Pschology Flashcards
Type of learning that involves stimulus response connections
So,eyhing that produces a reaction/response
Classics conditioning (CC)
Simple form of learning in which a stimulus calls forth a response that is usually associated with the stimulus
Unconditioned sitimulus (US)
Stimulus that causes a response that is automatic ( you just do it)
Unconditional response (UR)
Automatic response to
Conditioned response (CR)
Learned response to a stimulus that was previously been neutral
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
Learned stimulus for unconditional response
Taste aversaions
Learned avoidance of particular food
Spontaneous recovery
Displayed response that were previously extent
Conditioned stimulus is disconnected from the unconditioned stimulus
Repsponding the same way to a stimuli that may seem similar
Act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar
A person is exposed to the harmless stimuli until that stumli is extinguished
Systematic desensitiayion
People are thought relaxation techniques and are then gradually introduced to the stimulus
Counter conditioning
Pleasant stimulus is paired repeatedly with a fearful one, counteracting the fear