Provisions, Contingent Liabilities + Contingent Assets Flashcards
What is a provision?
What do we do for a provision? Think work
What is the double entry?
What is a liability?(3)
A liability of uncertain timings or amounts
Dr Expense Cr Provision
Present obligation, from past events, outflow of economic benefits
IAS 37 Recognition of Provisions
What are the 3 criteria that must be met?
What is a constructive obligation?
How does the entity create this?
Present obligation, legal or constructive, arising from past events
Probable outflow of economic benefits to settle obligation
Reliable estimate can be made for amount of obligation
A valid expectation
Past practices, published policies, sufficiently specific current statement entity indicated will accept certain responsibilities
Accounting Treatment
Initially what do we do?
What if it’s a dismantling cost?
What do we do in the subsequent years?3 steps
What’s the double entry for the movement? Increase? Decrease?
Dr Expense Cr Provision
Dr Asset/Receivable Cr Provision
Calculate provision for year end
Compare closing to opening
Account for movement
Dr Expense Cr Provision
Dr Provision Cr Expense
Disclosure in Accounts
Where do you find provisions in the profit or loss?
In the SFP?
What happens if provision is initially measured measured at discount or PV? What’s the double entry?
What is charged of a provision to P+L?
What is charged to SFP?
Provision expense after expenses
Under liabilities CL if under 12m
Unwind discounting closer to payment
Dr Fixed Costs Cr Provision
The whole amount each year
Calculate Provisions
If it’s a single obligation how is this estimated?
If it is a group obligation what is the approach?
How does this work?
Management judgement
Expected value approach
Each outcome x the weighted probability
Contingent Liabilities
It is a?
Arises from?
Existence confirmed by?
That aren’t?
It’s a present obligation arising from past events but is not recognised because?
Possible obligation
Past events
Occurrence or no occurrence of one or more events
Wholly within control of the entity
Not probable that outflow will occur
No reasonable estimate of outflow
Contingent Liability
What is it not?
What information is disclosed in the note?(3)
How is this treated if?
Virtually Certain
Nature of contingency
Uncertainties expected to affect the ultimate outcome
Estimate of potential financial effect
Virtually certain and probably are provisions and recognised
Possible disclosed in note
Remote ignored
Contingent Assets
How is this treated?
What is the description? (Same as liability but do it from memory)
How do we treat is :
Virtually certain
What’s the double entry for virtually certain?
Possible asset arising from past event occurrence or non occurrence of which confirmed by one or more uncertain future events not wholly in control of entity
Disclose in note
Dr Asset/Receivable Cr P+L