Psy- Testing & A - Chapter 2 Flashcards
What are psychological context
Clinical, educational, vocational (rehabilitation ) Organisational / industrial Military Legal/forensic Private/ practice
What are psychological assessment components
Referral question Information gathering - file, case , notes , etc -interview with person and / or significant others - hypothesis. Generation ******** ( building hypothesis ) - psychological testing - further information gathering -case formulation Report Follow up
Case formulation
Is that process , psychologist puts together and integrate and emphasise all the information from all these different sources and tries to make some sort of statement in the report about what is going on in this person’s life at this point and time
Psychological assement
It is not just about general fact, it’s Abu gathering lots of data from different sources , interview , psychological test, behaviour observation, and putting all together to answer question or hypothesis. It is about building the hypothesis up and what might be happening in person’s life and try to find out evidence to support or decline those hypothesis
Feral question
The specific question/s are the reasons why assessment south
Like does Mrs. jones is experiencing her early stages of dementia
What is the neuro-psychological assessment process
Referral letter File, case notes Interview - mrs Jones, significant other History Hypothesis generation Psychometric testing
What is hypothesis generation?
hypothesis generation is what helps you come up with new ideas for what you need to change. … Hypothesis generation might include things like: Talking to people who buy shoes online to explore what their problems are
What is case formulation
Case formulation, also known as clinical formulation, is a theoretical explanation or conceptualization of the information obtained from a clinical assessment.
Referral questions examples or scenarios
Mrs. Jones GP refers her for neuropsychological r to see if there is any evidence of dementia
What is DAT
DAT is a progressive brain disease
Testing memory
Rey auditory verbal learning test (RAVLT)
Attention test
Trail making test
Perception/ motor skills
Block design
Intellectual functioning
Geriatric depression scales (GDS)
Is a self report measure of depression in older adultuū
Impairment (disorder)
The score below what is expected for someone of her age , gender taking into account her educational vocational history
How the GDS scores work
0-9 = normal
10-19=mildly depressed
20-30= severely depressed
Psychological assessment
Is the gathering and integration of psychology-related data for the purpose of making a psychological evaluation that is accomplished through the use of tools such as tests, interviews, case studies, behavioural observation, and specially designed apparatuses and measurement procedures
Psychological testing
As the process of measuring psychology-related variables by means of devices or procedures designed to obtain a sample of behaviour
The scientific study and measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality and other psychological characteristics
Measuring soul
Latent variables
The variables that are not directly observable
Directly observed
Scales : criteria for determining if a scale is a good measure to use
Standardised measures of a particular psychological variable such as personality, intelligence or emotional functioning
The term reliability in psychological research refers to the consistency of a research study or measuring test.
The concept of validity was formulated by Kelly (1927, p. 14) who stated that a test is valid if it measures what it claims to measure.
For example a test of intelligence should measure intelligence and not something else (such as memory).
Does your measure detect/ reflect clinically significant change?
Do scores reflect actual changes in a person’s health or psychological state?
How practical is it for everyday use?
Time to complete, expense
Readability/reading age
User friendly? Burden