Provisional Remedies Flashcards
What are provisional remedies?
P’s rights may be jeopardized while the matter he brought is pending; provisional remedies provide a measure of security to P while he awaits final judgment.
What are the five provisional remedies?
- Attachment
- Preliminary injunction
- Temporary receivership
- Order to seize chattel in an action to recover chattel (replevin)
- Notice of pendency
What is the only one provisional remedy that does NOT require a court order?
Notice of pendency
What is attachment?
Provides security for enforcement of judgment –
P obtains an order of attachment from the court and gives it to NY Shefiff who levies upon D’s property in NY, giving P a security interest (constructive lien) in the property SUPERIOR TO any subsequent lien holder! (i.e., it “freezes” the property)
How is real property attached?
Sheriff files the order of attachment with the county clerk
What personal property qualifies for attachment?
Tangible personal property or intangible property
How is personal property attached?
Sheriff delivers the order of attachment to a person in NY who holds the property interest in the property
When can an attachment be used?
P MUST be seeking money damages AND
- D is an unlicensed foreign corporation or non-domiciliary, OR
- D is about to conceal or remove assets from NY with the intent to defraud creditors or frustrate enforcement of a judgment
What is the process for making an attachment?
- P must make a motion for the order of attachment;
- Affidavits must show probability of success on the merits on the underlying action
- P must provide an undertaking (bond) to provide indemnity for damages or expenses caused by attachment
When is defendant entitled to damages when there is an order for attachment?
D is entitled to damages IF:
- Attachment made by improper procedure, OR
- D wins on the merits
What must P satisfy to attach ex parte?
- D must be given a prompt hearing after there has been a levy on his property (due process)
- P must make a follow-up motion on notice to confirm the order after the attachment (by order to show cause)
When will attachment become automatically void? (3 situations)
Ex parte order will be automatically void IF P fails to make motion to confirm within appropriate time.
IF D is an unlicensed foreign corp. OR a non-resident non-domiciliary, motion to confirm must be served on D no later than 10 days after the levy.
IF D is fraudulently moving assets, motion to confirm must be served no later than 5 days after the levy.
What actions may ask for a preliminary injunction?
An equity action where either:
- P seeks a permanent injunction, OR
- D threatens to harm P’s interest in the subject matter of the action.
What is the procedure for a preliminary injunction?
Through a motion on notice:
- Affidavits must show grounds for equitable relief, including threat of irreparable injury;
- P must show probability of success on the merits; AND
- P must provide undertaking to indemnify the defendant for damages if it is determined that preliminary injunction should NOT have been granted
What are the requirements for obtaining a temporary restraining order ex parte (TRO)?
In a case involving the threat of immediate injury, P can ask for a TRO ex parte
(Purpose: maintain TRO until a preliminary injunction is being decided)
Ex parte TRO application MUST show that “significant prejudice” to the party seeking the TRO will occur if notice is given to the opposition.
What is temporary receiver?
Person appointed by the court to manage property in D’s possession
When is temporary receivership available?
Equity claim where the specific property is the subject matter of the action AND there is danger D will destroy or injure the value of the property
In what type of actions is seizure of chattel available?
Action seeking to recover possession of a chattel
What are the requirements for the motion for an order of seizure of chattel?
- P’s affidavits must show probability of success on the merits
- P must provide and undertaking to indemnify D for damages if it is a wrongful seizure
What are the additional requirements for the seizure of chattel in an ex parte motion?
- P must show threat of immediate loss of chattel;
- P musst make a follow-up motion on notice to confirm the order of seizure within 5 days of the seizure
When can the notice of pendency be used?
When the action is an equity action
(Judgment will have direct effect on title, possession, or use on real property)
When may you file a notice of pendency?
When must you file a notice of pendency?
P may file in an equity acton where the judgment will have a direct effect on title, possession, or use or real property, e.g., specific performance or ejectment.
BUT in mortgage foreclosure, P MUST file notice of pendency (statutory requirement)
What is the remedy to the notice of pendency?
Make a motion to cancel the notice
What is the duration of notice of pendency?
Three years; BUT P may extend for another three years (if motion is filed within the first three years)
(N.B. If not extended timely, notice is void and P CANNOT get another one on the same property in the same action (exception: mortgage foreclosure))