Psoas Syndrome - Lecture Flashcards
Origin and insertion of psoas
O = T12-L5 bodies/TPs
I = Lesser trochanter
Functions of psoas
- Walk
- Flex femur/pelvis/lumbar spine
- Maintain pelvis when standing
- Return hip to neutral when rotated (either direction)
What visceral structure is directly adjacent to the psoas muscle?
Kidney stone may cause psoas irritation
Viscerosomatic reflexes that can affect the psoas muscle
- Diverticulosis
- Ureter stone
- Prostatitis
- Descending colon cancer
- Salpingitis
- Psoas abscess
- Appendicitis
How can psoas syndrome and lumbar lordosis be related? Causes of each?
Increased lordosis = psoas pulling vertebrae/sacrum forwards
Decreased lordosis = tight hamstring/gluteus maximus/abdominals = pulling inominate posteriorly and psoas superiorly
Special test for psoas syndrome
Thomas test
Osteopathic testing for psoas syndrome
Tender points – iliacus, low ilium, AL 1-5
Tight psoas b/l…expected SDs?
Type 2 dysfunctions
Passive (rolled towel)
Muscle relaxants
***Tight R psoas u/l…expected SDs?
***L1 F RR SR
L2-5 N RL SR
Fix SDs (L1, then others)
Psoas stretch
Muscle relaxants/NSAIDs
Stage 3 of psoas syndrome?
***Finding (R psoas)
Sacral torsion
***L on R sacral torsion
L pelvic side shift
Treat the torsion
Stage 4 of psoas syndrome? Why?
CONTRALATERAL piriformis spasm - due to L pelvic side shift
Treat piriformis
Stage 5 of psoas syndrome? Why?
Positive test?
CONTRALATERAL sciatica (due to piriformis)
SLR (above 30º
Low dose steroid
Psoas syndrome…first treatment target?
ME technique? How to do it?
L1 flexion
FDDR (Long Lever) – LR, PTP down, shoulder to table, flex H/Ks then straighten lower leg, ABD upper leg, Pt ADDs down toward table against resistance
Psoas syndrome…CS points? Describe each
Iliacus - 1-2in medial to ASIS, deep in fossa – frog leg w/ ankles on doc’s knee
Piriformis - 1/2 to 2/3 from ILA to GT – prone, flex leg over table, ABD and ER hip
Psoas syndrome…psoas ME/stretch
Extend leg over table, stabilize opposite ASIS, patient flexes against doc
Good NSAIDs for psoas syndrome
Good muscle relaxants for psoas syndrome
Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Celecoxib
Metaxalone, Cyclobenzaprine, Baclofen, Carisoprodol
Psoas syndrome stretches (home)
Psoas – Kneel on 1 knee, IR back hip (moving ankle out to side), posteriorly rotate pelvis
Piriformis – supine, F/ER, pull knee/ankle towards head
Lumbar – child’s pose, happy baby pose