Prova Azul Flashcards
The Zero Fuel Mass (ZFW) and the Dry Operating Mass (DOW):
differ by the value of the traffic load mass.
Prior to departure the medium range twin jet acft is loaded with maximum fuel of 20100 litres at a fuel density (specific gravity) of 0.78. Using the following data:
- Performance Limited Takeoff Mass: 67200 kg
- Performance Limited Landing Mass: 54200 kg
- Dry Operating Mass: 34930
- Taxi Fuel: 250 kg
- Trip Fuel: 9250 kg
- Contingency and holding Fuel: 850 kg
- Alternate Fuel: 700 kg
13090 kg
An acft is to depart an airfield where the performance limited takeoff mass is 89200 kg. Certified maximum masses are as follows:
- Ramp (taxi) mass 89930 kg
- Maximum Takeoff Mass: 89430 kg
- Maximum Landing Mass: 71520 kg
- Actual Zero Fuel Mass: 62050 kg
Fuel on board at ramp:
- Taxi Fuel: 600 kg
- Trip Fuel: 17830 kg
- Contingency, final reserve and alternate: 9030 kg
If the Dry Operating Mass is 40970 kg, the traffic load that can be carried on this flight is:
21500 kg
A location in the aeroplane which is identified by a number designating its distance from the datum is known as:
The take-off distance required increases
a) due to slush on the runway.
The STOPWAY is a defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of take-off run available prepared as
a suitable area where:
An acft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take-off;
The STOPWAY is an area which allows an increase only in:
the accelerate-stop distance available.
Which of the following statements is correct ?
Which of the following statements is correct ?
a) If a clearway or a stopway is used, the liftoff point must be attainable at least at the end of the permanent runway surface.
* *b) A stopway means an area beyond the take-off runway, able to support the aeroplane during an aborted take-off.
c) An underrun is an area beyond the runway end which can be used for an aborted take-off.
d) A clearway is an area beyond the runway which can be used for an aborted take-off.
The length of a CLEARWAY may be included in:
a) the accelerate-stop distance available.
b) the take-off run available.
c) the distance to reach V1.
* *d) the take-off distance available.
Due to standing water on the runway the field length limited take-off mass will be
For a take-off from a contaminated runway, which of the following statements is correct?
a) Dry snow is not considered to affect the take-off performance.
b) A slush covered runway must be cleared before take-off, even if the performance data for contaminated runway is available.
* *c) The performance data for take-off must be determined in general by means of calculation, only a few values are verified by flight tests.
d) The greater the depth of contamination at constant take-off mass, the more V1 has to be decreased to compensate for decreasing friction.
With regard to a take-off from a wet runway, which of the following statements is correct?
a) Screen height cannot be reduced.
* *b) The screen height can be lowered to reduce the mass penalties.
c) When the runway is wet, the V1 reduction is sufficient to maintain the same margins on the runway length.
d) In case of a reverser inoperative the wet runway performance information can still be used.
Which statement related to a take-off from a wet runway is correct?
a) In case of a reverser inoperative the wet runway performance information can still be used.
b) Screen height reduction cannot be applied because of reduction in obstacle clearance.
* *c) A reduction of screen height is allowed in order to reduce weight penalties.
d) The use of a reduced Vr is sufficient to maintain the same safety margins as for a dry runway.
Following a heavy mass landing on a short runway, you should check the :
temperature of the brakes.
Moment (balance) arms are measured from a specific point to the body station at which the mass is located. That point is known as
the datum.
The Center of Gravity of a body is that point:
Through which the sum of the forces of all masses of the body is considered to act;
The centre of gravity of an aeroplane is that point through which the total mass of the aeroplane is said to act. The weight acts in a direction:
parallel to the gravity vector.
During take-off you notice that, for a given elevator input, the aeroplane rotates much more rapidly than expected. This is an indication that:
a) the centre of pressure is aft of the centre of gravity.
b) the centre of gravity may be towards the aft limit.
c) the aeroplane is overloaded.
d) the centre of gravity is too far forward.
In cruise flight, an aft centre of gravity location will:
a) decrease longitudinal static stability
b) increase longitudinal static stability
c) does not influence longitudinal static stability
d) not change the static curve of stability into longitudinal
An additional baggage container is loaded into the acft cargo compartment but is not entered into the load and trim sheet. The airplane will be heavier than expected and calculated take-off safety speeds:
Will give reduced safety margins;
Which of the following is unlikely to have any effect on the position of the centre of gravity on an airplane in flight?
a) Lowering the landing gear;
* *b) Changing the tailplane (horizontal stabilizer) incidence angle;
c) Movement of cabin attendants going about their normal duties;
d) Normal consumption of fuel for a swept wing acft;
In a 5kt right crosswind component behind a taking off acft:
he right wake turbulence stays approximately on the runway;
The term Drift refers to the wander of the axis of a gyro in:
the horizontal plane;
In case of smoke in the cockpit, the crew oxygen regulator must be set to: