PSY2203 Lecture 5: Attribution Theory Flashcards
What is Attribution Theory?
“Attribution theory deals with how the social perceiver uses information to arrive at causal explanations for events. It examines what information is gathered and how it is combined to form a causal judgment”
Which global force of attribution do we tend to use and why?
We tend to attribute personal causality rather than situational causality as the former is a stable, concrete cause.
What does Weiners Attribution Model consist of?
Internal LOC + Stable = ABILITY
Internal LOC + Unstable = EFFORT
External LOC + Stable = TASK DIFFICULTY
External LOC + Unstable = LUCK
What is Correspondent Inference Theory?
Assumption that a persons behaviour aligns with/ is due to their personality traits.
Why do we partake in Correspondent Inference?
Because we tend to simplify our world and just be like “yeah he he that because thats the way he is”.
Multiple effects
When we are trying to understand why someone behaves in a certain way, we use the consequences of this behaviour to work out if act was intended.
By weighing up multiple factors, we can understand a more accurate inference about internal state of actor.
When is Correspondent Inference more likely?
When consequences are undesirable
When there are less noncommon effects
When theres sitch constraint
When behaviour is unique
What is Kelleys covariation and Configuration model all about then?
Covariation theory states that “an effect is attributed to the one of its possible causes with which, over time, it covaries”. Causes of behaviour by evaluating the role of consensus, distinctiveness and consistency.
Discounted theory= The role of a given cause in producing a given effect is discounted if other plausible causes are also present.
Augmentation principle= when there are know to be constraints, costs, or risks involved in taking an action, the action is attributed more to the actor than otherwise