Pseudocode Flashcards
What do you start in the pseudocode?
What could you put when you INPUT something?
INPUT “Please enter the number of students in the class”
What could you put for an IF statement?
IF number_of_students > 5 THEN
recorded_students = 0
What can you put for a WHILE loop?
WHILE recorded_students < number_of_students
INPUT “Please enter the next students name”
STORE students_name to list_student_name
INPUT “Please enter the students test result”
What can you put for IF ELIF, ELSE?
IF test_result >=70
PRINT “Distinction has been achieved by” student_name
STORE “Distinction” to list_grade
ELIF test_result >= 51
STORE “Merit” to list_grade
ELSEIF test_result >=41
STORE “Pass” to list_grade
STORE “Fail” to list_grade
What can you put for STORE?
STORE test_result to list_test_result
Recorded_students +=1
What can you also put for SORT?
SORT variable or list_test_result
What can you put for DISPLAY?
DISPLAY sorted list_test_result, list_grade, list_students_name
What can you put for WRITE?
WRITE results to results.txt
What can you lastly put for INPUT?
INPUT “Please enter the number of students in the class”