Protocols Flashcards
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Used by web browsers to access websites + communicate w web servers
HTTP Secure - encrypts all info sent + received
File transport protocol
Used to ACCESS, EDIT + MOVE files between devices on a network
e.g. access files on a server from a client computer
Internet Message Access Protocol
Used to RETRIEVE emails from a server
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Used to SEND EMAILS + transfer emails between servers
Transmission Control protocol:
- Establishes a connection between sending + receiving devices
- Splits data into NUMBERED packets that can be reassembled out into the original data once they reach their destination
- Communicated w receiving device to ensure all packets have been transferred correctly so missing/corrupt can be resent (confirmation sent to sending once complete)
User Datagram Protocol:
- Breaking down into packets w out numbering
- read by receving device in order they arrive
- only sends packets once + doesn’t check if everything has been received
- SAVES TIME but we never know if packets went missing
where you would use UDP or TCP
UDP - fast, efficient transmission e.g. live streaming as hiccup in video quality is better than delay
TCP - reliable connection e.g. downloading files as otherwise file can be corrupted + unusable
Establishes connections between routers + handles network trafffic
- Unique IP address assigned to every device + added to header of each packed in Internet Layer
- IP responsible for directing data packets to destination across Internet/IP networks using PACKET SWITCHING
- Each Packet is sent between a series of routers - and each one reads IP address to decide which router to send packet to
- The direction of data can change on network traffic so packets can take diff routes. Packets can also be prioritised if a router is overloaded
- efficient as so many possible routes so they reach quick
Family of protocols mainly used in WLANS
- units sent on link layer are FRAMES not packets
- WIFI uses 2 radio bandsL 2.4 GHZ + 5 GHz
- Bands split into numbered channels that cover a small freq range
- data is encryted on WIFI (security protocols = WPA + WPA2)
2.4Ghz + 5GHz differences
- 4: greater range and better at getting through obstructions
- channels also overlap which can cause interference
5: faster over short distances
handles transmission of data between devices on LANS
- specifically for wired connections