PS 100 Exam Flashcards
Political game marked by bargaining, cooperation, and balloting
Peaceful political game in which participants publicly, willingly disobey in order to dramatize the evil they protest against
Civil Disobedience
3 Classifications of Political Games
Political game characterized by peaceful conversion of the opponent
Political game aimed at the complete destruction of the opponent
A leader must be both strong and crafty, and willing to do what may not be morally correct
Lion and the Fox
Process whereby public values are debated, political actors cooperate and struggle for power, and policy judgments are made and implemented (Who gets what, when, and how)
Ability of one political actor to get another actor to do or not do something
One player insisting on total domination encounters resistance and uses physical force to destroy an opponent
James Madison’s term for a federal government governing a large territory
Extensive Republic
Power over one’s destiny, can be interpreted negatively or positively
The idea that people are not free when constrained, usually by government regulations
Negative Freedom
Why people obey or disobey those demanding their political allegiance, such as a government or state
Political Obligation
People are most free when acting rationally and furthering their potential as human beings, usually needing an active government to reach such a level
Positive Freedom
Approach to social science emphasizing empirically observable, discoverable, and explicable patterns of behavior
A condition or behavior exists or takes place because of the influence of another factor
Approach to social science emphasizing political phenomena-what has been, what is, what will be
Study of the nature of moral standards and choices of judgments and behavior
The concept that a condition or behavior exists or takes place because of the influence of two or more factors
Philosophy stating that humans can only know that which is based on positive, observable scientific data or data derived from sense experience
Wise judgment about the practical tasks of politics, respectful of sound values and the limitations of reality
A model that provides conclusions about how politics works that follow deductively from a simple assumption about political actors
Rational Choice
Pattern of reasoning used in the systematic search for knowledge; involves identifying the problem, articulating a guiding hypothesis, obtaining evidence to test the hypothesis, and validating and explaining the significance of the hypothesis and the findings that support it
Scientific Method
Set of attitudes towards citizenship and politics held by those in a particular nation
Civic Culture
18th century, Western movement that believed in reason, freedom, and progress
The hope for a better way of life, especially among those living in the developing world
Revolution of Rising Expectations
Privileged, educated, powerful upper class that rules society
Founding documents listing the structure and rules of a political system, reflecting the political culture
Rule by the people, usually by elected representatives, under a Constitution that protects basic rights and majority rule
Part of eternal law known through reason, such as discerning good from evil
Natural Law
Greek city-state
Government by the few, for corrupt and selfish purposes
Constitutional government, mixture of democracy and oligarchy
Agreement in which a number of people unite for a common political purpose
Social Contract
Lawless rule by one leader
Doctrine believing in utility and search for happiness, seeking greatest happiness for greatest number
Subfield relating to system of governance in the United States
American government and politics
Subfield relating to how countries in the international system interact with each other
International Relations
Subfield relating to political and governance processes in countries around the world
Comparative Politics
Subfield relating to study of fundamental questions about governance
Political theory/philosophy
Component relating to political values, what should be?
Component relating to political phenomena, what is, what has been, what will be?
Component relating to political judgment, what can be?
Task relating to recommending what action ought to be taken
Ethical Recommendation
Task relating to how political actors carry out their business
Empirical Understanding
Task relating to providing sensible guidance in political life, making decisions
Prudential Judgment
Task relating to three previous tasks being unified
Theoretical Integration
Citizens seek high standard in order to obtain this controversy
Good Political Life
A national government being boss on its own turf, last word of law in that country
General acceptance by political actors and citizens that government actions are appropriate and fully accepted
A set of systematic claims that attempt to generalize about a process or phenomenon, empirical theories must be testable to be specific
Based on observable evidence
Testable implication of a researcher’s theory
Observable evidence used to test a theory
A broad area of study, usually defined by a common topic or methodology
Division within a discipline that examines a particular set of topics and/or uses a particular set of methodologies
Systematic search for knowledge
Law applies to everyone regardless of status, applied evenly
Rule of Law
Characterizes situations political actors may be in and provides options
Game Theory
Awkward to disagree, encourages unanimity
The co-occurrence of two observable phenomena
A multi-step process that involves the mental visualization of some specific scenario for the purpose of answering a further, more general, and at least partly mental-state-independent question about reality
Thought experiment
smallest, individual level of analysis
middle, group level of analysis
large-scale level of analysis, national
defines the degree of abstraction to be used in examining some research question
Level of Analysis
Choices made in the past impact present experiences, present and future choices
Path Dependence
Believed understanding of good life delved from understanding of human nature
Good life came from understanding of reality, rule should be by philosopher-kings
Pessimistic view that humans can only strive for imperfect political life
Optimistic view that politics were necessary and good
No good life, only virtu and fortuna, lion and the fox
Thought experiment about life without government
State of Nature