Protozoa Flashcards
Protozoan parasites do not possess a cell wall
For nutrition, food synthesis and storage
Protozoan special organs for locomotion
Pseudopods (sarcodina)
Flagella (mastigopora)
Cillia (cilliophora)
Nonmotile (sporozoans/coccidians)
Intestinal ameba
A. Sarcodina
B. Cilliophora
C. Mastigopora
D. Coccidians
A. Sarcodina
Trophozoites are motile, feeding, & vegetative
Sarcodina inhabit the large intestine except
E. gingivalis
All Sarcodina are commensals except
E. histolytica
Sarcodina undergoes encystation except
E. gingivalis
Sarcodina divide through
Binary fission
What locomotion organ does intestinal ameba possess?
Mass of chromatin
Condensed RNA nuclei
Chromatoidal bodies
True ameba possess peripheral chromatin & chromatoidal bodies in cyst and trophozoites
Entamoeba are true ameba
What genus belong to other classification of ameba (not rue ameba)?
Endolimax & Iodamoeba
Enolimax & Iodamoeba possess peripheral chromatin & chromatoidal bodies
Conditions that may trigger encystation
Amoeba over population
pH Change
Food supply
Available oxygen
Final host of E. histolytica & E. oli
E. coli & E. histolytica habitat
Large intestine
E. coli & E. histolytica MOT
Ingestion of infective stage
Pathogenecity of E. histolytica parasite
Pathogenecity of E. coli parasite
How many nuclie does E. histolytica have?
1-4 /Quadrinucleate
How many nuclei does E. coli have?
Karyosome characteristics of E. histolytica cyst
Small, centrally located
Karyosome characteristics of E. coli cyst
Large, irregular shape, eccentrically located
Peripheral chromatin characteristic of E. histolytica cyst
Finely, evenly distributed
peripheral chromatin characteristics of E. coli cyst
Coarse & granular, irregularly shaped, unevenly distributed, arranged along nuclear membrane
E. histolytica cyst cytoplasm characteristics
Finely granular, clean-looking
E. coli cyst cytoplasm characteristics
Coarse & granulated, dirty looking
Rod-shaped, sausage, cigar shaped chromatoidal bar
E. histolytica
Splinter-like with pointed ends chromatoidal bar
E. coli
coli or histo: thin nuclear membrane
coli or histo: Thick nuclear membrane
Used to differentiate E. histolytica from E. dispar
Isoenzyme analysis
RBC is present in E. histolytica, absent in _____
E. dispar
Small race of E. histolytica, no RBCs
E. hartmani
Also known as/ well known as Laredo Strain, needs serologic analysis to be identified
E. moshkovski
How many nuclei does E. histolytica & coli trophozoites have?
E. coli & histolytica trophozoite shape
Irregular, varies in size and form
Directional, unidirectional & progressive movement
E. histolytica (trophozoite)
Nondirectional, Nonprogressive, sluggish movement
E. coli (trophozoite)
Hyaline, dendritic & finger-like, blunt/extended pseudopodia
E. histolytica (trophozoite)
Granular, blunt, rounded pseudopodia
E. coli (trophozoite)
Explosive manner of release of pseudopodia
E. histolytica (trophozoite)
Several at a time (manner of release of peudopodia)
E. coli (trophozoite)
E. histolytica trophozoite nucleus content
1 karyosome
E. coli trophozoite nucleus content
1 uneven peripheral chromatin
E. histolytica trophozoite Inclusion
E. coli trophozoite inclusion
Coli or histo trophozoite: Finely granular, clean- looking, w/ crystalline- array of ribosomes, “Ground-glass appearance”
E. histolytica
coli or histo: Coarse and granulated, Dirty looking usually vacuolated
E. coli
Ameba of oral cavity
Entamoeba gingivalis
MOT of E. gingivalis
Direct contact (Kissing)
Habitat of E. gingivalis
Line of teeth
Gingival pocket of teeth of unhealthy/healthy mouths
Pathogenecity of E. gingivalis
But seen in patients with Pyorrhea alveolaris
How many nuclei does E. gingivalis trophozoite have?
E. gingivalis karyosome characteristics
Small, centrally located
Pseudopodia of E. gingivalis is similar to _____ but does not exhibit true progressive locomotion
E. histolytica
Cytoplasm of E. gingivalis has ____ that contains cellular debris and numerous bacteria
Food vacuoles
Parasite found in intestines of pigs and monkeys
E. polecki
How many nuclei does E. polecki cyst have?
E. polecki cyst chromatoidal body is ___?
Angular and pointed
E. polecki cyst possess glycogen mass
E. polecki cyst karyosome characteristics
Cetral, evenly distributed peripheral chromatin
How many nuclei does E. polecki trophozoite have?
Describe E. polecki trophozoite movement
E. polecki trophozoite locomotion mechanism/ movement
more blunt/extended used for feeding than locomotion
Endolimax nana cyst description
E. nana cyst contains ___ nuclei
Chromatoidal body in E. nana cyst is rarely seen
Describe E. nana cyst karyosome
How many nuclei does E. nana trophozoite have?
E. nana trophozoite karyosome description
Large, irregular, blot-like
E. nana trophozoite movement
Sluggish, usually nonprogressive
E. nana trophozoite Cytoplasm description
Granular, vacuolated, may contain bacteria & inclusions
E. nana trophozoite has peripheral chromatin
Naegleria fowleri infective stage
N. fowleri MoT
Inhalation of trophozoite
PAM (Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis) causative agent
Naegleria fowleri
Culture N. fowleri on non-nutrient agar plated with ____.
E. coli
Acanthamoeba castellanii infective stage
Cyst & trophozoite
Acanthemoeba castellanii MOT
Inhalation/skin penetration
Granulomatous Amoebic Encephalitis (GAE) & Amebic keratitis causative agent
A. castellanii
Ways to get Amebic keratitis
Contaminated Lens washing
Culture of A. castellanii
- Propagation through Blood agar w/ E. coli
- Protease yeast glucose concentration with amphotericin B
Blastocystis hominis forms
- Vacuolated
- Amoeba-like
- Granular
- Avacuolar
- Multiple infusion
Virulence factor of Blatocystis hominis
Protease of genetic subtype 3 (for protein degradation)
Ameba of pigs
Iodamoeba butschlii
Describe I. butschlii nucleus
Single but large, basket-like
I. butschlii have chromatoidal body
I. butschlii cyst vacuole description
Large glycogen vacuole
Describe I. butschlii karyosome
Larce eccentric, surrounded by achromatic granules
Describe I. buschtlii trophozoite nucleus
Large vesicular
I. butschlii trophozoite karyosome is surrounded by what?
Achromatic granules
I. butschlii trophozoite movement
Sluggish, usually nonprogressive
Describe I. butschlii trophozoite cytoplasm
Coarsely granular
I. butschlii trophozoite have peripheral chromatin
Motor component of Atrial flagellates
Atrial flagellate that does not inhabit the large intestine
Giardia lamblia
It inhabits small intestines
Atrial flagellates that are not commensals
G. lamblia
D. fragilis
T. vaginalis
Atrial flagellate that does not undergo encystation
Atrial flagellates divides through
Binay fission
Intestinal parasite flagellate of worldwide distribution
Giardia lamblia
Final host of Giardia lamblia
Giardia lamblia habitat
Small intestines
MOT of Giardia lamblia
Ingestion of infective cyst (infective stage)
Number of nuclei of Giardia lamblia cyst
Giardia lamblia cyst shape
Football shaped
Describe Giardia lamblia trophozoite nucleus
2 nuclei, each with karyosome, lying within the sucking disk
Giardia lamblia trophozoite shape
Old man with eyeglasses
How many flagella does G. lamblia trophozoite have?
4 pairs/ 8 flagella
Giardia lamblia movement/motility
Falling leaf
Tumbling motility
Erratic tumbling
Diseases caused by Giardia lamblia
Gay bowel syndrome
Traveller’s diarrhea
Backpacker’ diarrhea
Beaver fever
Describe G. lamblia axostyle
Giardia lamblia attachment mechanism/organ
Ventral sucking disk
Describe Chilomastix mesnilli cyst nucleus
1 with large karyosome
Chilomastix mesnilli cyst shape
Tear shape
Lemon shape
Describe Chilomastix mesnilli trophozoite nucleus
1 large spherical nucleus w/ small central/eccentric karyosome
Chilomastix mesnilli trophozoite motility
Describe Chilomastix mesnilli trophozoite flagella
3 flagella within the cytosome (Shepherd’s crook)
Chilomastix mesnilli has a spiral groove
This parasite is a non commensal amoebo flagellate
Dientamoeba fragilis
How many nuclei does D. fragilis have?
D. fragilis MOT
Diagnosis of D. fragilis
Trophozoite is identified in stained specimen
D. fragilis and ___ can co-infect a person at the same time
E. vermicularis
Trichomonads undergoes encystation. T or F
Trichomonads general shape
How many flagella does trichomonads usually have?
T of F: trichomonads does not have undulating membrane
Trichomonas hominis habitat
Trichomonas tenax habitat
Oral cavity
What trichomonad resides in the urogenital tract and causes strawberry cervix?
Trichomonas vaginalis
Which trichomonad is the smallest?
T. tenax
Which trichomonad is medium-sized?
T. hominis
Which trichomonad is the largest?
T. vaginalis
Trichomonad with ovoidal nucleus and has jerky motility
T. hominis
Trichomonad with round nucleus and has a jerky motility
T. tenax
Tricomonad with undulating membrane that is as long as the costa
T. hominis
Trichomonad with undulating membrane that has a length of 2/3 of the costa
T. tenax
Trichomonad that has an undulating membrane that has a length 1/2 of the costa
T. vaginalis
Which trichomonad has siderophil inclusion bodies?
T. vaginalis
Specimen/s for the diagnosis of T. vaginalis
Vaginal swab
Specimen of choice for the diagnosis of T. tenax
Oral scrapings
Specimen of choice for the diagnosis of T. hominis
Which trichomonad/s is/are (a) commensal parasite/s?
T. hominis & T. tenax
Which trichomonad/s is/are (a) pathogenic parasite/s?
T. vaginalis
E. histolytica virulence factors
GAL Nac Lectin (adhesion)
Amoebapores (forms pores to cell membranes)
Cysteine proteinases (cytopathic effects to the cells)
These parasites may infect the blood, lymph nodes, muscles, and RES
Most prevalent nonviral STI
T. vaginalis
T. cruzi & T. brucei infective stage to Final Host
Metacyclic trypomastigote
Leishmania spp. infective stage to Final host
East african trypanosoma
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
West african trypanosoma
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense
Trypanosoma brucei complex vector
Tsetse fly
East african trypanosoma primary reservoir
West african trypanosoma primary reservoir
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense causes (Acute or chronic?) illness
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense causes (Acute or chronic?) illness
Acute 👉🏽👈🏽
Rhodesiense or gambiense: minimal lymphadenopathy
Rhodesiense or gambiense: Prominent lymphadenopathy
rhodesiense or gambiense: low parasitemia
rhodesiense or gambiense: High parasitemia
Trypanosoma brucei complex diagnostic stage
Trypanosoma brucei complex specimen of choice
Chancre aspirate
Lymph node aspirate
T. cruzi & T. rangeli vector
Reduviid bugs
Feces of the bug enter through skin break caused by the bug’s bite
T. rangeli primary reservoir
Wild rodents
T. cruzi primary reservoir
Opossums, dogs, cats, wild rodents
Symptomatic illness ( T. cruzi or T. rangeli)
Asymptomatic illness (T. cruzi or T. rangeli)
T. rangeli
Cutaneous leishmaniasis causative agent
Leishmania tropica
Leishmania tropica infective stage
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is characterized by
Elevated skin ulcer/s
Leishmania tropica vectors
Phlebotomus papatasi & sergeni
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis causative agent
Leishmania braziliensis
Leishmania braziliensis vector
Phlebotomus perwensis & verucarum
Visceral leishmaniasis causative agent
Leishmania donovani
Leishmania donovani vector
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis A.K.A
New world leishmaniasis
Visceral leishmaniasis A.K.A
Black fever
Causes Benign Tertian Malaria
Plasmodium vivax
72 hour cycle
Infects old cells
Normal sized RBCs
Plasmodium malariae
Causes Quartan malaria
Plasmodium malariae
48 hour cycle
Infects lung cells
Enlarged RBCs
Plasmodium vivax
36-48 hour cycle
Infects any cell
All size RBCs
Plasmodium falciparum
Causes malignant tertian malaria
Plasmodium falciparum
24 hour life cycle
Infect any cells
Plasmodium knowlesi
Mimics earlier stages of Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium knowlesi
48 hour life cycle
Infect young cells
Enlarged RBCs w/ fibriated edges
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium spp with orange juice dots
Plasmodium ovale
Sporogony is the asexual reproduction in man
Sporogony is the sexual reproduction in vector
Schizogony is the asexual reproduction in man
Sporozoite is the infective stage to man in Plasmodium spp.
Definitive host of malarial parasites
Vector (Female anopheles mosquito)
Intermediate host of malarial parasites
Resides in the large intestine
MOT: ingestion of cyst
Has macronucleus for vegetation
Mas micronucleus for reproduction
Balantidium coli