Provisions, Contingencies and Post Balance Sheet Events Flashcards
What are the two standards covering Provisions, Contingencies and Post Balance Sheet Event
IAS37 - Provisions and Contingencies
IAS10 - Post Balance Sheet Events
What is the difference between a provision and a contingency?
Provision = Current liability of uncertain timing or amount (unconditional)
Contingency = A possible obligation that arises from past events whose outcome is based on uncertain future events (Conditional) or a possible payment which is not probable or payment account can’t be reliably measured
A contingency should not be included in the financial statement but should be disclosed
Should we make a provision for a staff injury before the year end if no claim has been made
Yes, an obliging event has happened and confidence that the company is liable
If there is a 90% certainty of success in a claim worth £2m, how should we measure this in the financial statements
The full £2m should be recognised and is not a prior year adjusting event if it was re-measured in the following year
If a provision is recognised and then in the following year, the Government say they will assume the liability (i.e. Cladding) how should this be treated?
Not an adjusting event, may need disclosure if material.
What if a debtor goes into liquidation post balance sheet date
Should consider signs of the debts impairment at the year end date. Should recognise as a bad debtor with offsetting expense at the balance sheet date.
Also need to consider the going concern of the company on how to report