Pscyh Flashcards
Misinterpretation of a perception
Affect illusion
Perception interpreted according to mood
Completion illusion
Lack of attention causes perception to be misinterpreted
Pareidolic illusion
Shapes seen in other objects
Perceptions arising w/i the mind w/o any external stimulus
Extracampine hallucination
Occurs beyond normal range of sensation
Functional hallucination
Occurs when separate, unrelated stimulus in same sensory modality
Reflex hallucination
Occurs when separate, unrelated stimulus in different sensory modality
Hypnogogic hallucination
Occurs on going to sleep
Hypnapompic hallucination
Occurs on waking
Not perceived as external and pt has insight
A false belief held despite proof to the contrary and out of keeping w/ pt social, cultural + educational background
Primary delusion
Occurs out of the blue
Secondary delusion
Arises from attempt to understand other mood or experience and is understandable w/i that context
Overvalued idea
Strongly held belief, which dominates life but not always culturally abnormal or illogical
Othello syndrome
Morbid jealousy (delusional), usually male thinks partner is cheating and can get aggressive
de Clerambault’s
F thinks famous male is secretly in love w/ them and sending them messages
Cotard’s syndrome
Nihilistic delusions - thinks internal organs have disappeared or rotted away
Delusional parasitosis (formication) NOT a hallucination
Delusional misidentification - believe strangers are people well known to them in disguise
X linked dom disorder seen only in girls
Causes severe Physical + LD
Charles Bonnet syndrome
Complex visual hallucination in the visually impaired
Insight retained
Body dysmorphic disorder
Overvalued idea NOT a delusion
Touching or rubbing against someone for pleasure
Witmaack-Ekbom syndrome
Restless legs syndrome
Kleine-Levin syndrome
Distinct periods of hyperphagia and hypersomnia
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
X linked disorder in uric acid metabolism
Causes uricaemia
Causes severe LD, striking self harm + chorea
Verbal AND Motor tics
Tic disorder
Either verbal OR motor tics
Inactivation of maternal Ch15
Causes severe LD, almost no language, ataxia, freq. laughter + highly excitable behaviour
Paediatric AI Neuropsych Disorders Assoc w/ Strep infection
Assoc w/ OCD and tics
Very Late Onset Schizophrenia Like Psychosis
Partition Delusions common
Partition delusions
Non permeable objects become permeable e.g. walls to radiation
DLB Sx (classic triad)
Visual hallucinations
Fluctuating cognitive impairment
NB antipsychotic CI
Dementia vs depression in elederly
Insight rare in dementia
Worry about memory loss more likely in depression
Dx of depression (core feats)
Low mood
At least 1 must be present for at least 2 weeks
Bio feats fo depression (4)
Change in appetite and weight
Change in sleep pattern (early am wakening)
Loss of libido
Duirnal variation in mood (am worse)
Hebephrenic schizophrenia
Dominated by thought disorder + affective Sx
Social withdrawal
Childlike affect
-ve Sx early + poor prognosis
Catatonic schizophrenia
Pyschomotor disturbance
Automatic obedience or negativism
Waxy flexibility