Protozoan Parasites (7-8) Flashcards
What are ampicomplexan parasites?
→ eukaryotic obligate parasites (one or multiple hosts depending on species)
→ disease agents: malaria parasites (Plasmodia), coccidia (inc. cryptosporidium), piroplasms (babesia)
What is apicomplexan’s evolutionary journey?
2 endosymbiosis events → ancestral cell consumed red algae, then underwent secondary endosymbiosis
→ endosymbiotic gene transfer, loss of nucleus and mitochondria of symbiont
→ loss of photosynthetic ability and loss of organelles lead to apicomplexans e.g. Cryptosporidium
→ relevant for development of treatment e.g. herbicides could target apicomplexa and not their host
What is the apical complex of apicomplexans?
Distinctive structure at apical end to amicomplexans
→ key cellular machinery for host cell invasion (amicoplexans must invade host cells)
→ essential for movement
→ includes secretory organelles: micronemes, rhoptries, polar rings (composed of micro tubules), conoid (very tip - pokes out in response to Ca)
→ subpellicular membranes enable parasite feeding from host
What is involved in host cell invasion of amicoplexans?
Conoids → protrude into host cells in response to calcium
Rhoptries → secretory organelles releasing rhoptry proteins into host during invasion
Micronemes → secrete proteins into host cell enabling entry
A parasitophorus vacuole is formed → parasite moved into this vacuole
Polar ring → microtubule organising centre
What is the amicoplexan life cycle?
Can involve one or more hosts
Sexual → gametes fuse to form zygote
Asexual → sporozoites differentiate to form merozoites
Merozoites undergo multiple rounds of replication → don’t differentiate again just multiply by merogony
→ some differentiate into gamonts to invade
Gamonts differentiate into gametes (sporozoites are typically invasive part)
What is malaria?
A life-threatening disease → caused by plasmodian amicoplexan parasites
Mosquito vectors are necessary for disease transmission
Half of the world’s population is at risk → mainly in tropical areas, 247 million cases in 2021 (huge no.), 619000 deaths
Disease can cause considerable morbidity and mortality
WHO Africa region carries disproportionately high share of global burden (95%) → 80% of deaths were children under 5
Where is malaria distributed globally?
Band across the tropics where malaria is dominant
What does malaria impact on?
Impact on → individuals, families, communities, countries, regions
Multiple interconnected impacts → health, productivity, economic, education, health services
What are the causative agents of malaria?
Plasmodium falciparum - most virulent species
Plasmodium vivax - concurrent infection is not uncommon
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium knowlesi - emergent zoonotic (crossing from monkeys to humans)
→ top two cause majority of mortality and morbidity
Vector: female (only ones that take blood meals) Anopheles mosquito
What is involved in plasmodium life cycles?
Always involves mammal and a female mosquito as hosts
In insects: gametes fuse to form zygote which forms oocyst
In humans: sporozoites differentiate to form merozoites, - undergo multiple rounds of replication, some differentiate into gamonts - differentiate into gametes
Has human liver and blood stages
Multiple rounds of merogony occurs in RBC → burst into blood, causes disease symptoms, synchronous RBC bursting causes spike in symptoms
What is the disease presentation of malaria?
Asymptomatic malaria → circulating parasites but not symptoms (may have level of immunity)
Uncomplicated malaria → nonspecific symptoms: fever, shaking chills, profuse sweating, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anaemia (RBC bursting)
Complicated malaria → as above with additional organ damage and anaemia, associated with higher levels of parasetemia and increased mortality
→ impaired consciousness, multiple convulsions, difficulty breathing, dark or bloody urine, jaundice, abnormal bleeding
What causes malaria disease symptoms?
Blood stage parasites → undergo synchronous schizogony, organ damage and anaemia due to ruptured erythrocytes
→ the simultaneous rupture of the infected erythrocytes and release of antigens and waste products accounts for the intermittent fever associated with malaria occurring either 48 or 72h intervals
Pathology and clinical manifestations associated with malaria are almost exclusively due to the asexual erthrocytic stage parasites (tissue schizonts cause little pathology)
Disease has a tendency to relapse or precedence over months or years - dormant phase in liver
Most susceptible → children, pregnant women, unborn children, those living with HIV/AIDS
Long term impact on health life chances and economics
What are the specific complications with Plasmodium falciparum?
Cerebral malaria → often fatal, extremely high temp associated with convulsions and coma
→ infected erythrocytes adhere to capillary endothelial cells become blocked - become knobbly as a result of parasite proteins exported to the membrane, bind to ligands on host cells
Backwater fever → massive lysis or erythrocytes causes high levels of free haemoglobin in the blood and renal failure, the presence of haemoglobin in the urine gives the condition its name
What adaptations of plasmodia and humans has the co-evolution lead to?
Plasmodia → array of hypervariable membrane proteins to switch between and evade immune system
→ P.falciparum genome contains large family of 60 var genes that encode hypervariable erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) - during erythrocytic stage each parasite expresses one of its var genes, switching enables it to evade destruction by host immune system
Humans → higher proportions of people lacking Duffy blood group receptor in endemic areas of P.vivax which cannot bind to receptors and invade cells
→ several inherited erythrocyte disorders in endemic areas offering protection against infection e.g. sickle cell anaemia - having heterozygous alleles offers protection - a glutamic acid residue is replaced by a valine which reduces oxygen carrying capacity (homozygous often die before 30)
How is malaria diagnosed?
WHO criteria: fever and presence of parasites
Light microscopic examination of blood smear and rapid diagnostic tests
What are the treatment recommendations for malaria?
P.falciparum → artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) - artemisinin derivative plus quinine derivation
P.vivax and P.ovale → chloroquine (cheaper) unless drug resistance issue in area then ACT
→ drug resistance is a major concern so combination therapy sometimes used
What are the vector control methods for malaria?
Widespread insecticide/larvicide (spray walls)
Destruction of breeding grounds
Indoor residual spraying (IRS)
Long-acting insecticide treated bednets (ITN)
Experimental methods in pipeline
→ take organisational, economic and political drive
How do insecticide treated bed nets help control malaria?
Have been shown to reduce severe disease and mortality due to malaria in endemic regions
→ reduce all-cause mortality by about 20%
→ currently only pyrethroid insecticides approved - very low mammalian toxicity, highly toxic to insects and have a rapid knock-down effect even at low doses - have a high residual effect: don’t rapidly break down unless washed or exposed to sunlight
→ need for frequent retreatments (6-12 months) - barrier for full implementation in endemic counties
Long lasting insecticidal nets are the preferred form for public health programmes
How is malaria controlled on the human level?
Chemoprotection → prophylactic dose to travellers to endemic areas
Chemoprevention → full treatment dose to children and pregnant women, seasonal (rainy season), mass drug administration
Vaccine → possibility
Treatment of disease → rapid diagnosis + treatment prevents transfer
How can the drugs used to treat malaria work?
Kill parasites in the liver → causal prophylaxis
Kill asexual parasites in RBC → suppressive prophylaxis
Kill sexual parasites (gametocytes) in RBC → gametocytocidal prophylaxis
What are the recent advances for a malaria vaccine?
RTS,S → virus-life particle (VLP) vaccine based on the P. falciparum circumsporoziote protein (CSP) - which attacks the liver
→ target’s sporozoites injected by mosquito, three primary doses plus booster, 55% efficacy
What was the impact of COVID-19 on malaria?
Fragile health system capacity overwhelmed
Misdiagnoses as COVID-19 or flu
Decreased funding
Malaria control delivery systems impacted by: absenteeism, supply chain disruption, collecting ITNs
What are the experimental controls for malaria?
Endectocides (systemic insecticides e.g. ivermectin)
Sterile insect techniques
CRISPR/CAS9 gene drives
Biocontrol using bacteria or fungi that infect the mosquito and represent development of the plasmodium
What causes cryptosporidiosis?
Cryptosporidium parvum
Cryptosporidium hominis
→ multiple species of cryptosporidium that infect humans, two main ones
→ waterborne pathogens
→ symptoms: diarrhoea and flu-like
What is cryptosporidiosis?
Serious and potentially life-threatening in immunodeficiency patients (especially AIDS)
→ characterised by profuse watery diarrhoea
→ second leading cause of diarrhoea in young children and a major contributor for diarrhoeal deaths in LMICs (malnutrition)
→ community outbreaks can occur
→ first human cases reported in 1976
What is the cryptosporidium life cycle?
One host is required
→ for C. hominis host is a human
→ for C. parvum host is a human or animal (e.g. cattle)
- Thick-walled oocyst (sporulated) exits host
- Contamination of water and food with oocysts
- Thick-walled oocyst ingested by host
Merozoites undergo multiple rounds of replication in the gut
What are the transmission routes for cryptosporidium?
→ swallowing water or beverages contaminated by stool from injected humans or animals
→ swallowing recreational water contaminated
→ eating contaminated uncooked food
→ touching your mouth with contaminated hands
(Important that public water supplies are monitored and treated)
What are the risk factors of cryptosporidium?
Small size of oocysts → resistant to sedimentation
Wide range of host specificity
Monoxenous development (only 1 host needed) → life cycle easy to maintain
Large number of oocysts excreted (up to 100 billion per calf)
Low infective dose
Robust oocysts which are resistant to chlorine
A complex protective barrier consisting of a double layer of a protein-lipid-carbohydrate matrix
→ makes it harder to manage
How is cryptosporidiosis acquired occupationally?
Workers in sewage and waste water
Workers in outdoor leisure industries in contact with water
Farm workers
Abattoir workers, meat processing plant and butchers
Veterinary surgeons
Healthcare and care workers
Construction/demolition/building renovation workers e.g. where there is stagnant water
How is cryptosporidiosis distributed?
The number of reported cases in England and Wales around 4000 annually
→ many cases are thought to be unreported, the actually number of cases is probably several times higher
What is the disease presentation for cryptosporidiosis?
Symptoms start 2-10 days after infection → some are asymptomatic
In immuno-competent people the main symptom is water diarrhoea for 1-2 weeks
→ stomach cramps or pain, nausea and vomiting (absorption of nutrients affected), weight loss, dehydration, fever
In immunodeficient people it can become more serious, chronic and life-threatening
Children under 5 at more risk especially where malnourished
→ even a single episode can result in growth deficits during the first 2y of life and impact growth long term
How does cryptosporidium cause disease symptoms?
Exact mechanisms still unclear
Invasion of parasites in gut epithelial trigger disease and malabsorption of nutrients
How is cryptosporidiosis diagnosed?
Microscopic examination of stool samples for presence of oocysts
Molecular methods → PCR, real-time PCR
What is the treatment recommendations for cryptosporidiosis?
Self-limiting illness in immunocompetent individuals → general supportive care is only treatment
→ oral or intravenous rehydration and replacement of electrolytes may be necessary
→ nitoxazonide is partially effective in immunocompetent patients, not immunosuppressed
Patients with HIV/AIDS are advised to take anti retrovirals to improve immune response
How is cryptosporidiosis controlled?
Primary focus is to prevent contamination of the source → remove contamination at source - water supply, swimming pool - monitoring
Hygiene measures as for prevention of all faecal-oral diseases → especially for high risk professions - nursery staff, agricultural workers
No vaccines on the horizon currently
Where was there an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in 1993?
Community outbreak in Milwaukee in spring of 1993
→ estimated 400,000 people developed symptomatic cryptosporidiosis with 50 deaths (underrepresented)
What are the future directions for cryptosporidiosis?
Development of an effective drug → particularly for children and immunosuppressed people
What is toxoplasmosis?
T. gondii causes chronic infections in up to one third of the human population and in animals
→ in healthy individuals a primary infection with toxoplasma causes relatively mild symptoms
→ in immunocompromised patients or developing foetus it can cause life-threatening infection with severe neurological and ocular manifestations
→ felines are the only definitive host
→ Toxoplasma has a complex life cycle consisting of intestinal and tissue phases - intestinal phase: occurs in felines and exhibits typical intestinal life cycle, merogony and gametogony, sexual cycle - produces oocysts which are excreted in the faeces
What is the lifecycle of toxoplasma?
Intermediate hosts → ingest sporulated oocysts
Sporozoites are released, penetrate the intestinal epithelium and invade macrophages and other types of cells
The parasite undergoes binary fission (i.e. merogony) to form tachyzoites (Tachy means rapid)
The host cell will rupture and release the tachyziotes which will invade new hosts cells and repeat the replicative cycle
Infected macrophages will disseminate the tachyzoites throughout the host during this acute infection
How is toxoplasmosis distributed?
In the UK about 30% of people will be infected by the age of 30
In the US about 30-35% have antibodies
In France more than 65% of women tested for antibodies has toxoplasmosis
What are the transmission routes of toxoplasma?
Ingestion of material contaminated with sporulated oocysts (cat faeces)
Ingestion of undercooked meat containing tissue cysts or tachyzoites
→ particularly lamb and pork
Infections rates of 50% or higher in domestic chickens, geese, cattle, goats, pigs and sheep
→ 38% of meat samples in UK positive
Congenital transmission → can only occur during an acute infection (I.e. tachyzoites) acquired during pregnancy, mothers with chronic infection acquired before pregnancy are not at risk of transmitting
→ 2 in 1000 women catch toxoplasmosis each year during pregnancy, about 1400 each year in the UK
→ 30-40% pass it into the unborn baby, risk is greatest in the third trimester at 70%, early it’s 15%
How does acute toxoplasmosis disease present?
In immunocompetent individuals → doesn’t normally cause symptoms, can cause flu-like symptoms, typically self resolving within 6 weeks
Those more at risk are: those with weakened immune systems, pregnant women and their unborn children
→ infection may lead to miscarriage, stillbirth or survival with growth problems, blindness, water on the brain (hydrocephalus), brain damage, epilepsy or deafness - often develops after birth so infants kept under observation
How does chronic toxoplasmosis disease present?
Effects of congenital toxoplasmosis can be life long:
Ocular disease → can reactivate causing more damage each time
Reactivation of dormant tissue cysts can occur
In immunocompromised people → fever, confusion, headache, seizures, nausea and poor coordination
Can lead to toxoolasmic encephalitis
Chronic psychological and neurological effects
What is the dormant / resting stage of toxoplasma?
As the host develops immunity the replication stage will slow and infected host cells will become encapsulated (I.e. tissue cysts)
→ these slowly replicating forms are called bradyzoites (Brady means slow) and represent a dormant stage - secrete chitin and other components to form a cyst wall (very resistant to immune system)
What is reactivation of toxoplasmosis?
Reactivation is associated with waning immunity → malignancies, transplantation, AIDS
Results from the release of the encysted organisms and the initiation of the tachyzoite stage of infection → followed by local tissue damage and inflammation
During the 1980s toxoplasmic encephalitis emerged as a common complication associated with AIDS - progressed to neurological defects and convulsions, dementia in late stage AIDS associated with toxoplasma
What is ocular toxoplasmosis?
Occurs from activation of cysts deposited in or near the retina
Where was a toxoplasmosis outbreak in 1994/1995?
Canadian community → serological evidence consistent with acute toxoplasmosis was demonstrated in 100 people
→ epidemiologic evidence implicated contamination of the city water supply with oocysts
How is toxoplasmosis diagnosed?
Serologic testing antibody IgG or IgM
Molecular testing e.g. PCR
Can detect parasite in biopsies
Ocular disease by case history and serologic testing
How is toxoplasmosis treated
Synergistic combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine
Spiramycin for prophylactic use during pregnancy
How is toxoplasmosis controlled?
Cooking meat to safe temperatures
Wash fruit and vegetables
Avoid drinking untreated water
Wear gloves for gardening and wash hands afterwards
Clean cat little trays immediately (avoid if pregnant) - oocysts don’t have time to develop into sporozoites
Is there a vaccine for toxoplasmosis?
Toxovax → prevention of toxoplasmosis abortion in ewes, may revert to pathogenic strain so not suitable for humans
Vaccine of great importance for cats → prevent or reduce the shedding of oocysts
→ effective oral vaccine was developed and validated, but production and purification was costly and unprofitable for the manufacturer
No promising vaccine
What are the chronic effects of latent toxoplasmosis?
Rodent psychology → host behavioural changes could benefit parasite, infected rodents more likely to investigate novel stimuli and appear less cautious when presented with cats - increase the odds of completing the T. gondii life cycle
Human psychology → no adaptive benefit to parasite, case-control studies show interesting correlations with human behaviours, mental health disorders and toxoplasma seropositivity - schizophrenia, autism, risk taking e.g. risk of traffic accident