PSY1002 Flashcards
Define “habituation”
A decline in the magnitude of a reflexive response when the stimulus is repeated several times in succession
“Classical conditioning”, what is it?
Involves learning about the conditions that predict that a significant event will occur
Spontaneous Recovery
The renewal of the Conditioned Response through the mere passage of time
Stimulus Generalisation
Stimuli that are similar, but not identical to the CS, can elicit the same CR, but to a lesser degree
Stimulus Discrimination
The differentiation of similar stimuli
What factors influence classical conditioning?
Signal strength
Biopreparedness ?
Individuals are biologically prepared to develop certain conditioned associations
Define “phobia”
Irrational fears of objects or situations
Define “fetishes”
Unusual sexual attachments to inanimate objects
Operant (instrumental) conditioning
This is when “learning occurs as a result on an individual operating on the environment “
Operant response?
A response that operates on the environment
What is a reinforcer?
A stimulus change that occurs after an operant response and increases the subsequent frequency of that response
Positive reinforcers
Rewarding events that strengthen a response if they are experiences after the operant response e.g. Praise, food
Negative reinforcers
Unpleasant stimulus that strengthen a response if they are removed after the operant response, e.g. Pain, threat
Unpleasant stimuli that decrease a response if they reliably and regularly follow the operant response
What is “shaping”?
The reinforcement of any behaviours that successively approximates the desired response
What are primary reinforcers ?
Biologically significant stimuli that are inherently rewarding, e.g. Food
What are Secondary (conditioned) Reinforcers?
Previously neutral stimuli that, if paired with a stimulus that is already reinforcing, will take on reinforcing properies, e.g. Verbal praise, money, academic grades
Continuous reinforcement ?
The reinforcer is administered after every response
Intermittent (partial) reinforcement
The reinforcer is not administered after every response
List the schedules of Intermittent Reinforcement
Fixed Ratio (FR) Variable Ratio (VR) Fixed-interval (FI) Variable-interval (VI)
What are the details of a Fixed Ratio Schedule?
Reinforcer is delivered following a specific number of responses
Details of the Variable Ratio Schedule?
Reinforcer is delivered following a given number of responses, but the number of responses varies from 1 reinforcement to next
Details of Fixed-Interval schedule?
Reinforcer is delivered for the first response that occurs after some fixed time has passed since the last reward, regardless of how many responses have been made during that interval
Details of Variable-Interval schedule?
Reinforcer is delivered following the first response after some period of time, but the amount of time varies
What is extinction?
The lack of reinforcement of an operant response and the consequent decline in response rate
What is ‘learning’?
Learning is the process through which experience modifies pre-existing behaviours and understanding