PSG T. Prep Flashcards
What is the maximal value for electrode impedances for EEG?
5000 Ohms
What is the minimum digital resolution?
12 bits per sample
What are the minimal and desirable sampling rates for EEG, EOG, EMG and ECG?
Minimal 200 Hz and Desirable 500 Hz
What are the LFF and HFF for EEG channels?
0.3 Hz and 35 Hz
What are the LFF and HFF for EOG channels?
0.3 Hz and 35 Hz
What are the LFF and HFF for EMG channels?
10 Hz and 100 Hz
What are the LFF and HFF for ECG channels?
0.3 Hz and 70 Hz
What are the LFF and HFF oronasal thermal flow and thoracoabdominal belt signals?
0.1 Hz and 15 Hz
What are the LFF and HFF nasal pressure channels?
0.03 Hz and 100 Hz
What are the LFF and HFF for snoring channels?
10 Hz and 100 Hz
For EEG, _____ Hz sampling rate and HFF settings may be increased.
Higher sampling rates on channels for EOG, EMG, ECG _________ define waveforms.
Which channel is exempt from the digital resolution standard?
Body position
Which channel can have a lower sampling rate?
Snoring channel
Which channel(s) can have impedances of 10 kOhms?
Limb EMG
What is the required display size for scoring and review of sleep data?
15 in screen, 1600 horizontal pixels, 1050 vertical pixels
Each channel must have its own ________ ____ ________.
50/60 Hz filter
Recommended montage derivation for EEG is:
F4-M1, C4-M1, O2-M1 with F3, C3, O1 and M2 as backups.
Standard electrode positions used are part of the _________ system.
M1 and M2 refer to which electrode placements?
left and right mastoid processes
__ - __ is NOT appropriate for measuring the amplitude of frontal activity for determination of slow wave activity.
Recommended EOG derivation and placement are:
E1-M2, E2-M2 with placements of E1 1 cm below and 1 cm lateral left outer canthus; E2 1 cm above and 1 cm lateral right outer canthus.
Conjugate eye movements result in ____ __ _____ deflections.
Out of phase
Acceptable derivations for EOG channels allow for detection of ______ eye movements.
How many electrodes are required for chin EMG?
The preferred abbreviations for sleep stages are:
W, N1, N2, N3 and R
Epochs are described as sleep if they contain: ____ seconds of sleep sequentially OR at least ______ of the epoch is ________.
30, half, sleep
Slow waves in sleep are defined as:
0.5-2.0 Hz AND minimum amplitude of 75 uV in Frontal channels
Define the four main frequencies of waveforms on EEG: delta, theta, alpha, beta
Delta 0-3.99 Hz, Theta 4-7.99 Hz, Alpha 8-13 Hz, Beta faster than 14 Hz
Wakefulness on EEG channels is defined as:
alpha rhythm posterior dominant in the occipital region with eye closure and attenuation to eye opening
Wakefulness is demonstrated in EOG, as: (include description of 4 types of eye movements)
1) Eye blinks - vertical eye movements 0.5-2 Hz; 2) Reading eye movements - slow followed by rapid phase
3) Rapid eye mvmts (REM) - irregular lasting <500 msec
4) Slow eye mvmts (SEM) - more regular, lasting >500 msec
Wakefulness is scored when the following conditions are met:
a) more than 50% of epoch is alpha in the occipital region
b) AND/OR any of the following: 1) eye blinks, 2) REM with normal chin muscle tone, 3) Reading eye movements
Time away from equipment is scored as ______.
Stage N1 sleep is defined as:
1) Slow eye movements (SEM)
2) Low amplitude mixed frequency activity EEG (LAMF) (theta)
3) Vertex sharp waves (V waves) central region
4) Sleep onset - first epoch of any stage other than Wake (W)
Low amplitude mixed frequency activity on EEG found during N1
Describe the 7 characteristics of scoring N1 sleep.
1) PDR (Alpha) attenuated by 50% of LAMF
2) LAMF, V waves, SEM
3) Majority of epoch meets 1 and/or 2 AND absence of ANY other stage
4) Continue N1 until identifies another stage
5) When arousal in N2 - SCORE N1 if LAMF, - K/spindles or any other stage sleep
6) When arousal in REM- score N1 if LAMF, - alpha, + SEM, +chin at REM level
7) N1 until another stage identified
What EEG feature is acceptable but NOT required for N1?
V waves
What EOG feature is acceptable but NOT required for N1?
Which comes first: SEM or attenuation of alpha?
N2 is defined by:
1) K complexes
2) sleep spindles
Well delineated, negative sharp wave followed by a positive wave, lasting >0.5 sec, maximal frontal region
K complex
train of distinct sinusoidal waves of 11-16 Hz, lasting >0.5 Hz, seen maximally in the central or vertex region
Sleep Spindles
Stage N2 is differentiated from N1 by:
K complexes with spindles; or K complexes with arousals; IF K complex without spindles
Where else can spindles be found?
Frontal region
When staging sleep, if a K complex occurs in first half of epoch- entire epoch is
When staging sleep, if a K complex happens in the second half of epoch, entire epoch is
If a delay exists between arousal and K complex, epoch is
Stage N2 is scored when the following criteria are met:
a) does not meet N3
b) if last half of previous epoch OR first half of current epoch has >/= 1 k complex or spindle
c) majority of epoch meets N2
d) same/next epoch has arousal - epoch BEFORE arousal is N2
e) epochs with k complex/spindles followed by LAMF & NO arousal - N2
f) Epoch following N3 - NOT N3, W, or R is N2
N2 scoring stops when:
a) transition to W, N3 or R
b) arousal with LAMF
c) Major body movement followed by SEM & LAMF
N3 sleep is defined by:
slow wave activity (0.5-2 Hz)
>75 uV
Frontal region
N3 sleep is scored when:
> 20% of epoch consists of slow wave activity regardless of age
Stage N4 sleep is defined by
Trick question- no longer defined separately. N4 is replaced with N3.
T/F K complex can be considered a slow wave.
True -if it meets slow wave activity criteria, of 0.5-2 hz, > 75 uV and frontal
T/F N3 sleep does NOT have spindles.
False- spindles may be present in N3 sleep.
REM sleep is defined by the following criteria:
a) REM - rapid eye movements, irregular, <500 msec
b) LOW chin EMG - lowest of entire recording
c) Sawtooth waves maximal central region
d) Transient, brief, irregular EMG <0.25 seconds
REM is scored when the following criteria are met:
1) LAMF EEG activity
2) LOW chin EMG majority of epoch
3) Absence of K complexes and/or spindles
4) REMs
5) NO arousals
6) Continue R if MAJORITY of epoch contains segment meeting R
Scoring for REM ends when:
1) Transition to another stage W, N2, N3
2) Increase in CHIN EMG
3) Arousal w/ LAMF & SEM
4) Major body movement with LAMF/SEM, decrease in CHIN EMG
5) Arousal associated K complexes/spindles in FIRST half & NO REMs
Majority of epoch rule applies to which stages?
N2 and REM
First half and last half of epoch rule apply to which stages?
N2 and REM
T/F Alpha can increase in REM for some people.
True, but it is slower in REM than during wakefulness, just more abundant.