Protocols Flashcards
1) What kind of equipment can you use to administer oxygen?
1) Nasal Cannula
2) Administering Oxygen (cont’d)
2) Oxygen Mask
3) Administering Oxygen (cont’d)
3) Venturi Mask
4) Administering Oxygen (cont’d)
4) Partial Rebreather Mask
5) Administering Oxygen (cont’d)
5) Non-rebreathing mask
–What is the objective for Hyperinflation Therapy Protocol?
To prevent or treat alveolar consolidation and atelectasis
1) What are the common modalities used for the Hyperinflation Therapy Protocol?
1) Cough & deep breathing. (C & DB)
2) Hyperinflation Protocol (cont’d)
2) Incentive Spirometry (IS)
3) Hyperinflation Protocol (cont’d)
4) Hyperinflation Protocol (cont’d)
5) Hyperinflation Protocol (cont’d)
–What is the objective for Bronchial Hygiene Therapy Protocol?
To increase mobilization of bronchial secretions
1) What are the treatment modalities for the Bronchial Hygiene Therapy Protocol?
1) Increased bronchial hydration (6-10 glasses of water/day)
a) Bronchial Hygiene (cont’d)
a) Bland aerosol therapy
b) Bronchial Hygiene (cont’d)
b) Ultrasonic nebulization (USN)
2) Bronchial Hygiene (cont’d)
2) Cough & deep breathing (C & DB)
A) Bronchial Hygiene (cont’d)
A) Techniques used to enhance cough & deep breathing
B) Bronchial Hygiene (cont’d)
C) Bronchial Hygiene (cont’d)
D) Bronchial Hygiene (cont’d)
D) Positive expiratory pressure (PEP)
3) Bronchial Hygiene (cont’d)
3) CPT
4) B. H. (Cont’d) = (Bronchial Hygiene)
4) PD
5) B. H. (Cont’d)
5) Percussion & vibration with PD
6) B. H. (Cont’d)
6) Suctioning
7) B. H. (Cont’d)
7) Mucolytic therapy
A) B. H. (Cont’d)
A) Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
B) B. H. (Cont’d)
B) Pulmozyme
C) B. H. (Cont’d)
C) Sodium Bicarbonate (2% solution)
8) B. H. (Cont’d)
8) Assist doctor in bronchoscopy.
–What is the objective for the Bronchodilator Therapy Protocol?
To induce bronchial smooth muscle relaxation
1) What are the treatment modalities for the Bronchodilator Protocol?
(Via metered dose inhaler (MDI), hand-held nebulizer, or
1) Sympathomimetic bronchodilator therapy
a) Bronchodilator Protocol (cont’d)
a) Albuterol (Proventil or Ventolin)
b) Bronchodilator Protocol (cont’d)
b) Terbutaline (Brethine or Brethaire)
2) Bronchodilator Protocol (cont’d)
2) Parasympathetic bronchodilator therapy
a) Bronchodilator Protocol (cont’d)
a) Atropine Sulfate
b) Bronchodilator Protocol (cont’d)
b) Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent)
1) What does the “S” in SOAP stand for?
1) SUBJECTIVE: What pt says about his/her feelings, concerns, or sensations.
Ex: “I coughed hard all night”
Ex: “My chest feels very tight”
2) What does the “O” mean?
2) OBJECTIVE: It is data the RT can: measure, factually describe, or obtain from other clinical reports or tests results (i, e; HR, RR, BP, T, BS, ABG, Cough effort, x-Rays, etc)
3) The “A”?
3) ASSESSMENT: RT’s professional conclusion about the ‘causes’ of subjective & objective data
4) Finally the “P”?
4) PLAN: Procedure(s) chosen to treat causes id’d in assess of pt (S&O)–EX: Cause of bronch smooth muscle constrict = justifies bronchodilator. EX:Cause of Acute Vent Fail=justifies Mech Vent
–What is the objective of the Oxygen Therapy Protocol?
To treat hypoxia, decrease the WOB, and decrease myocardial work.