Proximate or Legal Cause Flashcards
What is causation?
Causation usually refers to the factual connexion between the act and the damage.
What is remoteness?
Remoteness refers to a policy choice: At what point do we cut off liability? At what point does it make no sense to hold the defendant liable?
D is not liable for every consequence of a breach of standard of care: Liability will be denied if the connection between the breach and the loss is too remote
What is the directness test?
The plaintiff’s loss is not too remote if it was a « direct result » of the defendant’s carelessness.
Directness implied a « close temporal and spatial connection » between the defendant’s breach and the plaintiff’s loss.
What is the foreseeability test?
The defendant is liable only for those consequences of his negligence which were reasonably foreseeable at the time he acted.
What is the old test in Re Polemis and Furness?
A negligent actor is liable for all direct damages, even if they were not forerseeable before the accident.
What is the Wagon Mound test (no. 1)
What is the Wagon Mound test (no. 2)?
Rule : The test of foreseeability of damage becomes a question of what is possible rather than what is probable.