Psoriasis Flashcards
Psoriasis epidemiology?
2% worldwide, bimodal peak @ 20-30 yrs and 50-60 yrs 75% onset before 40 -children plaque psoriasis mc then guttate -family hx in 35-90%
Rate of psoriatic arthritis
Most common psoriatic susceptibility gene?
PSORS1 chormosome 6p contains HLA-Cw6 allele
what is the HLA affected in PSORS1?
What cytokine is decreased in psoriasis?
What antimicrobial proteins are secreted more in psoriasis?
hBD1-2, cathelicoidin LL37 and SLP1
What cytokine is responsible for the IL-23 response?
What cytokine correlates w/ dz severity?
Psoriasis triggers?
truama (Keobner phenomenon) [sunburn, morbillifrom drug eruptions etc], infection (strep pharyngitis –> guttate), HIV, hypocalcemia (genarlaized pustular psoriasis), pregnancy, stress, drugs (lithium, beta blockers, antimalrias, TNF alpha inhibitors and CS tapers (pustular))
Triggers of guttate psoriasis?
group A strep infection or URI
Which psoriasis is pregnancy related?
Impetigo herptetiformis –> begins in flexures then generalized w/ toxicity. Early delivery recommended
4 patterns of pustular psoriasis?
Von zumbusch, annular, exanthematic type, localized pattern
Describe the von zumbusch pattern of pusturlar psoriasis
Rapid and generalized, painful skin, fever, luekocytosis, hypoalbuminemia, and malaise; a/w hypocalcermia (risk factor)
What psoriasis disorder can be associated w/ bone lesions?
Palmoplantar pustulosis –> SAPHO syndrome (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis). You get sterile inflammatory bone lesions.
What is acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeuau?
On fingers, lakes of puss, nail shedding and damage
What is the #1 cause of pityriasis aminatacea?
What nails does psorasis affect most commonly
What are the nail findings in psoriasis?
- Proximal matrix involvement
- Distal matrix involvement
- Nail bed involvement
The proximal matrix primarily affects pits (small depressions in the nail surface).
The distal matrix is responsible for producing the dorsal surface of the nail, which explains why distal matrix involvement leads to leukonychia and other changes.
What percentage of pt’s can have nail findings w/o rash in psoraisis?
What is the RF status of psoriatic arthritis?
RF negative
What are the 5 types of Psoriatic arthritis/patterns
- Oligoarthritis (most common)
- asymmetric DIP involvement
- Rheumatoid Arthirtis (can be RF+)
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Arthritis Mutilans
What comorbitities are decreased in psoriasis?
allergic disease and risk of superinfection is decreased
What are first-line topical therapies for children?
Vitamin D3 analogs (CS first line in adults)
What light therapy is more effective for guttate psoriasis?
broad band-UVB is more effective than narrow-band (NB) UVB
SE a/w cyclosporin use?
hypertrichosis, gingival hyperplasia, myalgia, paresthesia, tremos, malaise, hyperuricemia, hypomagnesmia, hyperkalemia
What IL-17 inhibitor is against the receptor?
Brodalimumab (Siliq)
It uniquely targets IL-17 receptor A, blocking multiple IL-17 cytokines, unlike secukinumab and ixekizumab, which target IL-17A specifically. It is effective for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis but carries a boxed warning for potential suicidal ideation and behavior.
What is the tx choice for pustular (vonzumbusch)
Acitretin (>cyclosprin, MTX and biologic)
What genetic alteration is a/w early-onset psoriasis?
What percent of people w/ early-onset psoriasis have HLA-Cw6?
What chromosome is PSORS1 located on?
What percent of psoriasis pt’s have PSORS1
What psoriasis subtypes are a/w HLA-B27?
sacroiliitis-associated psoriasis, PsA, and pustular psoriasis
What HLA subtypes are a/w guttate and erythrodermic psoriasis?
HLA-B13 and B17
What HLA subtypes are a/w palmoplantar psoriasis?
HLA-B8, Bw35, Cw7, and DR3
What type of T-cell predominates in the epidermis in psoriasis lesions? Dermis?
CD8+ in the epidermis and a mix of CD4+/CD8+ T-cells in dermis.
What cytokines are increased in psoriasis?
Th1 cytokines (e.g., IFNgamma, IL-2) Also: IL-1, IL-6, TNF alpha
What cytokine is decreased in psoriasis?
What cytokine from dendritic cells is key in the proliferation of keratinocytes in psoriasis and what is the progression?
IL-23 (from Dendritic Cells)–> Th17 cell stimulation–> IL-17 and IL-22 release –> dermal inflammation and keratinocyte replication
Which cytokine triggers neutrophil chemotaxis in psoriasis?
What antimicrobial peptides are increased in psoriasis?
hBD1-2, cathelicidin LL37, and SLP1
What cytokines are expressed by keratinocytes in psoriais?
IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha; also express TLRs
What is expressed in increased amounts in psoriasis that leads to blood vessel changes and the dilation seen in papilla on path and auspitz sign clincally?
Triggering factors for psoriasis?
External vs internal triggers Extrenal= trauma (includes sunburn, drug eruption, viral exanthum etc) Internal=infections (strep #1), hypocalcemia, HIV, stress, drugs, alcohol, smoking obesity.
What forms of psoriasis is hypocalcemia a/w?
Pustular and pregnancy related impetigo herpetiformis
What drugs are implicated in psoriasis?
-Lithium, IFNs, Beta blockers, antimalarials, TNF alpha inhibitors, and CS tapers in (pustular psoriasis) -TNF alpha inhibitors may lead to plaque psoriasis and/or palmoplantar pustulosis
Which drugs are related to psoriasis with short, intermediate, or long-term latency?
Short: terbinafine, NSAIDs
Intermediate: antimalarials, ACE inhibitors
Long: Beta blockers, lithium
Most common type of psoriasis?
Chronic plaque form
What are the most common sites of chronic plaque form psoriasis?
Scalp, elbows, knees, pre-sacrum, hands, feet, genitalia (up to 45%)
What percent of guttate psoriasis patients go on to have the chronic plaque form of psoriasis?
Most common location for guttate psoriasis?
Trunk and proximal extremities
Common trigger of guttate psoriasis?
Strep A infection/URI, usually 1-3 weeks prior to presentation. Note that this can be triggered from impetigo.
What titers might you check in guttate psoriasis?
Elevated antistreptolysin O, anti-DNaseB or streptozyme titer can be seen