pst ppr Flashcards
Reduced NAD and reduced FAD transfer hydrogen atoms to carriers located in the inner
mitochondrial membrane.
Explain how hydrogen atoms from reduced NAD and reduced FAD lead to a
membrane potential forming across the inner mitochondrial membrane during
oxidative phosphorylation
(H atoms) split into protons and electrons ;
2 electrons, flow / move, down ETC ;
3 (releases) energy used to move H+
to intermembrane space ;
4 more / build-up of, H+
/ positive charge, in intermembrane space ;
5 (causes / sets up) proton / electrochemical, gradient
Suggest and explain how Pi
is transported across the inner membrane of the
mitochondrion into the matrix.
(Pi) by facilitated diffusion or through a protein, channel / carrier ;
2 Pi and H+ move together ;
3 (as) H+
ions diffuse (through ATP synth(et)ase / to matrix) ;
Suggest the advantages of linking ATP transport to ADP transport across the inner
membrane of the mitochondrion.
constant / sufficient / correct, supply / amount of, ADP / reactant ;
2 (so) ATP can continue to be made / so enough ATP can be made
Outline the principles of genetic engineering.
add DNA to give a new (named), characteristic / protein ;
2 restriction, enzyme / endonuclease, to obtain, gene / allele / section of DNA
restriction, enzyme / endonuclease, to cut plasmid ;
3 combine gene with / insert gene into, vector / plasmid ;
4 introduce, (recombinant) vector / plasmid, to, bacterium / (named host) cell ;
5 clone / multiply, (named, recombinant / GM) organism ;
Explain why a promoter has to be transferred as well as the desired gene
to switch gene on / so gene is expressed / allow transcription ;
2 at right time / all the time / in sufficient quantities ;
3 to allow binding of, RNA polymerase / transcription factors
State two ethical considerations of using a retrovirus for gene therapy
retrovirus / new gene, could / must not, insert in wrong place / disrupt other genes ;
2 could / must not, cause cancer ;
3 could / must not, cause, infection / disease ;
4 could / must not, cause, immune / allergic, response
Outline the features of a transcription factor such as BZR1.
(BZR1) binds to promoter ;
2 to switch gene on / so gene is expressed / allow transcription ;
3 allows binding of RNA polymerase (to DNA / promoter) ;
Explain how you would carry out a test cross to determine the genotype of a bronze male turkey (bronze is D / brown=d)
cross with brown female ;
2 if all offspring bronze then male is, homozygous / ZBZB
3 if (some offspring are bronze and) some are brown then male is, heterozygous / ZBZb
Suggest why structural genes in operons are transcribed together
(share) one promoter ;
2 all, enzymes / proteins / products, work together
Describe the differences between the functions of structural genes and regulatory genes
structural genes:
code for, enzymes / structural proteins / non-regulatory proteins / rRNA / tRNA ;
regulatory genes:
code for, proteins / products, that control, gene expression / transcription ;
Describe how gibberellin activates genes in plant cells
(gibberellin) binds to receptor. (enzyme causes) DELLA breakdown. DELLA no longer, binds to / inhibits, transcription factor / PIF. (so)transcription factor / PIF / RNA polymerase, binds to, DNA / promoter. (growth) genes, switched on.
Describe what happened to the DNA at each temperature.
at 95, denaturation of dna, dsDNA splits into ssDNA, HB breaks. then at 50 primers bind or anneals to ssDNA. at 72 complementary strand is made, dsDNA.
Some individuals taking part in gene therapy trials have been naturally exposed to the
virus carrying the functional gene, so that their blood already contains antibodies to
the virus.
Predict how this will affect the success of the gene therapy treatment.
decrease success because:
1 antibodies / immune response, may, destroy / attack / AW, virus / vector ;
2 (so) limiting / stopping, delivery of, gene / allele / DNA, to cells ;
3 destroys GM cells
destroys cells that have successfully taken up the, virus / gene / allele / DNA ;
State two possible advantages of using gene editing RATHER than gene therapy.
(gene editing) is, precise / exact / accurate ;
2 patient’s own gene can be, edited / corrected
no introduction of, gene / allele ;
3 no need to introduce promoter ;
4 less / no, risk of cancer
less / no, immune response ;
Explain why it is important to maintain biodiversity.
any seven from:
1 (named) food ;
2 (named) medicines ;
3 wood / fibres / paper / rubber ;
4 genetic diversity for future use ;
5 science / technology / research ;
6 education ;
7 aesthetic / wellbeing ;
8 (eco)tourism / attract visitors ;
9 ethical / moral / stewardship ;
10 local cultural significance ;
11 maintain / protect / stability of, food chains / food webs ;
12 pollination / ecosystem services ;
13 protect against, soil erosion / coastal erosion / flooding ;
14 soil formation ;
15 (named) mineral, cycles / recycling OR ref. to stage in cycle of named element ;
16 climate stability ;