1 of the assignment—the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the “Variable View,” then return to the “Data View” to enter the data. (3 for output)
Table is shown on following page.
Language-Based 82
93 78 99 87 78 62 87 91 95
- Create a boxplot illustrating the differences between the two methods of language learning. (3)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (4)
Part 3: Cumulative Homework - The effects of a new faith-based anxiety treatment program are studied in a group of elderly patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). One of the outcome measures is the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI) (Pachana et al., 2007), a measure with possible scores from 0–20, with higher scores indicating higher anxiety. A large group of elderly patients completed the GAI before treatment. Fifteen patients with GAI scores of 10 or higher were chosen to participate in the study. The patients underwent the treatment program and completed the GAI at the end of treatment. The scores are listed below. Do the elderly patients exhibit lessened anxiety, as demonstrated by their GAI scores, after participating in the faith-based treatment program? Choose the correct test to analyze this question, set up the SPSS file, and run the analysis. Follow the directions under the table below.
GAI Score Before Treatment GAI Score After Treatment 10 12 17 13 10 13 16 11 11 15 18 11 11 14 15 7 11 12 14 9 10 12 11 13 13 17 9 13 10 12
- Paste appropriate SPSS output. (5)
- Paste appropriate SPSS graph. (5)
- Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” should follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (5)
This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 2.
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 Week 1 SPSS Homework 1 NEW
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PSYC 355 Week 1 SPSS Homework 1 NEW
SPSS Homework 1 Instructions
Single-Sample t-Tests and Paired-Sample t-Tests
Part 1:
Note that for all problems in this course, the standard cutoff for a test of significance will be p < .05 unless otherwise noted in the problem.
Homework files are found in Blackboard Course Content > Syllabus and Assignment Instructions > Assignment Instructions > SPSS Homework 1 > SPSS Homework Files (select the particular number for the module/week you are working on). Always use the Blackboard files instead of the files on the Green & Salkind website as some files have been modified for the purposes of this course.
1. Single-Sample t-Test: Based on Green & Salkind - Lesson 22, Exercises 1–4 (Mod1_Lesson 22 Exercise File 1), but follow the instructions below instead.
A total score variable is included in the data file in Blackboard (“tot_score”), so you do not have to compute it. Use this variable as your dependent variable.
The test value for the single-sample t-test is 2 (1/4 of 8, or the score which a student would achieve by chance). Use 2 as the test value when running the analysis for this exercise.
Conduct a single-sample t-test on the total score variable. Paste the output into your Word document and type in the answers to the following questions underneath the output: (2 pts for output)
Mean algebra score (2 pts)
t-test value (2 pts)
p value (significance) of the test (2 pts)
Write a Results section in current APA style based on your analyses. (3 pts)
Create a histogram that demonstrates the distribution of scores. Be sure to correctly label the X and Y axes. (3 pts)
2. Green & Salkind: Lesson 23, Exercises 6–8: (Lesson 23, Exercise File 1)
The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer within the Green & Salkind text:
Instead of identifying these values on your output, as the text states, write them into your Word file as written answers for #6 a, b, c, and d. (2 pts for output and 2 pts each for a–d)
All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format” (Note: you do not have to refer to a figure). (4 pts)
You will create the boxplot here instead of in the Results section. (2 pts)
Part 2:
A counseling psychologist administers an interview assessment that screens for possible internet addiction to his adolescent clients who live in a rural area. He assumes that children in this area may exhibit higherscores than children in the general population, who normally score a 25on a scale of 1–100. The table below shows the scores the counselor has collected.
Using the table, enter the data into a new SPSS file and conduct a single sample t-test to evaluate whether or not these adolescents scored higher than the general population.
The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part One of the assignment—the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the “Variable View,” then return to the “Data View” to enter the data.
Paste SPSS output (2 pts)
Write an APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results sections” should follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (3 pts)
Create a histogram that demonstrates the distribution of scores. Be sure to correctly label the X and Y axes. (2 pts)
2. A clinical psychologist is studying the differences in the number of Facebook® friends between identical twins raised apart. She believes that twins raised in different environments will have differences in the number of friends, which would help point to the influence of environmental factors over inherited factors on social outcomes. She divides the twins into two groups (“Twin 1” and “Twin 2”), collects the data and creates the table below.
Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a paired-samples t test to test the claim that the identical twins raised apart will have a significantly different number of Facebook® friends.
The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part One of the assignment—the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the “Variable View,” then return to the “Data View” to enter the data.
a) Paste SPSS output (2 pts)
b) Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analysis. All homework “Results sections” must follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format” (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. (2 pts)
c) Create a boxplot comparing the twins’ scores. Be sure to correctly label the X and Y axes. (2 pts)
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 1.
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MARYLAND PSYC 355 SPSS Cumulative Assessment NEW
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PSYC 355 SPSS Cumulative Assessment NEW
SPSS Cumulative Assessment Instructions
The following research questions can be answered using 1 of the 5 tests you have learned so far: single-sample t-test, paired-samples t-test, independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, or two-way ANOVA. Use the information in the tables to construct your SPSS data file, just as you have been doing in Part 2 of each homework assignment. There is only 1 correct choice of analysis for each question. The assessment is open-book/open-notes.
For each problem involving a test of significance, your answer must include: A) the output and an appropriate graph from SPSS; B) a statistical statement (i.e., t(19) = 1.79, p = .049); and C) a sentence summarizing the results (i.e., “There was a significant difference between the two groups on the variable…” or “There was no significant difference…”).
For ANOVA problems: Report statistical findings and make statements for all main effects and interaction effects. Use the Fisher LSD test for any analyses requiring post hoc tests.
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.
- An entrepreneur claims that he has developed a program that can increase the IQ of adolescent students. To test this claim, a psychologist administers the WISC (an IQ score for children) to a group of students before and after completing the training program. Analyze the data to test the entrepreneur’s claim. (16 pts)
Student IQ before IQ after 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 103 85 94 106 74 98 83 93 103 96 109 115 86 122 112 126 118 72 99 89 90 108 74 99 80 99 107 93 111 117 83 122 120 131 116 74
- The staff at a local psychiatric facility wants to determine whether implementing a No Smoking rule significantly decreases the length of stay of inpatients. In order to test this claim, they compared the length of stay of patients admitted before a No Smoking rule was implemented to another group of patients admitted after the No Smoking rule was implemented. Evaluate the claim that the average length of stay was significantly shorter for the group admitted after the facility implemented the rule. (16 pts)
Smoking Allowed No Smoking 8 5 2 5 8 6 4 14 7 15 12 8 4 13 10 8 5 10 7 8 2 3 2 4 4 8 4 5 2 4 6 7
- Depressed patients are randomly assigned to 1 of 3 therapists. At the end of 3 months, each patient completes a standardized test of depression (higher scores indicate higher level of depression). The patients’ scores are shown below. Analyze the data to determine how effective these 3 therapists are at treating depression (assume that before the treatment, all 3 groups of patients had the same average depression score). (16 pts)
Therapist 1 Therapist 2 Therapist 3 35 37 35 37 36 33 39 36 37 37 31 39 35 32 29 32 25 28 33 30 32
- In light of all the weight loss misinformation and fad diets, a medical researcher determines to evaluate several of them. She randomly assigns volunteers (identified as clinically obese) to 1 of 4 diets. She is a firm believer in the benefits of exercise, so she also assigns them to either the exercise or no exercise group. After 3 months, she compares the pounds lost for each condition. Was there a significant effect of the diets and exercise on weight loss? (16 pts)
Exercise Low Carb South Beach Adkins Weight Watchers 26 28 30 25 20 28 22 18 25 21 24 29 28 28 30 25 26
No Exercise 15 20 18 18 12 15 15 17 19 28 25 21 34 25 30 28
- Infants exposed to cocaine in their mother’s womb are thought to be at high risk for major birth defects. Thirteen infants born to mothers who are addicted to cocaine are administered the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment 1 day after birth. For these babies, their scores were as follows:
Brazelton Scores
- 25
- 50
- 50
- 50
- 00
- 90
- 50
- 30
- 80
- 50
- 25
- 45
- 80
For the general population, babies normally score an 8.5. Is this group of babies significantly lower than normal? (16 pts)