Psyc 2040 Test 1 Flashcards
Know the definition of Psychology.
- The study of behavior (defined by anything an animal or person does, thinks or feels)
- embedded within every aspect of life
Where do Psychologist work?
Everywhere: (Hospitals, Mental Health clinics, private practices, etc.)
The rules for choosing a major:
- Take an active role in choosing a major
- Your major does not determine your career
- Career planning is a process that persists throughout life
- Learn about your options
Know the tips for success:
- Get to know your professors- obtain insights on what it is like to be a professional.
- Get involved with research: very helpful when trying to get into graduate school.
- Seek internships/practicum shadowing opportunities
Round out your education.
What skills do you gain from majoring in psychology?
- Knowledge of Human Behavior
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
- Communication and Presentation Skills
- Information Acquisition and Synthesis Skills
- Research Methodology and Statistical Skills
- Adaptability
Psychological Literacy
Benefits to obtaining research experience:
- Students gain a basic understanding of research methodology and statistics and learn how to interpret data summaries.
What is psychological literacy?
The ability to pose questions and devise procedures to gather new information about human behavior.
Know how long it takes to attain a master’s degree, a specialist degree, and a doctoral degree:
- Masters Degree: 2 years
- Specialist Degree: 3
- Doctoral Degree: 5 to 7 years
Are therapeutic outcomes different for those trained at the master’s level vs the doctoral level?
How does one become a practicing clinical psychologist?
- Doctoral degree and licensure
Know what counseling and clinical psychology are:
- Clinical: Training focused on science and practice issue such as neuroscience, cognitive science, genetics, psychopharmacology etc.
- Counseling: Also works to alleviate distress and emotional or behavioral difficulties associated with psychological problems
How does one become a certified substance abuse counselor?
- Working under supervised training, 300-600 hours
What does it take to be able to practice in private practice?
- get a licensure
- graduate degree
- clinical experience
- take exam
Is there a major difference between clinical and counseling psychology and what are the differences?
Where are clinical psychologist typically employed versus counseling psychologist?
Private Practice- 41%
University Settings- 26%
Hospital settings- 4%
Outpatient clinics and community mental health centers- 6%
- 1/2 work in private practice
- 1/4 in hospitals or organized human service settings
- 1/5 in college and other educational settings
- 10% in government or business settings.