Protocols Flashcards
Airway - BVM
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EMR CARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A. Attempt to open the airway using head tilt-chin lift or jaw thrust maneuver.
B. Oropharyngeal (OPA) or nasopharyngeal (NPA) airways should be used for patients who are unable to maintain their own airway.
C. Have suction immediately available and use as needed to clear secretions.
D. Provide supplemental oxygen as indicated. All patients with altered mental status or respiratory distress should receive supplemental oxygen, preferably via non-rebreather mask. Titrate to maintain SaO2 ≥ 95%.
1. Low flow (2-4 L/min) via NC for patients with COPD.
2. Moderate flow (4-6 L/min) via NC
3. High flow (10-15 L/Min) via NRB or BVM
E. Bag-Valve-Mask (BVM) should be used when inadequate ventilation is present.
F. “Blow-by” oxygen (1 - 4 L/min) may be used for infants & toddlers who do not tolerate mask but require supplemental oxygen.
I. INDICATIONS - MEDICAL patients complaining of moderate to severe respiratory distress meeting ALL the following criteria:
B. Is awake and oriented and has the ability to maintain an open airway (SIC)
C. Has signs and symptoms consistent with either CHF/pulmonary edema/RAD/COPD
D. Has a systolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg (MAP of 65 mmHg)
E. Is over 12 years old and is able to fit the CPAP mask
A. Respiratory arrest
B. Non-cooperativepatient
C. Suspected pneumothorax
D. Hemodynamically unstable
E. Presence of tracheostomy
F. Inability to maintain mask seal
G. Active vomiting
A. CPAP can cause air-trapping in some patients with severe asthma, so these patients should be monitored closely for signs of worsening respiratory distress/decreased air movement
A. Select mask size for proper patient use per manufacturers recommendations:
B. Ensure adequate oxygen supply to ventilate device.
C. Connect Oxygen source to device.
D. Attach mask to device via tubing.
E. Start with oxygen flow at the manufacturer’s recommended rate
F. Set initial PEEP (peak end expiratory pressure) to 5cm H2O where applicable
A. Place the patient on continuous pulse oximetry and end-tidal CO2.
B. Explain to the patient how the CPAP will help their breathing.
C. Gently hold or have the patient hold the mask to the patients face insuring a good face/ mask seal.
D. Adjust the mask and/or head strap accordingly.
E. Check for air leaks.
F. Monitor and document the patient’s respiratory response to the treatment.
G. Gradually adjust the flow to achieve the desired level of CPAP.
H. Increase PEEP if needed up to 10 cm H2O to assist alveolar expansion and improve gas exchange. PEEP should not be increased to the point it causes CO2 retention or the patient cannot overcome the resistance during exhalation.
I. Continue to coach patient to keep mask in place and readjust as needed.
J. Once in the ambulance, switch to the ambulance main oxygen system at the desired flow rate.
VI. NEBULIZER TREATMENT - nebulizers can be administered through some CPAP systems. If manufacturer approves:
A. Set up the nebulizer as prescribed.
B. Insert the nebulizer into the face mask.
C. Connect the nebulizer tubing to an Oxygen source and run at 6 l/min to power the nebulizer.
D. Maintain O2 flow to CPAP system at desired flow
E. Monitor patient for improvement.
F. If patient does not improve, be prepared to assist patient ventilation with BVM and call for ALS.
A. CPAP therapy needs to be continuous and should not be removed unless the patient cannot tolerate the mask or experiences continued or worsening respiratory failure.
A. If unable to maintain oxygen saturation > 90%, administer positive airway pressure via BVM and PEEP valve.
B. Reassessment of the patient’s status is critical and documentation should be performed every 5-10 minutes until patient is stable.
C. Remove CPAP mask temporarily to administer nitroglycerin.
D. Suctioning of secretions may be required on some patients. This may be done thru the opening in the front of the CPAP without disrupting the treatment or pressures.
E. Watch for gastric distention and/or nausea.
Airway - PEAD
1. A PEAD may be placed in unconscious patients with no gag reflex.
1. Conscious or semi-conscious patients 2. Intact gag reflex 3. Airway obstruction 4. Patients with known or suspected esophageal disease 5. Ingestion of caustic substances 6. Patients with known esophageal varices.
C. Placement of the PEAD will be confirmed by:
1. Auscultation of bilateral breath sounds 2. Absence of breath sounds over the stomach 3. Positive findings of End-Tidal CO2 detector and/or capnography.
Cardiac Arrest - Adult. EMR-EMT
Obtain History when possible, but do not delay CPR to obtain information:
A. Witnessed or unwitnessed collapse
B. Patient down time
C. Bystander CPR
D. DNR status
E. Previous medical history, medications and allergies
F. Potential causes:
1. Airway obstruction
2. Trauma
3. MI
4. CVA
5. Electrocution
6. Diabetes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EMR CARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A. Establish that patient is unresponsive.
B. Check for pulse.
C. If no pulse, start compressions only CPR at 110 compressions/minute using metronome.
D. Call for AED & ALS backup.
E. As soon as AED is available, apply AED.
F. If unwitnessed arrest, perform CPR for 2 min.
G. If witnessed arrest, perform CPR until defibrillator is attached.
H. Analyze rhythm, if shock indicated, press charge.
I. Complete at least 30 chest compressions while unit is charging.
J. Press Shock.
K. Resume compressions immediately after shock is delivered.
L. Apply high flow O2 (15 L) via nasal cannula when 2nd rescuer arrives or during rhythm analysis
M. Continue CPR until perfusion is restored.
N. Suction as necessary to clear the airway
O. If patient has return of spontaneous circulation, follow ROSC Protocol.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EMT CARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
P. If either below is true, place PEAD and give asynchronous ventilations at 10:1
A. ROSC without spontaneous respiratory effort, or
B. Does not have ROSC after 6 minutes (3 cycles)
Cardiac Arrest - Adult
Obtain History when possible, but do not delay CPR to obtain info:
A. Witnessed or unwitnessed collapse
B. Patient down time
C. Bystander CPR
D. DNR status
E. Previous medical history, medications and allergies
F. Potential causes:
1. Airway obstruction
2. Trauma
3. MI
4. CVA
5. Electrocution
6. Diabetes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EMR CARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A. Establish that patient is unresponsive.
B. Check for pulse.
C. If no pulse, start compressions only CPR at 110/min with metronome.
D. As soon as AED is available, apply AED.
E. If unwitnessed arrest, perform CPR for 2 min.
F. If witnessed arrest, perform CPR until defibrillator is attached.
G. Analyze rhythm and defibrillate if indicated.
H. Resume chest compressions immediately after rhythm check.
I. If shock advised:
1. Press charge and
2. Complete at least 30 chest compressions while unit is charging
3. Press Shock
4. Resume compressions immediately after shock is delivered.
K. If no shock advised, check for pulse, and resume CPR immediately
L. Apply high flow O2 (15 L) via nasal cannula
M. Continue CPR until perfusion is restored.
N. Suction as necessary to clear the airway
O. If patient has return of spontaneous circulation, follow ROSC Protocol.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EMT CARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
P. If either of the below, place PEAD and initiate asynchronous ventilations (10:1) with capnography.
1. ROSC without spontaneous respiratory effort, or
2. Does not have ROSC after 6 minutes (3 cycles)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AEMT/EMT-I/RN CARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Q. Place IV. If not immediately available, establish a humeral or tibial IO.
R. If using a manual defibrillator, consider precharging the defibrillator 15 seconds before each rhythm check. Defibrillator Joule Settings: 360j
S. After 2 minutes of compressions, check cardiac rhythm.
T. If Ventricular Fibrillation persists after 3 cycles
1. If second set of pads available place 2nd pads in AP position.
2. Perform next 2 shocks if indicated using AP position.
3. If still unsuccessful, and second defibrillator is available, consider double sequential defibrillation for 6th shock using both defibrillators simultaneously.
U. If no ROSC and ETCO2 < 10 mmHg after ≥ 20 minutes of resuscitation, discontinue resuscitation efforts.
V. If patient has ROSC
1. Continue cardiac ECG Monitoring
2. Obtain 12-lead EKG if available
3. IV/IO, BSS, TKO or Saline lock
4. Titrate O2 to maintain SaO2 ≥ 95%
5. Initiate cooling measures with chilled saline & icepacks in groin and axillae
6. Transport patient to nearest hospital, or contact aeromedical transport for transfer to closest cath lab if STEMI present.
❖ If history of pregnancy with known gestational age, use dates provided
* If dates unclear palpate abdomen. If fundal height (top of the uterus) is at or above the level of the umbilicus, assume gestational age ≥ 20 weeks
❖ Early transport prior to achieving ROSC
❖ Alert the receiving facility early
❖ Lidocaine is preferable to amiodarone in the setting of VF or pVT.
❖ No adjustments need to be made to defibrillation energy settings.
❖ Immediately following defib, resume the left lateral uterine displacement.
❖ If ROSC is achieved continue left lateral uterine displacement by placing the patient in the left lateral decubitus position or by manually displacing the gravid uterus.
❖ High flow oxygen should be maintained in pregnant post-arrest patients.
1. Manage per appropriate cardiac arrest algorithm (VF / pulseless VT, asystole/PEA):
A. Provide CPR with continuous manual left uterine displacement using the two handed method shown below.
A. Manage and support ABC’s as necessary.
B. Obtain vitals, including BP.
C. Titrate oxygen to maintain SaO2 ≥95%.
D. Optimize ventilation and oxygenation
1. Maintain ETCO2 at 35 – 40 mmhg.
2. Do not hyperventilate; start at 10-12 breaths/minute.
E. Treat hypotension (SBP < 90 mm HG)
1. IV/IO bolus 1-2 L BSS
2. If inducing hypothermia, use 4° C fluid
3. If normotensive, TKO or Saline lock
F. Consider treatable causes: H’s and T’s.
1. Continue cardiac ECG Monitoring
2. Obtain 12-lead EKG if available
3. If STEMI present, contact air transport for transfer to closest cath lab, or
4. Transport patient to nearest hospital
A. Manage and support ABC’s as necessary.
B. Titrate oxygen to maintain SaO2 ≥95%.
C. If patient is unresponsive, initiate therapeutic cooling measures with icepacks in axillae, groin, neck, and around head wrapped in a light towel. Target temperature 32 - 36° C (89.6-96.8 F)
❖ Use a Pit-Crew approach
❖ Focus on High Performance CPR
❖ Continue resuscitation on scene for a minimum of 30 minutes.
❖ Airway should be secured and IV/IO placed with minimal interruption to CPR.
❖ All medicines should be given during 2 minutes of CPR without interrupting chest compressions and should be followed by 10 ml NS flush.
❖ These instructions assume continuing VF/pVT.
❖ Each Cycle of CPR done over 2 minutes includes:
- Check Rhythm, CPR, CHARGE, CLEAR, Defibrillate – CPR x 2 minutes
❖ Rhythm Check and pulse check simultaneously.
❖ Immediately resume CPR after defibrillation, rotating compressor each round.
❖ If VF/VT:
➡ Defibrillate.
➡ Resume CPR immediately for 2 minutes or 5 cycles
➡ Give drugs immediately after defibrillation, at star of 2 minutes of CPR.
➡ Prepare next drug while performing 2 minutes of CPR.
❖ If using a manual, precharge defibrillator 15 seconds before rhythm check.
❖ Defibrillator Joule Settings: Physio Control Lifepak - 360j All shocks
A. Initiate CPR.
1. For unwitnessed arrest:
a. Give 2 min (5 cycles) of CPR and place pads
2. For witnessed arrest with downtime < 5 minutes:
a. Perform CPR while placing pads.
b. Check rhythm as soon as leads applied.
Cc. Defibrillate as soon as rhythm is determined to be shockable VF/pVT.
B. Check Rhythm – Defibrillate – CPR x 2 minutes.
C. Establish IV/IO access. Prepare Epinephrine. Perform good CPR with capnography 20 mmhg or greater.
D. Check Rhythm – Defibrillate – CPR x 2 minutes.
E. Epinephrine 1:10,000 – 1mg IV/IO. Repeat every 3 – 5 minutes.
Prepare Amiodarone.
F. Check Rhythm – Defibrillate – CPR x 2 minutes.
G. Amiodarone 300 mg IV/IO. Consider reversible causes.
H. Consider PEAD with capnography after 3 rounds of CPR
I. Bring in 2nd defibrillator if available and place pads anterior/posterior
J. Check Rhythm – Defibrillate x 1 through new monitor if available – CPR x 2 minutes. Simultaneously at each rhythm check monitor airway and capnography.
K. Epinephrine 1:10,000 – 1mg IV/IO every 3-5 minutes.
L. Check Rhythm – Defibrillate x 1 through new monitor if available – CPR x 2 minutes.
M. Amiodarone 150 mg IV/IO. (1 If Amiodarone is not available, use Lidocaine, initial dose of 1-1.5 mg/kg IV/IO. Repeat if indicated at 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg IV/IO over 5-10 min. intervals to a max. dose of 3 mg/kg)
O. Check Rhythm – Double sequential Defibrillate x 1 (2 defibrillators each set at max setting). If second defibrillator unavailable, defibrillate at max dose – CPR x 2 minutes.
P. Epinephrine 1:10,000 – 1mg IV/IO every 3-5 minutes.
Q. Check Rhythm – Repeat double sequential defibrillation until change in rhythm or ROSC.– CPR x 2 minutes.
R. If patient has return of spontaneous circulation, follow ROSC Protocol.
S. Prepare patient for transport as soon as possible. If Lucas device is available, transport with device in place. Consider consultation with OLMC.
ACLS - Non-shockable rhythm
❖ Secured and IV/IO placed with minimal interruption to CPR.
❖ All medicines should be given during 2 minutes of CPR without interrupting chest
compressions and should be followed by 10 ml NS flush.
❖ These instructions assume Asystole/PEA. If rhythm changes, switch to the appropriate
❖ Each Cycle of CPR done over 2 minutes includes:
- Check Rhythm - CPR x 2 minutes -
❖ Rhythm Check and pulse check simultaneously.
❖ Immediately resume CPR after defibrillation, rotating compressor each round. ❖ IfAsystole/PEA:
➡ Resume CPR immediately for 2 minutes or 5 cycles.
➡ Give drugs immediately at beginning of 2 minutes of CPR
➡ Prepare next drug while performing 2 minutes of CPR
➡ Confirm Asystole in two leads; increase gain to rule out fine VF; If any question of possible VF, defibrillate as per VF
A. Initiate CPR
1. For unwitnessed arrest, give 2 min (5 cycles) CPR while placing pads.
2. For witnessed arrest with downtime < 5 minutes, perform CPR while placing pads. Check rhythm as soon as leads applied.
B. Check Rhythm – CPR x 2 minutes.
C. Establish IV/IO access. Prepare Epinephrine. Perform good CPR with capnography 20 mmhg or greater.
D. Epinephrine 1:10,000 – 1mg IV/IO. Repeat every 3 – 5 minutes. In non-shockable rhythm, give epinephrine as soon as possible.
E. Check Rhythm – CPR x 2 minutes.
F. If PEA, administer fluid challenge of 2 L BSS.
G. Consider possible causes and treat as indicated:
1. Hypovolemia: establish 2 large bore IV’s/IO’s.
2. Hypoxia: Ensure adequate ventilation
3. Hyperkalemia: Albuterol, 1 unit dose (3 ml ) nebulized
4. Hypoglycemia: check blood sugar and treat as indicated.
5. Hypothermia: (See HYPOTHERMIA Protocol)
6. Tension Pneumothorax: perform unilateral or bilateral chest decompression
7. Toxins, Tamponade, Thrombosis, Trauma
H. Check Rhythm – CPR x 2 minutes.
I. Epinephrine 1:10,000 – 1mg IV/IO.
J. Consider advanced airway with capnography after 3 rounds of CPR
K. Check Rhythm – CPR x 2 minutes.
L. If patient has return of spontaneous circulation, follow ROSC Protocol.
M. Continue resuscitation efforts for at least 20 minutes. Consider termination of resuscitation efforts in field if asystole continues after 20 minutes.
Run wide open up to 2 L BSS.
ACLS Cardiac Arrest - Peds
Cardiac arrest in children is often secondary to respiratory failure. Ventilation may cause spontaneous return of cardiac function!
Ventricular Fibrillation and Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia
Follow adult cardiac arrest algorithm except as noted.
**Defibrillate in the following sequence: 2 joules/kg, 4 joules/kg and 4 joules/kg.
Substitute the following drug dosages.
1. **Epinephrine 0.01 mg/kg IV/IO ((0.1 ml/kg) NMT 1 mg (10 ml 1:10,000 IV/IO).
2. **Amiodarone 5 mg/kg IV/IO; MRx1 2.5 mg/kg
3. **Lidocaine 1.0 mg/kg IV/IO up to 3 mg/kg.
4. ****Sodium bicarbonate 1 mEq/kg (1 ml/kg) IV/IO; 0.5 mEq/kg for subsequent doses. 5. ****Magnesium sulfate 25 mg/kg IV/IO NMT 4 gm
1. **Epinephrine every 3-5 minutes.
Pulseless Electrical Activity
- ***Epinephrine every 3-5 minutes.
- Consider and treat other possible causes:
a. **Acidosis – consider sodium bicarbonate 1 mEq/kg (1 ml/kg) IV/IO.
c. *Cardiac Tamponade – immediate transport
c. **Cyclic antidepressants – consider sodium bicarbonate 1 mEq/kg (1 ml/kg) IV/IO.
d. **Hyperkalemia – consider sodium bicarbonate 1 mEq/kg IV/IO e. *Hypothermia – see Hypothermia protocol
f. **Hypovolemia – fluid challenge.
g. *Hypoxia – oxygenate and ventilate
h. *Pulmonary Embolism – immediate transport
i. **Tension Pneumothorax – needle decompression. -
Consider therapeutic hypothermia (see ROSC Protocol)
* =EMT ** = AEMT **= EMT-I/RN ** = EMT-P
ACLS - Dysrhythmias
If the patient is asymptomatic, dysrhythmias may not require treatment in the field.
I. Patients with cardiac dysrhythmias should be classified as stable or unstable. An unstable patient is one who presents with (one or more) of these signs or symptoms:
A. SBP < 100 mmhg
B. Altered mental status
C. Pale, cool, diaphoretic skin
D. Chest pain
E. Shortness of breath
F. Feeling of impending doom
G. Nausea & vomiting
II. Obtain the following history:
A. Onset and duration of symptoms
B. Is there associated chest pain or shortness of breath?
C. History of cardiopulmonary disease
D. Medications (especially cardiac and Viagra [erectile dysfunction agents])
E. Recent illness or trauma
F. Substance abuse history
G. DNR status
III. Treatment
A. Administer Oxygen
1. If SOB oxygen at 15 L/m non-rebreather mask
2. Without SOB oxygen 4-6 L/m NC
B. If patient has associated chest pain, give 324 mg (4 baby) ASA.
C. Place patient in position of comfort and reassure.
D. Have AED ready for use and follow AED protocol.
E. If patient has return of spontaneous circulation, follow ROSC
F. If patient is unable to protect airway, establish airway via PEAD.
G. Place patient on cardiac monitor.
H. Establish IV, BSS, TKO.
I. If systolic pressure falls < 100 mmHg
1. administer 250ml BSS bolus and repeat vitals.
2. Rebolus with 250 mL BSS as indicated for SBP ≤ 100 mmHg
K. If patient is having associated chest pain, follow CHEST PAIN Protocol.
L. If unable to protect airway, follow AIRWAY MANAGEMENT Protocol
ACLS - Adult Tacycardia
Adult Tachycardia
1. Start Oxygen per Airway Management protocol
2. Monitor vitals, ECG and oxygen saturation, Establish IV/IO access
3. Are S/S of poor perfusion?
A. If Yes, Patient unstable,
B. If no, patient stable
1. Obtain 12 lead ECG
A. Narrow Regular QRS
Attempt vagar maneuvers
B. Irregular
1. Narrow QRS (AFib, AFlutter, Multifocal ATach)
2. Wide QRS (WPW, AFib w/ aberrancy, Torsades)
C. Wide Regular QRS (>0.12 sec)
1. Amiodarone, 150 mg IV/IO over 10 minutes
2. Amiodarone, 150 mg IV/IO over 10 minutes
3. Lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg IV/IO
4. Lidocaine 0.75 mg/kg IV/IO, repeat q 10 min
2. Obtain post-treatment 12-lead ECG
3. Contact OLMC for advice
4. Consider contributing factors and other treatments
ACLS - Adult Bradycardia
Adult Bradycardia
- HR < 60 and inadequate for clinical condition
- Start oxygen per Airway Management procedure
- Obtain Vitals, ECG, and oxygen saturation. Establish IV/IO.
- Are S/S of poor perfusion caused by the bradycardia present?
A. If Yes, patient unstable
1. Atropine, 0.5 mg IV, repeat every 3-5 minutes to a max of 3 mg
B. If No, patient stable
1. Observe/monitor patient
2. Consider 12 lead ECG
Goal is to improve perfusion and maintain BP of 90 mmHg systolic.
ACLS - Tachycardia - Pediatrics
ACLS - Tachycardia - Pediatrics
- Start Oxygen per Airway Management protocol
- Monitor vitals, ECG and oxygen saturation, Establish IV/IO access
- Are S/S of poor perfusion?
A. If Yes, Patient unstable,
B. If no, patient stable
1. Obtain 12 lead ECG
A. Narrow Regular QRS, HR > 220 child < 2, HR>180 child 2-10, Probable SVT
1. Attempt vagal maneuvers
B. Irregular
1. Narrow QRS (AFib, AFlutter, Multifocal ATach)
2. Wide QRS (WPW, AFib w/ aberrancy, Torsades)
C. Wide Regular QRS (>0.12 sec, HR > 150)
1. Amiodarone, 150 mg IV/IO over 10 minutes
2. Amiodarone, 150 mg IV/IO over 10 minutes
3. Lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg IV/IO
4. Lidocaine 0.75 mg/kg IV/IO, repeat q 10 min
2. Obtain post-treatment 12-lead ECG
3. Contact OLMC for advice
4. Consider contributing factors and other treatments
ACLS - Bradycardia - Pediatric
- HR < 60 and inadequate for clinical condition
- Start oxygen per Airway Management procedure
- Obtain Vitals, ECG, and oxygen saturation. Establish IV/IO.
- Are S/S of poor perfusion caused by the bradycardia present?
A. If Yes, patient unstable
1. Start CPR if HR < 60 with poor perfusion, if bradycardia continues,
2. Give 1:10,000 epi 0.01 mg/kg IV/IO. Repeat q 3-5 min.
3. If increased vagal tone or AV block, consider Atropine, 0.02 mg/kg IV/IO. Minimum single dose 0.1 mg, Maximum single dose 0.5 mg. Max total dose 1 mg. Repeat every 3-5 minutes to a max of 3 mg.
B. If No, patient stable
1. Observe/monitor patient
2. Consider 12 lead ECG
3. Consider OLMC contact.
Goal is to improve perfusion and maintain BP of 90 mmHg systolic.
Abdominal Pain
❖ Abdominal pain may be the first warning of catastrophic internal bleeding (ruptured aneurysm, liver, spleen, ectopic pregnancy, perforated viscous, etc.)
❖ Since the bleeding is not apparent, you must think of volume depletion and monitor the patient closely to recognize shock.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EMR/EMT CARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A. Start O2. Follow Airway Management protocol.
B. Place patient in comfortable position.
C. Do not allow the patient to eat or drink.
D. Obtain vital signs frequently
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AEMT CARE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A. IV BSS TKO or Saline lock.
B. Administer fluid bolus if symptomatic and B/P < 90 mmHg. See Shock protocol.
C. ECG Monitor.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EMT-I/RN/EMT-P CARE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
D. Pain medications may be administered in non-traumatic abdominal pain